Sunday, November 28, 2010

A True November Christmas...

I walked in the door of my house about 15-minutes ago, coming from the hospital where my Dad was taken in the late afternoon.  As I walked in, my living room television was on, and a Hallmark Hall of Fame CBS movie was on... November Christmas.  Such a fitting title for my BLOG tonight.
My parents 57+ year love affair almost ended today.  In fact, I know in my heart and soul that two special guardian angels were watching over him, or he would be heaven this very evening.  Those angels were no doubt my late brother and my wife Dianna. 
My parents were in the process of leaving their home, and Dad was pulling his car into the driveway to pick up my Mom.  Thinking he had put the car in park, he stepped out to help her to the car, and it started rolling backward (he had accidentally put in neutral or reverse).  As he reached in to stop it, the car door knocked him to the ground, dragging him for several feet, and rolled over his right foot.  This scenerio played out right in front of my Mom as she stood on the porch.  The car continued out into the street, coming to rest against a curb.

It's another miracle that Mom didn't have a heart attack herself watching that.  She called 9-1-1, then called me telling me to come around to the house NOW!  I was preparing supper for them and my oldest son and his little family, and by chance had my police scanner on, and as I hung up with her listened as they announced.... "Rescue 23 to one hit by a car" and gave their address. My heart sank to my stomach.

To make a long story short, after getting him to the emergency room, evaluated with x-rays and a CT Scan; dosed with morphine, he had not broken one single bone.  Pretty well beat up, with scratches and bruises, and in severe pain with every breath, they admitted him tonight.  He'll be sore for a few weeks, but he's still with us.

As I prepare to pack to travel tomorrow to Norfolk, VA for this week's SMACKDOWN taping, I ask that you remember my Dad and Mom in your prayers; and know that today was truly a November Christmas for my family.  I thank Our Lord and our special guardian angels for watching over us tonight, and every night.

Be Blessed.