Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Wilma, PWInsider, and more...

Hello friends, it's another Wednesday, "hump day" to many of you. Our eyes remain focused on Hurricane Wilma. Although you never know what these horrible storms may do, most forecasts have her heading into South Florida. We know they can change in an instant and head our way too, so we are not letting our guard down. I ask that we all keep those in harms way in our prayers.

I've done my share of promoting wrestling events through the years. However, I guess I have been so spoiled as a WWF/WWE talent, I have forgotten what it's like. Since I took the big step an opened my own independent organization along the Gulf Coast, I am quickly getting my memory back. Promotin' ain't easy. I have a new respect for all wrestling promoters and bookers. You can give it your all 24/7, and there still seems like there is so much more left to be done. I'm not complaining, because I knew what I was getting into. My reward will come when we ring the first bell at our debut event on October 25th. So... if you think my BLOG as been a bit short lately, blame it on promotin' rasslin'. Let's see... what's next on my 'things to do' list... right... headed for the printers! See 'ya...

Before I run, my latest weekly Question and Answer column at is now online for you, if you care to check it out. You may click on this hyperlink to go directly to it at: ASK PERCY AT PWI.

Have a good one!


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