Friday, March 31, 2006


As the wrestling world's eyes focus on Chicago, IL this weekend, I am headed out to St.Louis later today for The St. Louis Fan Fest scheduled for tomorrow. I will return home on Sunday, in time to catch WM-22 action with a group of close friends and family over a southern style bar-b-que. My paternal Grandmother "Nanny" was born this weekend on April, 2nd in 1912. Wow... she would have been 94. She passed away a few years ago. She was no doubt the one who is responsible for spoiling me rotten. LOL We'll never forget her.
It doesn't seem possible, but it was one year ago this Sunday that Pope John Paul II died. Is time flying by, or is it just me?
Don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour tomorrow night. This will probbaly be the last update here until Monday. So I hope you all have a fine weekend.

God Bless.