Monday, October 31, 2005


Happy All Hallow's Eve my friends! You can make a Jack 'O Lantern with me by just clicking on - CARVE A PUMPKIN WITH PP3.

I will be the guest of one of the wrestling Internet's top rated programs
MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM tonight at 7:00 pm (central). Try to check it out between your tricking and treating, if you can!

This Saturday night, November 5th, I am pleased to return to The Boston, MA area. I will be appearing with The Millennium Wrestling Federation, at their SOUL SURVIVOR III event. Belltime will be at 8:00 PM, in The Lynn Armory - 38 South Common Street, in Lynn, MA. If you live in the area please stop in and introduce yourselves to me!

The ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE moved into #4 of The AP Poll, with their 35 - 3 win over Utah State on Saturday. We are now at 8 wins, and zero losses. I'm afraid that the next three weeks won't be as easy, as we face Mississippi State, LSU, and Auburn, respectively.

We had a fantastic time in Jackson, MS this past Saturday night at The Smith-Wills Stadium with The INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL WRESTLERS ASSOCIATION. It was a pleasure seeing so many old friends again. We will be returning to the area soon. I'll have more details for you later.

Have a great Monday, and even a better week!


Saturday, October 29, 2005


Don't forget that we have to set our clocks back 1-hour tonight. I will be in Jackson, MS, for The INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL WRESTLERS ASSOCIATION at 8:00 pm, in The Smith-Wills Stadium. It should be an exciting evening. If you live in the area, stop by and say "howdy." Hmmm... clocks back an hour? Does that mean an extra hour with my Mississippi friends in the club after the event? Hehee....

That also means listening to another ALABAMA game on the car radio as I head into "The Magnolia State." It's Bama against Utah State this afternoon at 2pm (central).

Monday night, Halloween - October 31st, I will be the guest on MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM at 7pm (central). Check it out between your tricks and treats, if you will!

My STRAIGHT SHOOTIN' SERIES DVD is now available. You can get a copy by visiting: ROH PERCY PRINGLE SHOOT INTERVIEW

Take care and have a nice weekend!


Friday, October 28, 2005

Full Circle...

My 30+ year career came full circle last evening, as we presented our GULF SOUTH WRESTLING corporation's FUEDIN AT THE FAIR event. It was a great success. We celebrated by hitting the midway with fellow wrestlers and Mr. Jack Daniels himself. The classic photo above shows cousin Marcel and myself in the big chair, our faces tell it all.

ALABAMA will face UTAH STATE tomorrow. The Tide is picked as the favorite, but you know as well as I do that anybody can be beaten on any given day.

I will be in Jackson, MS tomorrow night, October 29 for The INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL WRESTLERS ASSOCIATION at 8:00 pm, in The Smith-Wills Stadium. I am looking forward to returning to my old stomping grounds. Many of you know that I began as Percy Pringle in Mississippi in 1978. It should be an exciting evening. The reminds me, don't forget to set your clocks back 1-hour tomorrow night.

Halloween night, October 31st, I will be the guest on MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM at 7pm (central). Check it out between your tricks and treats!

My copy of my STRAIGHT SHOOTIN' SERIES DVD arrived this morning. In fact, my wife Dianna is watching it in the living room as I type. I think she may find out some things she never knew, if you can believe that. You can get your own copy by visiting: ROH PERCY PRINGLE SHOOT INTERVIEW

Take care and have a nice weekend!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Pinch me... Am I dreaming?

This weeks edition of "ASK PERCY" is now available at PWInsider. You may go directly to my column by clicking here -
PWI - ASK PERCY 10/26/05.

You folks that visit me here on a regular basis have listened to my dreams of beginning our own independent organization for a long time now. That dream came true last night, as we had our first event at The Greater Gulf State Fair. Things were fantastic, and we will continue with another show tonight and tomorrow night. You can see more photos, and get more information on what we are doing by checking out Gulf South Wrestling. The photo above shows yours truly, with my dear cousin "Marvelous" Marcel Pringle (left), and local indy star Ricky Rocket (center), posing with our bell as we assembled the ring yesterday afternoon.

Of course Granddaughter Gracie got to visit the fairgrounds and it's animal petting zoo. Here she is feeding an old goat. No... not me. A real goat. Grace is 15-months old now.

The RING OF HONOR has announced that Part-1 of my STRAIGHT SHOOTIN' SERIES, is now available. You may order your own personal copy by clicking here:

Take care!


Monday, October 24, 2005

Monday Report - Busy Week Ahead...

To say that I am running around with my head cutoff is an understatement. I am busy as a cat covering up... well, nevermind. You get the picture. Our new GULF SOUTH WRESTLING organization will present it's first events beginning Tuesday evening at Mobile's GREATER GULF STATE FAIR. We will have a series of exhibition matches at 7:00, 7:30, and 8:00 pm on both October 25th and 26th. Then this Thursday night, October 27th, I will personally ring our GULF SOUTH WRESTLING bell for the very first time promptly at 7:00 pm, for our FUEDIN' AT THE FAIR event, at The Fairground's Rodeo Arena.

My dear friend and Webmaster Kurt Nielsen, has been hard at work updating The website this weekend. So it will look nice and pretty for our debut. We appreciate your support!

I will be in Jackson, Mississippi this Saturday evening at 8:00 pm, in The Smith-Wills Stadium. From all reports, The INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL WRESTLERS ASSOCIATION is doing a great job, and I am certainly looking forward to making my debut with them. If you live in the Jackson area, please come out and introduce yourself to 'ol PP3.

Before I head for Jackson, I have a Board of Directors meeting of our Annual Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion. The GCWR gathering is held the first weekend of every March. Our 2006 event will be the 15th Anniversary of our brotherhood. The GCWR is open only to those engaged in our industry, or retired from a ring career.

It was The CRIMSON TIDE 6 and TENNESSEE 3, this past Saturday afternoon. I must say that BAMA was really lucky, and that The Volunteers could have taken it from us at any time. We are now at 7 wins, and 0 losses, and The AP Poll has The Tide ranked at #5 this morning. This weekend The Tide will face Utah State.

The RING OF HONOR has announced that Part-1 of my STRAIGHT SHOOTIN' SERIES, is now available. You may order your own personal copy by clicking here:

Have a fantastic week!
God Bless.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Weekend Update...

Just a note for those of you that have access to WWE 24/7 VIDEO ON DEMAND. The classic "PAUL BEARER'S HITS FROM THE CRYPT" is running all month. If you've never seen it, it's a one of a kind.

This is the front page of our new GULF SOUTH WRESTLING organization's program that will be distributed free to thousands of fans who attend Mobile's GREATER GULF STATE FAIR beginning today through October 30th. We will kick-start our independent group's first events during three days of The Fair. On Tuesday and Wednesday, October 25th & 26th, we have a series of exhibition matches at 7:00, 7:30, and 8:00 PM at the Budweiser Entertainment Grandstand. Then on Thursday, October 27th, FUEDIN' AT THE FAIR will take place at 7:00 PM in The Rodeo Arena. GULF SOUTH WRESTLING is a dream of mine that has been over 30-years in the making. We appreciate your support!

Our local FOX affiliate WALA-TV 10 did an outstanding piece on me and my gastric bypass surgery. It was seen on last night's evening news. There's a brief outline of the report on their website, which is available by clicking here:
FOX NEWS STORY ON PP3 WEIGHTLOSS SURGERY. I appreciate FOX NEWS Andrew Davis and Zack Smith, for their kind professionalism.

There's been much interest in GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY this week as most of the major news organizations have done stories on the serious risks and side-effects of the procedure. Many of you that visit me here on a regular basis are certainly aware of my success with weightloss surgery. I am truly blessed, as I continue to enjoy my new way of life these days. November 25th, will mark the second anniversary of my surgery.

OK... here we go! ALABAMA's 6-0 record is on the line tomorrow afternoon, as we square off against The Tennessee Volunteers. You can watch it on CBS at 2:30pm (central).
I won't be watching it however, as I will be in the car headed east for The Florida Panhandle. Thank God for the radio! I am appearing for The AMERICAN WRESTLING FEDERATION's bi-monthly event in Chipley, Florida. Belltime there is 8:00 pm.

I wish you all a great weekend, and remember let's keep those in the path of Hurricane Wilma in our prayers.

God Bless!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Wilma, PWInsider, and more...

Hello friends, it's another Wednesday, "hump day" to many of you. Our eyes remain focused on Hurricane Wilma. Although you never know what these horrible storms may do, most forecasts have her heading into South Florida. We know they can change in an instant and head our way too, so we are not letting our guard down. I ask that we all keep those in harms way in our prayers.

I've done my share of promoting wrestling events through the years. However, I guess I have been so spoiled as a WWF/WWE talent, I have forgotten what it's like. Since I took the big step an opened my own independent organization along the Gulf Coast, I am quickly getting my memory back. Promotin' ain't easy. I have a new respect for all wrestling promoters and bookers. You can give it your all 24/7, and there still seems like there is so much more left to be done. I'm not complaining, because I knew what I was getting into. My reward will come when we ring the first bell at our debut event on October 25th. So... if you think my BLOG as been a bit short lately, blame it on promotin' rasslin'. Let's see... what's next on my 'things to do' list... right... headed for the printers! See 'ya...

Before I run, my latest weekly Question and Answer column at is now online for you, if you care to check it out. You may click on this hyperlink to go directly to it at: ASK PERCY AT PWI.

Have a good one!


Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Monday, October 17, 2005

Here We Go Again...

I know there's a bunch of folks along The Gulf Of Mexico this morning that are experiencing a sick feeling in the pits of their stomachs, as news of Tropical Storm Wilma makes the headlines. I can certainly appreciate their feelings. We have been put through the test over and over this year. I understand that gas prices are already on the rise, with just the threat of Wilma entering The Gulf. All we can do is watch, wait, prepare, and pray.

On a somewhat brighter note, The Alabama Crimson Tide are ranked #5 in The Associated Press polls this morning, behind Georgia, Virginia Tech, Texas, and USC. We had a rough go with Ole Miss this past weekend. Our eyes are now focused on The Tennessee Volunteers this Saturday. The Tide have not beaten The Vols in Tuscaloosa since 1930.

It's going to be a very busy week for me, and my new endeavor GULF SOUTH WRESTLING. It has always been my goal to bring my experience that I have earned in wrestling through the years back home. I guess I should have been careful for what I wished for, because another one of my dreams is coming true. Along with three partners, our corporation will debut at Mobile's GREATER GULF STATE FAIR next week, on October 25th, 26th, and 27th. I consider this project to be a marathon, not a sprint. We will do it right, or not at all. To say that I am proud to present the finest independent brand of sports entertainment in our area, is an understatement.

Have a good Monday, and a even better week.
God Bless.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

By The Skin Of Our Teeth...

Wheeeew.... I'm glad that one is over. The Crimson Tide are 6 and 0, for the first time since 1996. It was a close one that kept me on pins and needles down to the last second, which ended up being a field goal that put Bama over the top. Next week, it's Tennessee. Alright my friends in The Volunteer State, bragging rights are on the line.

I will be interviewed on RADIO FREE NASHVILLE tomorrow night, Sunday October 16th, at 9:00 pm (central). Do you think The Alabama - Tennessee game next week will come up? You can hear it by going to this link and clicking on 'listen live'. PERCY ON RADIO FREE NASHVILLE

Not a bunch of news today. I better quit while I am ahead.
Enjoy your weekend.
God Bless.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Good 'Ol Jim Ross...

Jim Ross is the finest wrestling announcer in the industry, next to the late Gordon Solie.

Damn... I really hate to toss my hat out of the ring here, and get involved in the Internet reaction to the J.R. angle. But the numerous emails that I have received, and the unbelieveable buzz coming from the handfull of news sites and message boards that I visit, has compelled me to put my foot in my big mouth again. It's going to be a no-win situation for me anyway, no matter what I say. As usual, if it's good things, I'm kissing ass; and if it's bad, I'm a washed up, bitter, has-been. Whatever... whatever, it's not my first bar-b-que. So here it goes.

I think the world of Jim Ross. I've known him since my Texas days, and hold him in the highest regard as a individual, and professional. I consider him to be a friend who has been a very important part of my life. I don't have the complete details, but I understand that Jim is undergoing surgery this week. That is why I am hesitating to make the following comments. You just need to understand that this is not about J.R. It's about the many viewers out there that actually believed in an amazing, made for television, storyline again. If only for a couple of days, some suspended their disbelief about our business. I thought they were all dead. There may be hope for our business yet.

I feel it's better to say less, than too much here. I must say that I have not had a conversation with anybody within the company about this matter. But for the life of me... to say that I am shocked, is an understatement. Much of the wrestling Internet spends countless hours and words picking apart wrestling programming. Many of the self-proclaimed "smart know-it-alls" actually believed it! I LOVE IT! Some within the industry believed it too! Are we coming full circle, and returning to a time when we believed - just a little? Gosh... I hope so. Just the slight possibility excites me, and if you love what we do, it should excite you all too.

Let's keep 'ol J.R. in our prayers as he faces another medical problem.

Tomorrow is Friday!
God Bless.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

PB Action Figure Prototype Released... and announced yesterday, October 11th, that photos of The Paul Bearer action figure prototype have been released. It will be part of The Classic Superstars Series #9, scheduled to be in stores in late 2005 or early 2006.

I have had 3 or 4 figures through the years, but this one is special as it is my first since signing a 'WWE Legends Contract' on June 8th of this year. I also gave WWE permission to market the Percy Pringle character, so we may see a PP3 figure down the road too.

I've had several accomplishments that I dreamed of through the years. Just to name a few, working in Madison Square Gardens and in my hometown arena, being in video games, and having an action figure. It makes a man feel good to live his dreams. I have lived mine and more. The bottomline is that if it wasn't for folks like you that take the time to visit me here, there would have never been a Paul Bearer and Percy Pringle III. I appreciate you all more than you will ever realize.

Have a fine Wednesday!
Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

LEGENDS OF THE RING III Photos and more...

One of regular visitors here was kind enough to share a few photos from THE LEGENDS OF THE RING III convention on October 1st, in New Jersey. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed seeing many friends I have sincerely missed being with.

(left to right) Boris Zurchoff, Adam Bomb - Kronik, Slick. J.J. Dillon, Tugboat, and yours truly.

Boris Zurchoff and you know who.

Always have to "ham it up" for the camera... don't I?

I had to jump right in front of the paying fans to get a quick hug from my 'ol buddy "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan.

My "PWI ASK PERCY" column was a bit long this week due to my extended road trip. So, divided it into two parts. One part ran yesterday, and the second part is online today. You may read it my clicking on this link:

We're a little light on the news today. So, we will catch up with you folks later. I appreciate you stopping by more than you will ever realize.

God Bless!


Monday, October 10, 2005

Happy Columbus Day!

It's Monday, and it's Columbus Day. We hope you all had a great weekend! The Florida AMERICAN WRESTLING FEDERATION event Saturday evening was a tremendous success. We will return to Chipley, in the Florida panhandle, on October 22nd.

Ryan Sacks from New Jersey, sent me this original portrait from his collection. As you can see Ryan is extemely talented, and we appreciate him taking the time to share this with us.

This week's edition of "ASK PERCY" is now online at, You may go directly to the column directly by clicking on this link: PWI - ASK PERCY. Feel free to send your questions to me at:

Have a great week, my friends!