I was excited to sign an old friend to my card on February 4th. I am proud to have Kimala with us that evening. I was his first manager when he broke into the business back in 1978, and here we are in 2006. Have we came full circle or not?
I spent some time last evening down at our Training Center, and that is probably what I am enjoying the most these days. Passing the torch on to the new generation of ring talent. The personal satisfaction is tremendous.
Granddaughter Grace is sick again. This flu-like stuff going around is brutal. Dianna is taking care of her for the second day in a row at their home. That leaves 'ol PP3 home alone with the 3 sausage dogs. It does give me some quiet time to do my 'rasslin promotin'.
There really isn't a lot of news to report. I just hope all of you are having a good week. I look forward to seeing all my friends in The Florida Panhandle on Saturday night at 8pm, in Chipley with The American Wrestling Federation.
God Bless!