HAPPY MARDI GRAS to all! It's a big deal in our part of the country and you can watch live streaming television coverage almost all day from my hometown (the birthplace of Mardi Gras) Mobile, AL just by clicking on this link: LIVE STREAMING MOBILE, ALABAMA MARDI GRAS COVERAGE
There will be almost 200,000 folks on the streets of Mobile today. I usually go to the parades during the two-weeks building up to this big day, but I usually don't get down in the middle of it all today.
I am still having FACEBOOK issues. Many of you already know my personal page and fan page got hacked and is permanently gone. I have started a new personal page for my family, personal friends and business associates; but still trying to decide what to do about the Fan Page I had. Just beware of all the posers and fakes out there, several trying to imitate me using different names.
I still do TWITTER, so please follow me there if you play that. FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER
Have a great Mardi Gras!
Be Blessed.
About Me

- Percy Pringle III - Paul Bearer
- Since 2005, and over 800 entries, the orginal purpose of this BLOG has never changed. I consider it to be a personal letter from me to my extended family of fans, supporters, and friends. I ALWAYS encourage your emails, comments, suggestions, and questions. Be Blessed! ~Percy