Friday, March 31, 2006


As the wrestling world's eyes focus on Chicago, IL this weekend, I am headed out to St.Louis later today for The St. Louis Fan Fest scheduled for tomorrow. I will return home on Sunday, in time to catch WM-22 action with a group of close friends and family over a southern style bar-b-que. My paternal Grandmother "Nanny" was born this weekend on April, 2nd in 1912. Wow... she would have been 94. She passed away a few years ago. She was no doubt the one who is responsible for spoiling me rotten. LOL We'll never forget her.
It doesn't seem possible, but it was one year ago this Sunday that Pope John Paul II died. Is time flying by, or is it just me?
Don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour tomorrow night. This will probbaly be the last update here until Monday. So I hope you all have a fine weekend.

God Bless.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


My birthday wishes go out to my longtime "brother" Michael "P.S." Hayes. In the photo above, I am posing with the legendary trio that will always have a special niche in my heart. This was taken during the mid-80s at one of the Texas Stadium events. Gosh... where has the time gone? We miss you Bam-Bam!!!

I will be in St. Louis, MO on Saturday April 1st, with The St. Louis Wrestling Fan Fest. The event will take place at "Rock Island" at 8658 South Broadway, from 9 am until 8 pm. I will be there from around 11 am until 2 pm, then back again around 5 pm until closing.

I would like to thank The Stranglehold Wrestling Show for the hospitality last night. I was on the top rated pro wrestling Radio-Internet at 7:30 pm. I was so busy yesterday, that I failed to give you folks the "heads up" about it. Sorry.

I will also be on the popular WRESTLING WEEKLY show tomorrow night, Thursday March 30th, at 7:30 pm. Check it out if you have an opportunity.

The State of Alabama House passed a bill today that will control Boxing matches within our State. I cannot determine at this time if pro wrestling will fall under their jurisdiction or not. Alabama had a Boxing and Wrestling Commission years ago, however it was disbanded. I sincerely hope that pro wrestling comes under State control, as many of you know I operate my own GULF SOUTH WRESTLING organization along the Gulf of Mexico. These controls will only benefit the legitimate promoters, and keep the trash in the garbage cans where it belongs! If you do things correctly, you don't have anything to worry about. I'm proud to say, we do it right.

Take care, friends.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Dark Day In Bakersfield...

The world of country music morns one of it's legendary stars today, as Buck Owens passed away this weekend.

It's late Sunday afternoon, just a quick update to let you know I made it home from Boston a couple of hours ago. What a great event MWF had last night. It's always a pleasure to see my friends and fans in the area, and I'm looking forward to returning again. I got to my room about 2:00 am this morning, and had a 5:30 am wake-up call. Needless to say these old bones are moving slowly as the sun begins to set over Mobile Bay. Special thanks goes out to Dan Mirade and company, for their hospitality. What a great bunch of folks they have up there, busting their behinds to entertain the fans.

I will be in St. Louis, Mo this coming Saturday, April 1st. We'll have more details on that in the coming days.

Our GULF SOUTH WRESTLING organization also had a fine event in southwest Mobile County Friday night. There will be some pictures from the show and the match results as well, later in the evening.

We have another name to add to your prayer list. Please remember Dianna's Mom, as she is in intensive care this evening in Ohio with severe health issues.

Take care, my friends!

Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Monday, March 20, 2006

Monday Morning Coming Down...

Good morning friends,
It's daybreak along the Gulf of Mexico. Dianna and I had a rewarding weekend, as we had Granddaughter Grace stay over with us Saturday evening. We took her to church with us Saturday, and while we were finishing dinner she started squealing and pointing to the television. WWE - SATURDAY NIGHT MAIN EVENT was on, and I really wasn't paying too much attention, but she sure was. I took her out of her chair, and she ran over to her tricycle, got right in front of the TV and every time one of the wrestlers took a "bump" she would scream "uhh...ooh." She saw her first WWE event live two weeks ago, and she no doubt is beginning to put two and two together. Blame it all on her roots, I guess. Bless her heart.

I will be in the Boston, MA area this Saturday night March 25th. The MWF is set for the Braintree Moose Lodge, at 175 Howard St. in Braintree, MA. You can get more info by clicking here : PP3 Boston March 20th The photo above was taken during my last trip there, I am proud to lead lead my "Trifecta" - (left to right) Jimmy Jact Ca$h, MWF Heavyweight Champion "Sudden Impact" Dylan Kage & "Hoochie Playa" Danny Jaxx - into action once again. We will see you at ringside.
Our GULF SOUTH WRESTLING group returns to Southwest Mobile County this Friday night March 24th, at 7:30 pm. The event was rescheduled from last Friday, due to the building making a double booking mistake.

My new "shoot interview" that I recently filmed with RF VIDEO is now available. You can get more info on it at: Percy's RF Video Shoot As we leave you this morning I ask that you continue to remember John "Eartquake" Tenta (above) in your prayers. John has been battling cancer for a very long time, and continues a valiant fight. What a fantastic human being, performer, and friend John is. I also ask that you keep my brother Harry "Bubba" on your prayer list also, as he is still having health issues.

God Bless!


Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day !

"May you be in heaven a half hour
before the devil knows you're dead."


Monday, March 13, 2006

Monday Pieces and Bits...

I hope you all had a good Monday, even though it's not over yet. I'm catching up on some work here in my home office this evening, and I even have WWE RAW on in the background. We enjoyed being a part of The BIG EASY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING event in New Orleans on Saturday night. I thank you folks for coming out, and we hope to see you again in the near future.

For those of you in the Gulf Coast area, remember that our GULF SOUTH WRESTLING event that was set for this Friday March 17th, has been rescheduled for March 24th with a 7:30 pm Bell Time.

I would appreciate my friend Michael Norris for sending me a photo of the original Percy Pringle, as seen above. I knew there was one, but I have never seen his picture before. I met and I am familiar with the second Percy Pringle, but details about #1 are few.

I am proud to be a part of the new WWE DVD titled 'The World's Greatest Wrestling Managers'. Besides myself, wrestling managers who will be profiled on this DVD are Captain Lou Albano, "Classy" Freddie Blassie, Jim Cornette, Miss Elizabeth, "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Paul Heyman Sensational Sherri, "Golden Boy" Arnold Skaaland, Sunny, The Grand Wizard and many more! There are also thirteen special features in addition to the usual documentary-style DVD. Interesting.

Have a great week, my friends!


Friday, March 10, 2006

Return To New Orleans... Double Trouble... and more

SWEET HOME MOBILE! I would like to thank "Sarge" for the photos that he emailed me from the WWE event here in Mobile on Tuesday evening. Truthfully, I have travelled around the world many times, there's nothing I can compare to standing in front of your family, friends, and fans in your own hometown.

Promoter's blues... our GULF SOUTH WRESTLING event that was scheduled for Friday, March 17th had to be rescheduled to Friday, March 24th. It seems the venue double booked the date. A wedding/reception was scheduled for St. Patrick's Day back in August, then came Hurricane Katrina. The Community Center was without power for sometime, and data was lost on their computer system. The wedding/reception was part of the missing data, so we were unknowingly given the same date. In order to keep a few hundred wrestling fans from crashing the party, we agreed to reset our date for the following Friday.

Once again, I will be in the New Orleans area tomorrow night (March 11) with BIG EASY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING. The event will be at The American Legion Hall #222, 4101 Patriot Street, in Marrero, La, which is the westbank area of the city. Belltime will be at 7:30 pm. Don't worry... no Bourbon Street for me this time. heheee.....

I am also excited about returning to the Boston area on March 25th, with Millennium Wrestling Federation.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thursday Notes...

What a fantastic event World Wrestling Entertainment hosted at The Mobile Civic Center on Tuesday night. It was a television taping that will air tomorrow evening. I was honored to be asked to open the event for my hometown WWE fans in the arena, my introduction was not filmed for Friday Night Smackdown. However on a personal note, it was the first time the company has acknowledged the Paul Bearer character since he was buried in cement at The Great American Bash in 2004.

Just seeing my Granddaughter Gracie's eyes, wondering... "What is Grandpa doing talking to all these people?" was worth it all to me. Notwithstanding the fact that I was paid for my appearance, and told that I could speak about anything that I wanted. I decided that it wouldn't be professional of me to take the low road and hawk my GULF SOUTH WRESTLING organization. The fans in the building who live in the area certainly are aware of what I am doing these days.

I was able to spend valuable time with some of my favorite brothers in the industry. I was flabbergasted to learn than many already knew of our success in the Independent arena along our Gulf of Mexico. Speaking of brothers, Tuesday was Brother Love's (Bruce Prichard) birthday. He tried to keep it a secret but, leave it to 'ol PP3 to spill the beans. Happy Birthday, my friend!

I will be on the westbank of the Mississippi River near New Orleans, in Marrero, La on Saturday for Big Easy Championship Wrestling. The will be the first wrestling event in the area since Hurricane Katrina. We will be at American Legion Hall #222, 4101 Patriot Drive. The bell will ring at 7:30 pm. If you live in the area, stop by and say "Howdy!"

Considering that I am back in Funeral Service fulltime, now and then I will address related issues that may or may not be interesting to you. These are subjects that we must all consider, whether we want to do so or not.

Funeral pre-arrangements are something you can leave to your friends and relatives that reflects the care and thoughtfulness you have lived your life. Watching over loved ones even after you are gone is an act of ultimate kindness that will be forever appreciated and fondly remembered.

The decisions for your arrangements are easy, when given the time to explore your memorial options. The benifits of funeral pre-planning include: putting your house in order, gives you and those you love peace of mind, relieves your loved ones of an awesome burden, avoids certain inflation, allows you to invest with customized terms, and eliminates "emotional" overspending.

If I can answer any of your questions along these lines, please feel free to email me, and possibly suggest someone in your home town that can personally assist you. If you live in the greater Mobile area, I will be more than happy to do what I can to walk you through our Simplicity Plan.

Tomorrow's Friday! Have a great day!

Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Monday, March 06, 2006

Waiting to exhale....

Wheeeew.... ahhhh... yes that was an exhale. What a week it has been, and it ain't over yet.

My friend, wrestling Legend Les Thatcher, gave a mini-seminar at our GULF SOUTH WRESTLING Training Center, this past Thursday night. That evening may very well be the "tipping point" for what we are doing along The Gulf of Mexico. We all, including myself, walked away with a new attitude. I would like to thank Les for his contributions, and we look forward to seeing him again very soon.

Our 15th Annual Gulf Coast Wrestlers Reunion was a tremendous success as we rubbed elbows with my heroes that now are my friends. In the photo above, I am standing proudly next a engine cover dedicated to the late Lee Fields. Lee was the promoter of the Gulf Coast style of wrestling that I was blessed to "cut my teeth" on. Lee began our Reunion 15 years ago.

On Saturday evening, it was a pleasure to take our Webmaster "Plowboy" Kurt Nielsen on a tour of Burbon Street. Just like Las Vegas, what happens on Burbon Street stays on Burbon Street. Sunday I had the opportunity to show Kurt some of the sights downtown, notwithstanding some of the horrible damage done by Hurricane Katrina. In the photo above, "Plowboy" caught me in front of a private mausoleum in one of the cities old cemeteries. I look right at home, don't I?

Kurt and I pose at the late "Plowboy" Stan Frazier's gravesite in Biloxi, Mississippi. Of course the original Plowboy was "Uncle Elmer" years ago in The WWF. This was the second year in a row that Kurt and myself paid our respects at "Tiny's" resting place. The storm damage along the Mississippi Gulf Coast is still breath taking. Speaking of WWF/WWE, and hurricanes. The company returns to my hometown tomorrow night for a taping of SMACKDOWN. The event was originally set for early September, but was postponed due to Hurricane Katrina. I'm looking forward to visiting with my extended WWE Family, as anything can, and usually happens.

Have a great week, my friends!

God Bless.


Wednesday, March 01, 2006


MARDI GRAS is over. Over a quarter of a million people packed downtown Mobile yesterday for the finale of our 2006 yearly celebration. It was the largest "Fat Tuesday" crowd in the history of our City. However, 'ol PP3 stayed right here at home and watched via television. Believe, me I did enough celebrating during the 18-days that lead up to yesterday's mega-event. Today is Ash Wednesday, and it's time to move on and look towards the arrival of Spring and The Easter Season. I appreciate all of the Mardi Gras emails, as I always enjoy your messages on any given day. I'm happy that many of you took the opportunity to watch the streaming video from the links that I was excited to present for you.
THE "Ployboy" himself, Kurt Nielsen arrives on the Gulf Coast this evening. Kurt of course, is our webmaster here at and as well. All of the fine artwork comes directly from his talented hand, and it's been almost a year since we've been together. I'll pick him up at the airport this evening. I have a fun filled schedule in store for him, in addition to our 15th Annual Gulf Coast Wrestlers Reunion, which will complement the rest of his stay here. The photo above shows Kurt as he departed my home for California last year, telling my three Dachshunds goodbye. I'm sure "the sausage dog welcome wagon" will be ready to lick him to death when he steps through our doorway tonight.
Have a great day, my friends!
God Bless.