Friday, June 03, 2005

Memories Of My Grandfather

Harry Webster Moody, Sr.

My Paternal Grandfather Harry W. Moody Sr., passed away on this date in 1963 at the age of 49, of a massive heart attack. He was only about a month and half short of his 50th birthday. It boggles my mind to think that I am now 51, and that I was 9 years old at the time of his death. His passing had a tremendous impact on my future. You see my "Paw-Paw's" death was my first experience with the loss of a loved one. When I walked into that funeral home for the first time I was in awe of the environment and of funeral traditions themselves. What really chiseled my future in Mortuary Service in stone was the assasination of President John F. Kennedy just 5-months later in November. At that young age I knew that I was going to be a Funeral Director. Who would have ever guessed that thirteen years later, I would be working in that very same funeral home that my Grandfather's services were held from.

I have many fond memories of my "Paw-Paw," even though I only spent 9 short years around him. He loved to fish, and a sip of the brew now and then as well. I can recall a couple of fishing trips that he took me with him down on Mobile Bay. He said I could have all of the candy and ice cream that I wanted if I didn't tell my Grandma ("Nanny") that he had some cold ones to drink. Well, the screen door on my "Nanny's" back porch didn't hit me in the butt before I stooged him off. He knew I would anyway, I was his first grandchild, I knew that he loved me.

I can still see him sitting on an old stool under a chinaberry tree in their backyard whittling on a piece of wood, or making a fish net by hand. He carved me a pop-gun one time, so I could shoot the berries of the china tree. I remember breaking it, and hiding it in a dresser drawer because I didn't want him to know that I had ruined his hard work. I am so blessed that I had a relationship with both grandparents on my Mom and Dad's side of the family. Grandparents are so important to a child's development. I know Dianna and I will always be here for our Gracie.

Well... I got back on track this morning after dealing with dental problems for a week. I got my walking started again, even though it was already 85 degrees when I hit the park. I even got all three of our Dachshunds bathed. It's like a sausage assembly line, but they are really good about it.

Time to check the email, and the latest 'rasslin news. Tonight we head to The Biloxi Grand Casino to see John Michael Montgomery. It should be a good one. Take care my friends, and have a safe weekend.
