Thursday, November 25, 2010

My 2010 Thanksgiving Thoughts...

Notwithstanding today being Thanksgiving day, a life saving event happened for me seven years ago on this date in 2003.  I had gastric bypass surgery, which I have discussed many times through the years.  The two photos above show me the night before the surgery (top), and one year after the surgery (bottom).
I weighed 525 pounds at my highest, which the photo above certainly serves as evidence.  I eventually lost a total of 240 pounds.  There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I would died long before cancer took my wife Dianna from me, if I had not recieved that surgery, which by the way was paid in full by Vince McMahon and WWE.  I have since regained in the neighborhood of 40 pounds, but after weighing what I did, no words are necessary, and will make no excuses for regaining one single pound.

What I am Thankful for Today:
1. My Family.  This is the second Thanksgiving that my Dianna is celebrating at The Lord's table in heaven. However, I will never stop giving thanks for the years, love, sacrifice, children and grandchildren she gave me.  If a flower dropped from the sky everytime I think of her each day, I would walk in a beautiful garden for the rest of my life.

My oldest son Michael is too much like me, we are both too much like my Dad, and that's scary if you really know us three.  Michael and his wife Beth are expecting a new Moody baby in June, which we are truly blessed and so excited about. Notwithstanding, their little 6-year old Grace, paw-paw's princess.

My youngest son Daniel, his lady Jami, and little almost three year old Danielle don't live as close, but only 80-miles away.  They are such a special part of my life too, I just wish I could see them more often.  If you are a regular here at my BLOG, you see and read about Danielle and Grace all the time.

I still have my Mother and Father, which is indeed a blessing at my age.  They have been married 57-years, and are the heart and soul of our little family.  In fact, we are eating at their house today.

My sissy Joan, her husband Art; niece Donna and her husband Chris, their almost three year old son Aidan, all are so important.  Not forgetting my Uncles, Aunts, and other relatives.

Dianna's 10 brothers and sisters, her mother, and all of their families are as just as special to me... they are still my family too, and will always be.

2. My Health.  Although I bitch and complain about everyday aches and pains, I'm OK at 56-years old.  The extensive test WWE put me through before they allowed me to returned proved that.  The traveling I have been doing is a stress test in itself.  However, I could be better, and as it's been that way my entire life, that's my own fault... but that's just me.

3. My Faith.  I know where I stand with the man upstairs, and he's smart to my gimmick.  I know that I have to be a good boy to get to see Dianna again, so I do my best.

4. My Friends.  There's too many to count.  Of course like all of you, there's that close circle that you know you can call on 24/7 and they will be there; you guys know who you are too, and I love you for it. Then there's so... so many of you that I think the world of, many of you I met due to my work.  I respect all of you so much.

5. My work.  I could ramble on for pages here, but that old adage stands here...  if you understand no words are necessary, if you don't, not enough words will do.  I will say that I would have NEVER expected to be doing what I am today again.  I had put that part of my life on the shelve and kind of wanted it to stay there.  But... I am truly blessed to be back at he top of the game I treasure so much, and has been a part of me almost all of my life.  I thank The McMahon Family and Company, and a handful of dear brothers that made this return possible, no matter how long it lasts.  It's been a good thing for me.

There's so many other countless parts of my life that I am thankful for this 2010 Thanksgiving Day.  My three little sausauge dogs; Oscar, Conecuh, and Vienna... there too, if you understand no words are necessary.

I wish you all a very blessed day with your family, friends, and the things you have to be thankful for too.
