Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Pinch me... Am I dreaming?

This weeks edition of "ASK PERCY" is now available at PWInsider. You may go directly to my column by clicking here -
PWI - ASK PERCY 10/26/05.

You folks that visit me here on a regular basis have listened to my dreams of beginning our own independent organization for a long time now. That dream came true last night, as we had our first event at The Greater Gulf State Fair. Things were fantastic, and we will continue with another show tonight and tomorrow night. You can see more photos, and get more information on what we are doing by checking out Gulf South Wrestling. The photo above shows yours truly, with my dear cousin "Marvelous" Marcel Pringle (left), and local indy star Ricky Rocket (center), posing with our bell as we assembled the ring yesterday afternoon.

Of course Granddaughter Gracie got to visit the fairgrounds and it's animal petting zoo. Here she is feeding an old goat. No... not me. A real goat. Grace is 15-months old now.

The RING OF HONOR has announced that Part-1 of my STRAIGHT SHOOTIN' SERIES, is now available. You may order your own personal copy by clicking here:

Take care!
