Monday, June 13, 2005

Serene Arlene... and more ramblings.

The first tropical storm of the 2005 season made a short visit to our Gulf Coast over the weekend. Many prayers were answered as there were no injuries, deaths, or major damage to report. The only inconvenience from "serene" Arlene around the Moody household was rain, and we can cope with that anytime. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that the rest of the season will keep everyone in the hurricane regions of our country safe and sound.

I can't thank you folks enough for all of the kind emails I continue to receive. Many are surprised that they get a personal reply from me. That's the only way I do buisness. I pride myself in the fact that I read and answer ALL of my email. Your memories and ideas for my upcoming autobiography are appreciated, and continued to be welcome by emailing me at:

I attended an independent event, namely SCCW-Suncoast Championship Wrestling, last evening in a small Mississippi community just west of Mobile. I took the drive with my cousin "Marvelous" Marcel Pringle, who squared of against "The Bullet" Bob Armstrong. It's always a pleasure to see my dear friend, Bob. One of his sons, Steve, was also on the card. The guys worked hard, and it was my pleasure to speak with many of the performers there regarding the state of the independent scene in our area, and what the future may hold in store for us. That's right, I said "US" as I plan on becoming a vital part of Gulf Wrestling as I enter a new direction in my career. Legit promoters who are interested in my services may contact me by clicking on "BOOKING" located on the splash page of

On a more serious note that also concerns independent wrestling in our Gulf Coast area. I spoke with independent star John Saxon over the weekend. He updated me on the condition of his 16-year old son, Sean. Sean was critically injured in a diving accident last summer, and remains paralyzed. Ground Zero Pro Wrestling will hold a benefit event for Sean on Saturday, July 9th, at 8:00 pm. The show will be located in North Biloxi, Mississippi at The Joppa Shrine Temple. The Temple is easy to find, just north of Interstate 10, exit 41, which is Highway 67. Already signed for the card are: Kevin Northcutt, Buff Bagwell, John Saxon, Sonny Siaki, Terry Bryant, Traveon, Rip Steele, Lord Humongus, Steve Anthony, Chad Cheetum, Bull Garrett, Kent truth, "Marvelous" Marcel Pringle, Steve Masters, Aeon Flexx, and many more. There will also be a 20-man Battle Royal. I am proud to say that I will also be on hand to "do the right thing" for Sean Saxon.

It's Monday!
Have a great week, my friends.