Saturday, March 28, 2009

Eight weeks ago tonight...

Beautiful memories are wonderful things,
They last till the longest day,
They never wear out,
They never get lost,
And can never be given away.
To some you may be forgotten.
To others a part of the past.
But to us who loved and lost you,
Your memory will always last.

The tears in our eyes we can wipe away.
The ache in our hearts will always stay.
It's been eight-weeks, Dianna.
But it seems like just yesterday.

A good Saturday morning to you my friends. I think the rain is finally gone for now, we had six-inches just last night. The sun is beginning to shine, and that's a good thing. This has without a doubt been a long week for me, as far as work goes. It is finally the weekend, and I have so much that I could do around the house. As usual, I will probably end up doing nothing. LOL

Two good friends took me out to Hooters last night to visit Jack Daniels, and that is just what I needed; get your minds out of the gutter, friends and Jack Daniels, not Hooters.

Grand-daughter Grace was by a bit ago with her mom and dad. Gosh she is getting so big, so quick, and smart like like her grand-paw. heheeeee.... They are coming back tomorrow and her dad (my oldest son Michael) is going to power wash the old man's house. Now if I can just get the yard cleaned up; believe it or not I do keep the inside neat, or as neat as can be with three maniac dachshunds ruling the roost.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend, and I thank you again for your continued support, messages, and prayers.

Be Blessed.