Tuesday, April 04, 2006

April's here...

I am exciting about working with The NWS - NATIONAL WRESTLING SUPERSTARS again this coming weekend. I will be in Carteret, NJ at 7:30 pm Friday, April 7th. Then Saturday will be a full day, starting with an autograph session in Middletown, NY from 12 noon until 2:00 pm; and another signing in Allentown, PA from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm. Later in the evening, we will be in Tower City, PA at 8:00 pm. I'm looking forward to seeing many old friends in the area, as well as meeting a bunch of new ones. Come out and say "Howdy!"

A big thank you goes out to the fans, wrestlers, staff and management who made the St. Louis Fan Fest this past weekend such a success. The turn out was certainly over the top, and the hospitality as well. There's no way I could list all of the names here, but you know who you are. I appreciate you all!

Even though I was a bit tired from my trip to St. Louis and the daylight savings time change, we had a great WRESTLEMANIA-22 party Sunday. I enjoyed the event more than I orginally thought I would, mainly because I suspended my disbelief, and sat back and watched it as the fan I have been since I was 4-years old. That's what it's all about, enjoying the product no matter if it's a small indy group or the "big time."

Once again, I must apologize to the frequent visitors here for the lack of updates. My schedule has changed tremendously during the past 2-months, and it seems that my on-line time has really been reduced. That could be a good or a bad thing. Bad in that, I don't get to share as much as I used to with all of my extended family out there. I've always said that this BLOG is my personal letter to my friends and supporters, and that has not changed.

My country music hero, George "The Possum" Jones has been hospitalized this past week with pneumonia. he had to cance several shows, but I understand he's doing much better. Let's keep him in our prayers. Speaking of prayers, they work. Dianna's mom was released from the hospital yesterday, we almost lost her. Thank you all for the kind thoughts, prayers, and emails.

On a side note, we all will be part of history Wednesday morning. At two minutes and three seconds after one o'clock the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. This will never happen again. For those of you who didn't get the significance, read the sequence of numbers again.

Have a great week!