About Me

- Percy Pringle III - Paul Bearer
- Since 2005, and over 800 entries, the orginal purpose of this BLOG has never changed. I consider it to be a personal letter from me to my extended family of fans, supporters, and friends. I ALWAYS encourage your emails, comments, suggestions, and questions. Be Blessed! ~Percy
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
RIP - Coretta Scott King

Monday, January 30, 2006
Saturday, January 28, 2006

Our GULF SOUTH WRESTLING event last night was fantastic! You can see the results and some pictures on the website today.
As always, we appreciate your support!
Have a fine weekend.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Senior Bowl Week and stuff....

I apologize for my BLOG being in a rut for the past couple of weeks. It's really been the same old thing, and I hate to get on here and just blab on and on about nothing. I don't want to waste your time.
I continue to be busy with my Gulf South Wrestling group, and you would be surprised how much time I devote to it's endeavors. It is a beautiful day along the Gulf of Mexico, you wouldn't believe it's January around here. It's Tuesday, and that means another night at our Training school.
Take care!

Thursday, January 19, 2006
Bloody Thursday...

It's Thursday, that means another evening at the GULF SOUTH WRESTLING Training Center. If you live in our area, and want to see what we're doing, just give us a shout.
I spent the majority of the day, after visiting Dracula, checking out some banner designers. We are preparing to order some aprons with our GSW logo for our ring, as well as some other signage. Our little company certainly is on a roll.
Tomorrow afternoon I will be addressing over 700 students at the high school where we will be presenting our event at on February 4th. A portion of each ticket sold goes to the school, and I am enjoying working with all the fine folks in north Mobile County.
Take care, my friends.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Howdy-Doody Pringle-lites.... LOL
I hope you all had a fine 3-day weekend. Notwithstanding a bit of rain, it's still fairly quiet along our Gulf Coast today. There's not a bunch of news to share with you. My world is still centered on GULF SOUTH WRESTLING these days, as I've told you I have several events lined up. Tonight we will be down at our TrainingCenter, as we usually are 2-3 evenings a week. Tickets for what could be my biggest event to date went on sale today. We have a fine card booked, and I am confident that we will do well. I have some great people surrounding me with their support.
Of course, there's you all that make it a point to visit here on a regular basis. You folks are the best!
Take care!

Saturday, January 14, 2006
MLK Day and other weekend notes...

It's the weekend my friends, and for many of you it's 3-days, celebrating the memory of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I hope the weather in your part of the country is as beautiful as it is here along our Gulf Coast.
I am leaving for the Florida Panhandle in the next few hours, as I will be appearing in Chipley, FL at 8:00 pm this evening, with The American Wrestling Federation. I always enjoy my trips over to Chipley, and a chance to see all of my friends in that area.
Speaking of friends, I had a rare opportunity to go out last evening and visit with Jack Daniels and karaoke. I think I remember crooning a few George Jones songs. hehee... And I am wondering why my head aches this morning. Thank The Good Lord I don't have to drive to Florida, as I am a passenger today.
My GULF SOUTH WRESTLING cards for January 27th, February 4, and February 17 are really taking shape. If you live in our area, I invite you to come out and say "Howdy!"
Take care!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Percy The Promoter

I was excited to sign an old friend to my card on February 4th. I am proud to have Kimala with us that evening. I was his first manager when he broke into the business back in 1978, and here we are in 2006. Have we came full circle or not?
I spent some time last evening down at our Training Center, and that is probably what I am enjoying the most these days. Passing the torch on to the new generation of ring talent. The personal satisfaction is tremendous.
Granddaughter Grace is sick again. This flu-like stuff going around is brutal. Dianna is taking care of her for the second day in a row at their home. That leaves 'ol PP3 home alone with the 3 sausage dogs. It does give me some quiet time to do my 'rasslin promotin'.
There really isn't a lot of news to report. I just hope all of you are having a good week. I look forward to seeing all my friends in The Florida Panhandle on Saturday night at 8pm, in Chipley with The American Wrestling Federation.
God Bless!
Sunday, January 08, 2006

Saturday, January 07, 2006
Weekend Wanderings...

Howdy Doody Pringle-lites!
Welcome to the weekend. I apologize, but I've been so busy with my Gulf South Wrestling business that my BLOG here has taken a backseat recently. I have events booked for January 27th, February 4th and 17th, and a unique happening on February 25th.
Born and raised in Mobile, and around Mardi Gras all of my life, I always thought how cool it would be to have wrestling in a Mardi Gras Parade. Well... they say be careful what you wish for. It's gonna' happen on February 25th, at 12:45 PM in downtown Mobile during the Knights Of Mobile Parade. Our Gulf South Wrestling ring will be floating down the streets with actual matches going on. Imagine that, as far as I know it's the first time in Mardi Gras history.
It was in the 80's earlier in the week, last night it got down to the high 20's. That's the price you pay to live in "God's Country." It has also been making a bunch of folks sick around here too.
I had an independent booking tonight in the Florida panhandle, but it was moved to next Saturday. So... it looks like it's going to be a quiet weekend around here. Notwithstanding that tomorrow is my youngest's 19th birthday. Mercy... I am an old fart.
I wish you all a fine weekend, and we will catch up with you soon!
God Bless.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
14 Years Ago Today...

I've received so many blessing during my lifetime. At the top of the list are my friends. On this date in 1992, Ralph Pulley, one of my dearest buddies passed away. Ralph worked for Fritz Von Erich and Company for many years as an announcer, referee, singer, and basically a jack-of-all-trades. To say that he became one of my family members is an understatement. He played a very valuable part in my two sons lives when they were extremely young. He was their "Uncle" Ralph.
During my roughest times in the business right before I signed with WWF/WWE in December 1990, good 'ol Ralph was always there for us. No matter if it was bringing us a turkey on Thanksgiving, or just lifting us up in his prayers and his beaming smile. He was my friend, and I miss him today. I'll never forget you!
God Bless.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Black Eye Peas, Cornbread, in a Cotton Bowl

Don't forget, ALABAMA plays Texas Tech in The Cotton Bowl tomorrow morning at 10:00 am (central) on The Fox Network. I'll be in front of the tube for sure!
