Wednesday, March 01, 2006


MARDI GRAS is over. Over a quarter of a million people packed downtown Mobile yesterday for the finale of our 2006 yearly celebration. It was the largest "Fat Tuesday" crowd in the history of our City. However, 'ol PP3 stayed right here at home and watched via television. Believe, me I did enough celebrating during the 18-days that lead up to yesterday's mega-event. Today is Ash Wednesday, and it's time to move on and look towards the arrival of Spring and The Easter Season. I appreciate all of the Mardi Gras emails, as I always enjoy your messages on any given day. I'm happy that many of you took the opportunity to watch the streaming video from the links that I was excited to present for you.
THE "Ployboy" himself, Kurt Nielsen arrives on the Gulf Coast this evening. Kurt of course, is our webmaster here at and as well. All of the fine artwork comes directly from his talented hand, and it's been almost a year since we've been together. I'll pick him up at the airport this evening. I have a fun filled schedule in store for him, in addition to our 15th Annual Gulf Coast Wrestlers Reunion, which will complement the rest of his stay here. The photo above shows Kurt as he departed my home for California last year, telling my three Dachshunds goodbye. I'm sure "the sausage dog welcome wagon" will be ready to lick him to death when he steps through our doorway tonight.
Have a great day, my friends!
God Bless.