Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Steve Doll... Undertaker... and more.

My friend Steve Doll passed away this weekend in a Nashville hospital. I first met Steve back in my Dallas World Class days, early on in his ring career. Steve has battled illness for a couple of years, and was certainly a credit to our industry. He is probably most well known for his stint in WWF/WWE as one half of the championship tag-team "Well Done". You may view his obituary and sign his guestbook by clicking on this link: Steve Doll Obituary and Guestbook My deepest sympathies go out to his wife, parents, other family members and so many friends and fans.
Today is "The Deadman's" Birthday. Special wishes go out to him, and we will be in contact later today.

Speaking of 'Taker, it was on this very day in 1991 that I appeared in my first WRESTLEMANIA. WRESTLEMANIA VII was a 15-match event presented live before 16,158 fans at the Sports Arena in Los Angeles, California. It was originally scheduled to be held at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, however, it was decided to move the event to the arena next door. The WWF stated that a threat had been issued towards the company due to Sgt. Slaughter's Iraqi sympathizer character, as this was just weeks after Operation Desert Storm. Taker wrestled Superfly Jimmy Snuka.

I continue to recieve so many thoughtful emails from you folks, and I cannot express how much I appreciate your kind words. This past Saturday was 7-weeks since Dianna's death, and I still find myself thinking of her 1000 times a day.

You know, there is an old addage "Misery loves company". I never really knew the meaning of that until now... I have been in pure misery most of the time for 7-weeks, but I have found that when I have company (calls, letters, emails, visits) and I am able to share my memories and feelings with family and friends, I feel so much better for it.

I hope you all have a fine day, as rain is moving into our area again and it looks like it will hang around a while.

Be Blessed.