Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Off The Soapbox...

I wish I had the writing talent and the proper vocabulary to tell you about the numerous emails that I have received in reponse to my BLOG entry yesterday. I must say that they were all positive, and a couple of them came directly from close friends of young Danny Quirk. I would like to clarify one thing. When I used the term "idiot" in yesterdays commentary, I WAS NOT refering to Danny. I was speaking of the idiot that I saw in an opening match at a local Gulf Coast independent event. I'm sorry if anyone interpreted my statement in that context.

Like I said, I didn't know Danny. But, I know much more about him today than yesterday, thanks to his friends. It seems that we shared a common bond, a common passion for pro wrestling. Many of you already know how much I love my business of professional wrestling, and that I visit countless independent events in my home area. I am publically making it my personal crusade to do what I can to sit some of these young ring performers under the proverbial "learning tree" when I see them do something that is wrong. It is my duty. It is time to give back some of the many lessons that I have learned the hard way during my 30-years in the industry. Danny's untimely death, and the many injuries that are plaguing our up and coming wrestlers should not be in vain.

If you desire a future in the ring, you MUST get it the right way. I know what it is like, as I had the same exact dreams these young folks have today. I know what it's like to give up everything you own just to pay to play the game. All I ask is that you use some common sense and follow your heart. If wrestling is for you, it will happen. Just don't expect it to happen over night. Many are called, but few are chosen. Positions within our business are very limited. Please be safe out there.

Every now and then I feel it necessary to reiterate the purpose of my BLOG here. It is that time once again. You see, when I sit down at this computer keyboard and type, I tell it straight from the heart. I refuse to pull any punches, and just tell it like I see it. It doesn't matter if I write about my Granddaughter, the passing of a past President, the weather, my weight loss, or a controversial topic such as today's independent wrestling scene. My BLOG is my personal letter to my fans and supporters out there. If you are not in that category you are reading someone else's mail, and that's a crime in my book.

I sincerely appreciate each and everyone of you, and I will continue to make updates here as long as I have something to say. I have some exciting news about my future that I will share with you very soon. Stay tuned.

Take care and God Bless.