Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Vacation... July 4th... and more...

For the first time in a number of years Dianna and I are driving to Ohio for her Family Reunion. We are planning to be gone for at least a week, however we are not tying ourselves down to any schedule. I am planning on taking my laptop with me, other than working on my autobiography as Dianna drives (yeah... right), I am going to try to stay as Internet free as possible. I will certainly check my email at times.
I wish you and yours a very Happy 4th of July!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Happy Birthday Sissy !

My little sister Joan Marie, and I hamming-it-up in one of those classic photo booths back in the day. I guess I must have been about 4 years old here, that would make "Sissy" only 3. Bless her heart!

Well... if you haven't had the pleasure of hitting one of those age milestones in your life, just standby, your time is coming. It doesn't matter if it's 18, 21, 30, 40, 50, 60, or 90... it's all in your head. It's true.

Today is my Sister's 50th Birthday. She is a regular reader of my BLOG, and even used to post now and then at the old "Dynasty" Message Board. I think she's even the one who talked my parents into getting a computer so they could read what William is telling the world about our Family.

I've been torturing her since the day she came home from the hospital, and I have no plans to change now. That's what big brothers are for. Right?


Monday, June 27, 2005

PB Cemented One Year Ago Today

One year ago on this date, the Paul Bearer character was buried in a concrete crypt at the GREAT AMERICAN BASH, in Norfolk, VA.

These photos are not screen captures. They were taken by a friend with a digital camera as the actual "cementing" took place, and are a part of my personal collection. Here I am waiting patiently for the pouring to begin. I think the look on my face in both photos speak for themselves. It was a very emotional situation for me, and dangerous as well. Of course there were some safeguards in case of an accident, fortunately they didn't have to be used. The wet mixture was actually dumped on me. One thing that does stand out in my memory is how heavy the stuff was.

Other than the "Buried Alive" matches, and "Boiler Room Brawl," that The Undertaker had in the past years, I have been asked more about this event than any other storyline in my 13+ year association with WWE. I have never revealed the complete details of PB's burial in concete. I'm certain it will have a place in my upcoming autobiography.

Thanks For The Memories!

Friday, June 24, 2005

What Day Is It?

Yep, that's what I thought. It's finally Friday!

It's been a quiet week. However. things will speed up again beginning tonight. There's an independent show tonight, and tomorrow evening as well. Both events are located in small communities in the Mobile area. Namely, the promotions are: AWF - Alabama Wrestling Federation, and ACW - American Championship Wrestling. I have attended many of their events in the past, and I am certainly looking forward to two fine shows. The promoters and talents really bust their butts out there. I enjoy lending my encouragement when I have the opportunity.

Then on Sunday afternoon, my family and friends are celebrating the 50th birthday of my Sister Joan Marie. We're gathering at my parents house, and if turns out anything like my 50th last year, it's a Moody Family tradition.

Once again, I am encouraging you to email me your best and worst memories of Percy Pringle III and Paul Bearer. Many of you already know that I have delved into my autobiography in earnest, and your messages certainly mean a lot to me. Some of your memories have really jogged my mind, or what's left of it. If you care to share your memories with me, I would enjoy hearing from you at:

Take care!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


The WWE released the following statement yesterday regarding the new "Legends Program" that I am excited about, and certainly proud to be a part.

WWE Legends Program Gives Former Professional Wrestling Heroes New Life and WWE New Product

STAMFORD, Conn.--June 20, 2005--World Wrestling Entertainment(R) (WWE) intends to give its superstar legends of yesteryear new life and, at the same time, provide retailers and licensees with an infusion of new product with the formal introduction of its new WWE(R) Legends initiative at the national Licensing Show this week.

"WWE has a tremendous heritage on television, in the licensing industry, at retail and, most importantly, with our fans," said Donna Goldsmith, Senior Vice President, Consumer Products. "Our fans have been clamoring for us to do more with their favorite wrestlers of the past, and the WWE Legends initiative is intended to do just that. Through apparel, action figures, video games, DVDs, collectables, and other licensed products, WWE reminds our fans of our great heritage and those great members of the professional wrestling industry who remain their heroes."

The WWE Legends initiative began informally with the introduction of WWE's new subscription video on demand (SVOD) service, WWE 24/7(TM) -- which is, and will be, distributed by cable, telephony, and satellite partners worldwide -- and through the use of the massive video library WWE has amassed over the past several years in career retrospective DVDs, such as The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection and The Rise + Fall of ECW, both of which are among the best-selling DVDs in WWE history.

With more than 25 professional wrestling greats signed on to the Legends initiative, such as "Rowdy" Roddy Piper(TM), Jerry "The King Lawler(TM), and "Superstar" Billy Graham(TM), WWE is now ready to start issuing licensed merchandise at retail. WWE issued its first official Legends DVD, Greatest Wrestling Stars of the '80's, this month. In the next several months, there will be Legends action figures, apparel, books, and more DVDs. The Legends themselves will be out promoting a wide range of WWE activities, including WWE 24/7. Also in the works are Legends fantasy weekends where the fans will have a chance to reminisce with their favorite WWE Legend.

Goldsmith indicated that the Legends initiative could have a far reaching impact for the company. "If we can rekindle in the minds of casual and lapsed wrestling fans why they loved the WWE by reconnecting them with their pop culture icons, then we have a chance at getting them more involved in the current television programs, Pay-Per-View television events, and products that we offer," she said. "Sometimes you need to remind people of your past to get them to be part of your future."

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: WWE) is an integrated media and entertainment company headquartered in Stamford, Conn., with offices in New York City, Los Angeles, Toronto and London. Additional information on the company can be found at and

Trademarks: The names of all World Wrestling Entertainment televised and live programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans and wrestling moves and all World Wrestling Entertainment logos are trademarks which are the exclusive property of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains forward-looking statements pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include the conditions of the markets for live events, broadcast television, cable television, pay-per-view, Internet, entertainment, professional sports, and licensed merchandise; acceptance of the Company's brands, media and merchandise within those markets; uncertainties relating to litigation; risks associated with producing live events both domestically and internationally; uncertainties associated with international markets; risks relating to maintaining and renewing key agreement, including television distribution agreement; and other risks and factors set forth from time to time in Company filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results could differ materially from those currently expected or anticipated. In addition to these risks and uncertainties, our dividend is based on a number of factors, including our liquidity and historical and projected cash flow, strategic plan, our financial results and condition, contractual and legal restrictions on the payment of dividends and such other factors as our board of directors may consider relevant.

Have a fine Tuesday!

Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Monday, June 20, 2005

"GENERAL STORE" OPEN and more...

Our Granddaughter "Gracie" at our Family's Fathers Day Bar-B-Que yesterday afternoon. Grace will turn 1-year old next month. In this photo she seems to be practicing for that big birthday cake eating event on July 26th.

Thanks to Webmaster Kurt Nielsen, our website has a brand new look this morning. Yep, that's me on the splash page alright, walking one of our three Dachshunds in the L.A. (lower Alabama) summer heat. I am also pleased to announce the Grand Opening of "Percy's General Store." I get autograph requests quite often from visitors here, now for the first time you can order either a color picture, black and white, or both if you so desire, personalized from my own hand. Unfortunately we do not have any plans of offering on-line shopping at this time. All orders must be completed by mail, and paid with money orders in U.S funds only. Questions, ideas, and suggestions may be sent to:

Thanks and have a great week!

Sunday, June 19, 2005


My wishes go out to all of the Fathers out there on this special day. Especially my own Dad, and my oldest Son Michael, Father of our Grandaughter Grace. We're going to celebrate with a small family bar-b-que this afternoon at my home.


Saturday, June 18, 2005

HAPPY BIRTHDAY "Plowboy" Kurt !

Our wishes go out today to's Webmaster, Cauliflower Alley Club Board Member, talented artist, and I'm proud to say my dear friend Kurt Nielsen. By looking at this photo, one may wonder what does Otis Campbell, Foster Brooks, and Kurt Niesen have in common? Hmmmm... I wonder. Anyway... a birthday toast to "The Plowboy!"

You may share your birthday wishes directly with Kurt by emailing him
Have a great weekend!
Remember tomorrow is Father's Day.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Nostalgia... and just plain stuff.


For my friends reading this that are around my age, give or take a couple of years. I promise you that it will be worth your time to click on the "REMEMBER WHEN" hyperlink above. It will take you back on a nice memory trip, that you will enjoy. I rarely forward or post things of this nature, but this one is certainly heart touching, at least it was for me. I would like to thank my dear friend Bill Anderson from out on the "left coast" for sending this to me. Big Bill is a legendary wrestler/trainer/promoter out west.

Not too much news today. Except for the heat. We had 106 degree heat index yesterday, the same is expected for today. We had a horrible thunderstorm last night around 9-10 pm, with hail and 50 mile an hour winds, notwithstanding the lightening. Our electricity kept going on and off for about 2 hours. I guess I'm just getting too damn old. Speaking of old, if you have visited my new website calendar, you will see that this Saturday, June 18, is my webmaster and friend, "Plowboy" Kurt Neilsen's birthday. I'm sure 'ol Kurtie would love some birthday wishes from you. Give him a shout at:

Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Take care, my friends. Tomorrow is Friday!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Website Calendar

You may have noticed that we added my Calendar to the splash page of This will come in handy as July 10th rapidly approaches. I will pencil in dates that are important to me, as well as wrestling events along the Gulf Coast, and my personal bookings as well. I will also continue to make note of these dates right here in my BLOG as I usually do. You can check out my new Calendar by clicking on the link below.
Percy's Calendar
Yahoo! Calendar

Have a great day!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Serene Arlene... and more ramblings.

The first tropical storm of the 2005 season made a short visit to our Gulf Coast over the weekend. Many prayers were answered as there were no injuries, deaths, or major damage to report. The only inconvenience from "serene" Arlene around the Moody household was rain, and we can cope with that anytime. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that the rest of the season will keep everyone in the hurricane regions of our country safe and sound.

I can't thank you folks enough for all of the kind emails I continue to receive. Many are surprised that they get a personal reply from me. That's the only way I do buisness. I pride myself in the fact that I read and answer ALL of my email. Your memories and ideas for my upcoming autobiography are appreciated, and continued to be welcome by emailing me at:

I attended an independent event, namely SCCW-Suncoast Championship Wrestling, last evening in a small Mississippi community just west of Mobile. I took the drive with my cousin "Marvelous" Marcel Pringle, who squared of against "The Bullet" Bob Armstrong. It's always a pleasure to see my dear friend, Bob. One of his sons, Steve, was also on the card. The guys worked hard, and it was my pleasure to speak with many of the performers there regarding the state of the independent scene in our area, and what the future may hold in store for us. That's right, I said "US" as I plan on becoming a vital part of Gulf Wrestling as I enter a new direction in my career. Legit promoters who are interested in my services may contact me by clicking on "BOOKING" located on the splash page of

On a more serious note that also concerns independent wrestling in our Gulf Coast area. I spoke with independent star John Saxon over the weekend. He updated me on the condition of his 16-year old son, Sean. Sean was critically injured in a diving accident last summer, and remains paralyzed. Ground Zero Pro Wrestling will hold a benefit event for Sean on Saturday, July 9th, at 8:00 pm. The show will be located in North Biloxi, Mississippi at The Joppa Shrine Temple. The Temple is easy to find, just north of Interstate 10, exit 41, which is Highway 67. Already signed for the card are: Kevin Northcutt, Buff Bagwell, John Saxon, Sonny Siaki, Terry Bryant, Traveon, Rip Steele, Lord Humongus, Steve Anthony, Chad Cheetum, Bull Garrett, Kent truth, "Marvelous" Marcel Pringle, Steve Masters, Aeon Flexx, and many more. There will also be a 20-man Battle Royal. I am proud to say that I will also be on hand to "do the right thing" for Sean Saxon.

It's Monday!
Have a great week, my friends.

Saturday, June 11, 2005


To say that I am overwhelmed at the response to my announcement in yesterday's BLOG is no less than an understatement. received more "hits" yesterday in it's 3-year history. Even more than the evening of WRESTLEMANIA-XX, when Paul Bearer returned with The Undertaker. You just don't know how much I appreciate you folks that take the time to visit me here. You are the very reason that I am so proud of what I do.

I asked for your input regarding the future publishing of my autobiography. Some of your memories really jogged my own memory. I would still love to hear from you with your favorite and even not-so-favorite memory of Paul Bearer and/or Percy Pringle III. I was caught off guard by an email from my "brother" Michael Hayes, the Original Freebird. He added a memory of his own that I would never forget, and I will certainly include in the book. Please feel free to send your thoughts and memories to me at:

I pride myself in the fact that I personally read and answer ALL of my email. However, please remember that Tropical Storm Arlene is pounding our Gulf Coast area as I type, with winds of 70 miles an hour. Just 4 miles an hour short of becoming a hurricane. My attention to my mailbox might be delayed a bit.

Promoters interested in contacting me regarding my services at their independent wrestling events, seminars, autograph sessions, etc., may email me at:

Please be prepared to furnish detailed information about your promotion and events, as only serious inquiries will be considered.

Thanks again my friends, and have a fine weekend.


Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Friday, June 10, 2005


Many of you are already aware that my talent contract with World Wrestling Entertainment will end one month from today, on July 10th. I have been contracted with WWE for 13-years, which has truly been a blessing both professionally and personally. Without a doubt, I have been allowed to stand in the shadows of the giants of our industry.

I am pleased to announce that my ties with WWE are far from being over, as I signed a multi-year deal with the company this week. This unique agreement is part of WWE's new "Legends Program." The company will continue to market the Paul Bearer character including but not limited to classic action figures, DVDs, WWE 24/7 Video On Demand, as well as the publishing of my autobiography. It is very possible that a wrestling legend Percy Pringle action figure will also be available. I will be making personal appearances, autograph sessions etc., for the company. The possibilities are endless.

Another exciting part of this new agreement is that while continuing to maintain strong bonds with WWE, I will be allowed to work outside the company. For the first time in many years I am now free to accept independent bookings, including wrestling reunions and the like. It is a win-win situation for me, and for my fans and friends as well.

Promoters interested in my services may contact me at:

I am working on my autobiography in earnest now, and I would appreciate your help. I invite you to email me with your favorite and maybe not so favorite memories of Paul Bearer and/or Percy Pringle III. You may also include suggestions as to what you would, or wouldn't like to see in my book. Because of my fans and supporters I have enjoyed a vast 30-year career in the business, and I truly value your input. There are many wrestling related books out there, and I want my autobiography to be as unique as the characters I have portrayed. Please email your memories to:

Thanks so much for your support, and I am looking forward to this new direction in my career.
Take care and God Bless,

Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Thursday, June 09, 2005


The National Weather Service has warned our Gulf Coast area that the first tropical storm of the season, namely Arlene, is headed our way. I guess we are getting the 2005 season off with a bang, as many area residents are still recovering from Hurricane Ivan this past fall. From many years of living on the coast we know that anything can happen with these storms, as things change quickly. As Arlene enters The Gulf Of Mexico's warm waters her chances of strengthening are great. I ask that you keep us in your prayers, as well as anyone who lives in a hurricane prone area of our country this season.

I am planning a major announcement here tomorrow regarding my future plans after July 10th.
All of my loyal fans and supporters should be as excited as I am about this news. Don't Miss It!

Until tomorrow,

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Off The Soapbox...

I wish I had the writing talent and the proper vocabulary to tell you about the numerous emails that I have received in reponse to my BLOG entry yesterday. I must say that they were all positive, and a couple of them came directly from close friends of young Danny Quirk. I would like to clarify one thing. When I used the term "idiot" in yesterdays commentary, I WAS NOT refering to Danny. I was speaking of the idiot that I saw in an opening match at a local Gulf Coast independent event. I'm sorry if anyone interpreted my statement in that context.

Like I said, I didn't know Danny. But, I know much more about him today than yesterday, thanks to his friends. It seems that we shared a common bond, a common passion for pro wrestling. Many of you already know how much I love my business of professional wrestling, and that I visit countless independent events in my home area. I am publically making it my personal crusade to do what I can to sit some of these young ring performers under the proverbial "learning tree" when I see them do something that is wrong. It is my duty. It is time to give back some of the many lessons that I have learned the hard way during my 30-years in the industry. Danny's untimely death, and the many injuries that are plaguing our up and coming wrestlers should not be in vain.

If you desire a future in the ring, you MUST get it the right way. I know what it is like, as I had the same exact dreams these young folks have today. I know what it's like to give up everything you own just to pay to play the game. All I ask is that you use some common sense and follow your heart. If wrestling is for you, it will happen. Just don't expect it to happen over night. Many are called, but few are chosen. Positions within our business are very limited. Please be safe out there.

Every now and then I feel it necessary to reiterate the purpose of my BLOG here. It is that time once again. You see, when I sit down at this computer keyboard and type, I tell it straight from the heart. I refuse to pull any punches, and just tell it like I see it. It doesn't matter if I write about my Granddaughter, the passing of a past President, the weather, my weight loss, or a controversial topic such as today's independent wrestling scene. My BLOG is my personal letter to my fans and supporters out there. If you are not in that category you are reading someone else's mail, and that's a crime in my book.

I sincerely appreciate each and everyone of you, and I will continue to make updates here as long as I have something to say. I have some exciting news about my future that I will share with you very soon. Stay tuned.

Take care and God Bless.

Monday, June 06, 2005

On The Soapbox Again...

The following ramble and rant has been on my mind for about a week now. When I feel that I must speak out on a subject, I usually do my best not to talk business in a public forum such as this. However, in this case it cannot be avoided. I am speaking directly to all of you guys and gals out there that call yourselves professional wrestlers, and those of you that want to be called by that moniker.

It doesn't matter if you are a Plumber, Dentist, Candle Maker, or Indian Chief, after 30-years in any business you develop a sort of wisdom for your trade. It is your obligation to pass on this "wisdom" to those that you meet climbing the ladder, as you climb your way back down from the top. The following news story is what prompted my homily here today.

The Associated Press Tuesday, May 31, 2005
TAUNTON, Mass. - A 22-year-old professional wrestler has died after he landed on his head during a match at an American Legion post here. Authorities said Daniel Quirk, of Shelton, Conn., was outside the ring when he attempted to catch another wrestler diving from the top rope. Quirk was knocked off his feet and hit his head on the floor.

This young man's death was totally unnecessary. It is so surprising to me that this type of horrible accident doesn't happen more often, considering the state of independent wrestling today. I don't care what part of the country you live in, you can witness these accidents about to happen virtually everyday. Friday night, one week ago, I saw it again for myself. There were three kids, and yes they were kids dressed up like wrestlers, in an opening match of a gulf coast independent promoter. As soon as the bell rang, there they went into a so called "three-way dance." They did everything but the proverbial kitchen sink. At one point, one of them executed the same move that killed Daniel Quirk. This idiot, yes there's is no other term to use and I do not apologize, went to the top rope and turned a complete 360 degree flip not into the ring but outside onto the concrete floor! Thank The Dear Lord his friends were there to break his fall this time. I almost had a heart attack.

EDIT TUESDAY 6/7/05 - Let me clarify one thing. When I said "idiot" in the paragraph above, I WAS NOT speaking of young Mr. Quirk. I was speaking of the idiot I saw in the opening match of a local Gulf Coast independent event. I apologize if anyone interpreted it in that context. If you read my update on today's BLOG, maybe you will understand what I am trying to say here a bit better. Thanks. ~PP3

First of all, you don't open the show with a match such as that. I am not going into the reasons why here, because we would be here the rest of the day. Just because you can get yourself a wrestling outfit, and find somebody that will allow you on their show and perform for free, you call yourself a "wrestler." Do you think that promoter would take care of you and your family if you got hurt or killed? Please... let's wake up.

Just because I can go out and buy myself a white coat and a stethoscope, doesn't allow me to call myself a Doctor. I may have a box of tools, and my ass crack may show above my blue jeans, but I'm certainly not a plumber. Do you follow my reasoning? The promoters are just as much to blame as the "wrestlers." If I was running a show and someone told me that they would wrestle for free, I would tell them to find the door. You get what you pay for.

You all point your finger towards Stamford, CT. Look at your hand when you point, as you have three fingers pointing right back at yourself. Independent wrestling is the grass roots of our industry. It must be protected. Where will the next superstars come from?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not writing about all independent promoters. There are many good ones out there that respect our business and it's performers. They know who they are. It's the bad ones out there, that find a ring, put it in a high school gym or such, and sell tickets to their "professional wrestling" show. Buyer Beware!

I think I will stop now, my blood pressure is high enough. If just one of you young ring stars out there gets the picture that I am trying to paint for you, this tirade has been worth it. If wrestling is for you, hang in there and reach for the stars. Get the proper training from a legit professional, and NEVER put your life on the line to benefit anybody, especially a self-proclaimed "rasslin" promoter.

My thoughts go out to the family and friends of Daniel Quirk. May God Bless his soul.

Take care, my friends.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Ronald Reagan Died On This Date

President Ronald Reagan

I didn't plan to write here today, in fact I've been able to stay away from the computer all weekend, until now. I just noticed on my desk calendar that Ronald Reagan passed away on this date one year ago. That hardly seems possible, does it? He was indeed one my favorites.

Dianna and I stopped by my parents after church this morning for a visit. It just happened that my brother happened by about the same time. On the way home we hit Gracie's place, she just began crawling and now she's up on her feet trying to walk. Bless her heart. Everybody is doing well.

Have a beautiful Sunday!

Friday, June 03, 2005

Memories Of My Grandfather

Harry Webster Moody, Sr.

My Paternal Grandfather Harry W. Moody Sr., passed away on this date in 1963 at the age of 49, of a massive heart attack. He was only about a month and half short of his 50th birthday. It boggles my mind to think that I am now 51, and that I was 9 years old at the time of his death. His passing had a tremendous impact on my future. You see my "Paw-Paw's" death was my first experience with the loss of a loved one. When I walked into that funeral home for the first time I was in awe of the environment and of funeral traditions themselves. What really chiseled my future in Mortuary Service in stone was the assasination of President John F. Kennedy just 5-months later in November. At that young age I knew that I was going to be a Funeral Director. Who would have ever guessed that thirteen years later, I would be working in that very same funeral home that my Grandfather's services were held from.

I have many fond memories of my "Paw-Paw," even though I only spent 9 short years around him. He loved to fish, and a sip of the brew now and then as well. I can recall a couple of fishing trips that he took me with him down on Mobile Bay. He said I could have all of the candy and ice cream that I wanted if I didn't tell my Grandma ("Nanny") that he had some cold ones to drink. Well, the screen door on my "Nanny's" back porch didn't hit me in the butt before I stooged him off. He knew I would anyway, I was his first grandchild, I knew that he loved me.

I can still see him sitting on an old stool under a chinaberry tree in their backyard whittling on a piece of wood, or making a fish net by hand. He carved me a pop-gun one time, so I could shoot the berries of the china tree. I remember breaking it, and hiding it in a dresser drawer because I didn't want him to know that I had ruined his hard work. I am so blessed that I had a relationship with both grandparents on my Mom and Dad's side of the family. Grandparents are so important to a child's development. I know Dianna and I will always be here for our Gracie.

Well... I got back on track this morning after dealing with dental problems for a week. I got my walking started again, even though it was already 85 degrees when I hit the park. I even got all three of our Dachshunds bathed. It's like a sausage assembly line, but they are really good about it.

Time to check the email, and the latest 'rasslin news. Tonight we head to The Biloxi Grand Casino to see John Michael Montgomery. It should be a good one. Take care my friends, and have a safe weekend.
