Sunday, November 28, 2010

A True November Christmas...

I walked in the door of my house about 15-minutes ago, coming from the hospital where my Dad was taken in the late afternoon.  As I walked in, my living room television was on, and a Hallmark Hall of Fame CBS movie was on... November Christmas.  Such a fitting title for my BLOG tonight.
My parents 57+ year love affair almost ended today.  In fact, I know in my heart and soul that two special guardian angels were watching over him, or he would be heaven this very evening.  Those angels were no doubt my late brother and my wife Dianna. 
My parents were in the process of leaving their home, and Dad was pulling his car into the driveway to pick up my Mom.  Thinking he had put the car in park, he stepped out to help her to the car, and it started rolling backward (he had accidentally put in neutral or reverse).  As he reached in to stop it, the car door knocked him to the ground, dragging him for several feet, and rolled over his right foot.  This scenerio played out right in front of my Mom as she stood on the porch.  The car continued out into the street, coming to rest against a curb.

It's another miracle that Mom didn't have a heart attack herself watching that.  She called 9-1-1, then called me telling me to come around to the house NOW!  I was preparing supper for them and my oldest son and his little family, and by chance had my police scanner on, and as I hung up with her listened as they announced.... "Rescue 23 to one hit by a car" and gave their address. My heart sank to my stomach.

To make a long story short, after getting him to the emergency room, evaluated with x-rays and a CT Scan; dosed with morphine, he had not broken one single bone.  Pretty well beat up, with scratches and bruises, and in severe pain with every breath, they admitted him tonight.  He'll be sore for a few weeks, but he's still with us.

As I prepare to pack to travel tomorrow to Norfolk, VA for this week's SMACKDOWN taping, I ask that you remember my Dad and Mom in your prayers; and know that today was truly a November Christmas for my family.  I thank Our Lord and our special guardian angels for watching over us tonight, and every night.

Be Blessed.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

SMACKDOWN 11-26-10

I sincerely hope everyone is having a good weekend, after a blessed Thanksgiving, and a fantastic Alabama - Auburn game yesterday afternoon.

Just in case you missed SMACKDOWN last night on The SyFy Network, here's a few of the major parts Kane and myself were involved in.  Enjoy!

Be Blessed.

Friday, November 26, 2010


1:30 PM (CDT) ON CBS
For the 75th year The Alabama Crimson Tide will battle our state arch-rivals, Auburn University.  My late wife Dianna and I shared this day together for many years, never undersatnding why our two sons turned out to support Auburn.  There's no doubt Dianna's spirit will be me and our close friends in our home this afternoon to see what we shall see...  May the best team win!

You can get all the latest info and updates by clicking here:  COMPLETE IRON BOWL COVERAGE

Thursday, November 25, 2010

My 2010 Thanksgiving Thoughts...

Notwithstanding today being Thanksgiving day, a life saving event happened for me seven years ago on this date in 2003.  I had gastric bypass surgery, which I have discussed many times through the years.  The two photos above show me the night before the surgery (top), and one year after the surgery (bottom).
I weighed 525 pounds at my highest, which the photo above certainly serves as evidence.  I eventually lost a total of 240 pounds.  There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I would died long before cancer took my wife Dianna from me, if I had not recieved that surgery, which by the way was paid in full by Vince McMahon and WWE.  I have since regained in the neighborhood of 40 pounds, but after weighing what I did, no words are necessary, and will make no excuses for regaining one single pound.

What I am Thankful for Today:
1. My Family.  This is the second Thanksgiving that my Dianna is celebrating at The Lord's table in heaven. However, I will never stop giving thanks for the years, love, sacrifice, children and grandchildren she gave me.  If a flower dropped from the sky everytime I think of her each day, I would walk in a beautiful garden for the rest of my life.

My oldest son Michael is too much like me, we are both too much like my Dad, and that's scary if you really know us three.  Michael and his wife Beth are expecting a new Moody baby in June, which we are truly blessed and so excited about. Notwithstanding, their little 6-year old Grace, paw-paw's princess.

My youngest son Daniel, his lady Jami, and little almost three year old Danielle don't live as close, but only 80-miles away.  They are such a special part of my life too, I just wish I could see them more often.  If you are a regular here at my BLOG, you see and read about Danielle and Grace all the time.

I still have my Mother and Father, which is indeed a blessing at my age.  They have been married 57-years, and are the heart and soul of our little family.  In fact, we are eating at their house today.

My sissy Joan, her husband Art; niece Donna and her husband Chris, their almost three year old son Aidan, all are so important.  Not forgetting my Uncles, Aunts, and other relatives.

Dianna's 10 brothers and sisters, her mother, and all of their families are as just as special to me... they are still my family too, and will always be.

2. My Health.  Although I bitch and complain about everyday aches and pains, I'm OK at 56-years old.  The extensive test WWE put me through before they allowed me to returned proved that.  The traveling I have been doing is a stress test in itself.  However, I could be better, and as it's been that way my entire life, that's my own fault... but that's just me.

3. My Faith.  I know where I stand with the man upstairs, and he's smart to my gimmick.  I know that I have to be a good boy to get to see Dianna again, so I do my best.

4. My Friends.  There's too many to count.  Of course like all of you, there's that close circle that you know you can call on 24/7 and they will be there; you guys know who you are too, and I love you for it. Then there's so... so many of you that I think the world of, many of you I met due to my work.  I respect all of you so much.

5. My work.  I could ramble on for pages here, but that old adage stands here...  if you understand no words are necessary, if you don't, not enough words will do.  I will say that I would have NEVER expected to be doing what I am today again.  I had put that part of my life on the shelve and kind of wanted it to stay there.  But... I am truly blessed to be back at he top of the game I treasure so much, and has been a part of me almost all of my life.  I thank The McMahon Family and Company, and a handful of dear brothers that made this return possible, no matter how long it lasts.  It's been a good thing for me.

There's so many other countless parts of my life that I am thankful for this 2010 Thanksgiving Day.  My three little sausauge dogs; Oscar, Conecuh, and Vienna... there too, if you understand no words are necessary.

I wish you all a very blessed day with your family, friends, and the things you have to be thankful for too.


Saturday, November 20, 2010


WWE SURVIVOR SERIES live on Pay-Per-View,
Sunday night, November 21st, from Miami, FL.
Will I be able to escape Edge's abduction? 
How is all of this effecting my son Kane?
Tune in and find out...

Be Blessed.

Friday, November 19, 2010


I am excited to be returning to the northern part of my home State, namely Birmingham, Alabama tonight at the historic Boutwell Auditorium.  You can get all of the information by simply clicking on this link:  WRESTLE BIRMINGHAM.  A portion of the proceeds of this super event is going to the UAB Center For Palliative Care .

What an outstanding roster promoter Linda Marx Keeble has assembled, with some of the top legends of our industry, as well as many fantastic up and coming ring stars.  We hope to see you there!

Be Blessed.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Back From The UK... Looking forward To North Carolina

It had been over 7-years since I enjoyed being a part of an overseas WWE event.  The travel was fairly rough on this old man, but thanks to the understanding powers that be within the company, being booked in business class made things so much easier for me. 

Remembering that the travel time (8-9 hours just crossing the Atlantic), plus the flight from my home to Atlanta, connection times, and the customs and immigration process in each country.  The hours really really add up, notwithstanding the actual time spent at the event.  How the guys and girls that are on a fulltime schedule (many are still over there and will be for several more days) do it allows me to respect them so much more.  I used to do it, and I know what it takes.  It is just something that my old bones don't want me to do at this point in my life.  But... don't think I couldn't pull it off if I absolutely had too.

I am just so blessed to be allowed this one last run at this level of our industry, and I appreciate it more than many can understand, unless you've done it.  Maybe I shouldn't have said "last", as I try to NEVER say NEVER; and LAST should be added to my "words I shouldn't say list" too.  LOL
I took this photo (above) with my cellphone of the stage set up, prior to The SMACKDOWN event in Manchester, England.  You can watch tomorrow night (Friday) at 7pm (CDT) on The SyFy Channel.
It was much fun visiting The UK again, especially with so many fans who made an effort to find and introduce theirselves to me.  One of my TWITTER followers, Vickee Location of Wolverhampton, UK send me this photo (above), that was taken outside of my Manchester hotel.
I am excited about being a part of the MWF's North Carolina Debut. It is a special fundraiser for Pembroke NC Fire & Rescue Department. The date is this Saturday, November 13th, at the Pembroke Middle School, belltime promptly at 7pm.  You may click on this link for more information: MWF North Carolina.

To answer many questions that I have already been asked via email, Twitter, and Facebook; my WWE contract allows me to participate in independent events as long as they do not interfere with my WWE schedule.  Interested in having 'ol Percy/Paul Bearer on your local event?  My booking information may be found at this link: Booking Information

Be Blessed.
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Saturday, November 06, 2010

ENGLAND - Prepare For The Father Of Destruction

For the regular visitors here, you've read me write many times before that if there was anything I missed about The WWE it was the overseas tours.  Tomorrow, that will change as I head across the big pond to Manchester, England.  It has been over 7-years since I've been on a foreign tour, and I am truly excited about this adventure. 
I have been to The UK, and Manchester for that matter, many times through the years.  I can't wait to visit with old friends and fans who have kept in contact with all this time via email.

Some have questioned me why I am not on the complete tour.  I explained early on here on my BLOG that I am currently contracted with WWE for only television and PPV events.  The Manchester extravaganza is indeed a SMACKDOWN taping that will air on Friday, November 12th.

Thank you all for your continued friendship and support, and I will update you when I return in the middle of this upcoming week.  I appreciate you all more than you may ever realize.

Be Blessed.

Monday, November 01, 2010


I am pleased to say that Carl Robinson from the UK is the winner of The Plots-N-Tombstones fan art contest. His winning masterpiece (above) will be featured on the splash page of my website this week.  Thanks to all that participated, and we will try to feature all of the submissions in the coming weeks.  Carl will receive a special autographed package from me, with all of my thanks.

I will be flying into New York City later today, for The SMACKDOWN taping tomorrow in Bridgeport, CT.  Wishing all of you a great week! 

Be Blessed.

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