Thursday, September 29, 2005

Thursday Notes...

One month ago today, on August 29th, Hurricane Katrina ravaged our Gulf Coast. This photo shows The G.M. & O. (Gulf Mobile and Ohio) railroad station in downtown Mobile during the height of the storm. Both my Dad and maternal Grandfather retired from GM & O, in fact some of my earliest memories as a child revolve around picking up my Grandpa from work at this very building. The building was renovated in recent years, and currently serves as a transportation hub for the area. It's going to be a very long time before the wounds of Katrina are healed, and the scars will be seen for many generations to follow.

I hit the road tomorrow for a long weekend. We will be in both South River and Port Monmouth (Middletown), New Jersey tomorrow night for NATIONAL WRESTLING SUPERSTARS. Followed by the LEGENDS OF THE RING III Convention Saturday in Edison, NJ. Saturday evening I will be in both Manville and Kearny, NJ. Sunday through Tuesday I have some special activities planned, that we will tell you about in a few days. Since I am going to be gone for 5-days, I am taking my laptop with me for a change. So... check back for my updates from the road this weekend.

This week's 'ASK PERCY' column at is available by clicking on this link: THIS WEEK'S PWInsider - ASK PERCY. As always, we appreciate all of your emails and questions. If you have anything that I may be able to assist you with, feel free to email me at The best and most asked questions, are published by PWInsider each and every week.

Take care, my friends.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Happy Birthday Dad... New York - New York...

Today is my Dad's 69th Birthday. I know my Mom reads my BLOG everyday, because she says I won't tell her anything, and that she has to come here to find out what I'm up to. Well Mother, tell Dad we will see him this afternoon!

Me and my all time managerial hero, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, in New York this past weekend.

This past weekend I got a chance to tell Bobby Heenan my feelings for him that I have been expressing to you folks for a very long time. It was my pleasure to spend the day with him and other ring superstars at WRESTLEFEST '05 on Saturday in Long Island, NY. I would like to thank Ken, Steve, and their entire staff for a job well done. I had a great time, and I know that everyone else did too. It was just so good seeing so many friends that I haven't seen for a very long while. Names such as Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey, The Dudley Boys (Bubba, Dvon, and Spike), Missy Hyatt, Jerry Lawler, Magnum T.A., Nikita Koloff, Terry Funk, Johnny Valiant, Test, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg Brian Armstrong, gosh... I hate to miss anyone, but I know I am. Anyway, I think you all get the picture. It was a good thing all around.

Later that evening I got an opportunity to go to USA PRO WRESTLING's UXW event. It was refreshing to sit back as a fan and watch the outstanding show. I also got to visit with some other old friends that were not at the convention that I have missed. Such as Kevin Kelly, Steve Corino, "Balls" Mahoney, Elix Skipper, just to name a few. Frank Goodman and his USA PRO crew work their butts off to give the fans in the area their dollar's worth for sure.

Then yesterday morning, I had breakfast with Terry Funk and rode to LaGuardia Airport with him to catch our respective flights home. The terms such as legend and icon are tossed about far too frquently these days. But when you talk "Terry Funk" you are talking wrestling. FUNK = WRESTLING.

The trip home left me sitting in Charlotte for 7-hours, but... be that as it may, it was a fine trip. We're going to head out again on Friday, and I will be on the road for 5-days.

I hope you all have a pleasant Monday!
God Bless.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Watching Rita... WrestleFest '05... and a special update

Our thoughts and prayers are with those in the path of Hurricane Rita. Having "been there, and done that" we know exactly what these folks are going through. We also have some dear friends and fans in the area, I just pray that they are prepared for what ever this horrible storm may bring. Our area will experience costal flooding, rain, some tropical winds, and tornado warnings; but we are truly blessed as we continue to "kick out" from Katrina 3 1/2 - weeks ago. I just heard the terrible news that New Orleans is flooding again!

I will be at WRESTLEFEST '05 tomorrow afternoon. I especially invite all of you that visit here, that live in the area to drop by and introduce yourselves to me. I will be joined by the likes of: Bobby Heenan, Dudley Boys, Gillberg, Johnny Valiant, Missy Hyatt, Test, Nikita Koloff, Steve Corino, Tony Atlas, Jerry Lawler, Larry Zbyszko, and several more stars of the ring. It should be a very exciting afternoon. My presence is a special appearance and not part of the WRESTLEFEST Super Ticket. I understand that I will be seated right next to my all time hero, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. I can't wait!

We continue to get kind emails with thoughts and prayers for my brother Harry III ("Bubba"), who had a tumor removed from his brain on September 6th. I must tell you at this time that the tumor was malignant. They also found a lesion on his lungs. He made an amazing recovery from the brain surgery, and his surgeons believe that they got it all. However, he has just started radiation treatments, and a series of chemotherapy will follow. Being my little brother, he's one tough dude. With the help of Our Dear Lord, his Family and Friends, we have no doubts that he will win this battle. We appreciate your concern more than you will ever realize.

Have a safe weekend, my friends.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Ray "Big Bossman" Traylor
Passed Away On This Date In 2004.
May His Soul And The Souls Of All Our Departed Brothers And Sisters, Rest In Peace. Amen.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

"Hump Day" news and such....

It's Wednesday, and our thoughts are with those in the path of Hurricane Rita. Please listen to what your local officials recommend. If they ask you to leave... LEAVE! Texas is very dear to my heart, and I am lucky to have many friends and supporters there. You are all in our prayers.

The latest edition of ASK PERCY is online at: Ask Percy. Remember that you may send your questions to me at:

I've been asked numerous times if I will be a part of WWE's 10/3 Homecoming event on The USA NETWORK. It has been discussed. However, I have prior bookings in the northeast September 30th through October 4th, so unfortunately it's an impossibility. The USA NETWORK is dear to my heart, as I was blessed to work with them for many years during my WWF tenure.

Sorry, we're kind of short today. But it can be true that "no news is good news" sometimes.

God Bless!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Another Monday...

LOL... well, most of the time.

Just a short reminder that I will be on tonight following WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW, at 10:15pm (Central).

All of our friends down in South Florida are on my mind, and in my prayers, as Hurricane Rita is passing your way and eventually into The Gulf Of Mexico. We will continue to keep an eye on this one for sure.

Birthday wishes go out to my OLD and dear friend Gerald Brisco today. "Jerry" and his brother Jack, are certainly Legends in our industry. I think the world of both of them.

Have a good one!

Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Brief Sunday Notes...

Good Sunday Morning to you, my friends. Just a few brief notes before we head off to church. I've passed on all of your best wishes and prayers for my brother's health to him, and he asked me to thank you all from the bottom of his heart. We are waiting on some test results early this week, to see exactly what the medical plan of action will be.

How about BAMA yesterday afternoon?

We attended the annual Lee Fields Memorial Race last night at
THE MOBILE INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY . Lee passed away on June 4, 2000, and was the promoter of Gulf Coast Wrestling and the Speedway for many years. The Fields Family Wrestling Dynasty will always be remembered, as it was the era that I grew up in. Lee's brothers, Bobby and Don, were also wrestlers; and his Dad "Speedy" promoted and refereed. Lee's Mom was Bonnie Welch, sister of The Wrestling Welch Family (Roy, Jack, Herb, and Lester). The Welch/Fuller/Fields Clan had over 20 members of their Family in our industry. We had a great time visiting with Lee's Family, and enjoying the races as well.

I will be a guest of Internet radio show tomorrow night, after WWE RAW, at 10:15pm (CT). We had a great time with them on July 18th, and I expect another entertaining show will be enjoyed by all.

I would like to remind you folks in the northeast that I will be in Melville, NY this Saturday, September 24th, with WRESTLEFEST '05 . If you are one of our extended family members here, please step up and introduce yourselves to me. It will be my pleasure to meet you all.

God Bless, and have a great day!


Friday, September 16, 2005

My First "Shoot Interview" Is In The Can...

A good Friday afternoon to you all! I thought I would give you the update that I promised on my trip to Philadelphia. If you didn't get it out of me right now, I will probably be asleep in my reclining chair in front of the television before dinner time. Either I'm just getting too damn old, or I'm just so out of practice traveling. It's probably a bit of both.

I spent yesterday afternoon at
THE RING OF HONOR headquarters in Philadelphia taping my first ever "shoot interview," and what an experience it was. I had a fantastic time, visiting the ROH's operation. I really didn't have a clue what a large company they are running up there. Their professionalism and respect for the history of our business was everywhere. After we got started, it didn't take ROH official Gabe Sapolsky too long to realize we were not going to fit 30+ years worth of memories in a 3-hour product. So he decided that we would do Part I - PP3 beginnings to the end of World Class Wrestling. Then I will return to Philly next month and shoot Part II - my WWF/WWE years. I am also hoping to tape my long awaited "shoot" with my old buddy James E. Cornette. By the way, if I am not mistaken tomorrow, September 17th, is J.C.'s birthday.

The travel experience really caught up with me today on my return home to Mobile. Notwithstanding the continued local airport problems due to Hurricane Katrina, Delta and Northwest's recent bankruptcy added to the turmoil. My Northwest flight out of Philly this morning was delayed, and when landed in Memphis, my connection to Mobile was due to take off. They tried to back me up on some later flights, but they were all booked and had long standby lists. I was already prepared to rent a car and drive the 6-7 hours home. Fortunately for me, my connection was delayed for about 15-minutes and I managed to make it just as they were closing the door. I love traveling when things go right, but when they go wrong, it can really ruin a day.

Time to finish checking the email, and turn this thing off until tomorrow.

Take care, my friends.

Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Short One Today Folks...

My fellow managerial associates, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Percival "Al" Friend, at The Cauliflower Alley Banquet/Reunion in Las Vegas a few years ago. Frequent visitors here already know of my fondness for "The Brain." I am proud to add his name to my Personal Hall Of Fame at Percy's HOF - Bobby Heenan today. We Love You Bobby!

As we say in the south, "If the Good Lord's willing, and the creek don't rise" I will be in Philadelphia tomorrow, taping my first "shoot interview" with THE RING OF HONOR . Hurricane Katrina cancelled our first scheduled taping two weeks ago. I am really excited about this one.

The latest "ASK PERCY" column at is online today.

If you have any questions for 'ol PP3, email them to me at:

Have a good one, and we'll try to give you an inside look at my trip to Philadelphia right here on Friday's BLOG.

God Bless!


Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Monday, September 12, 2005

Monday Bits and Pieces...


My hero, the greatest country singer of all time, George Jones, celebrates his birthday today. His brand new CD "HITS I MISSED ...AND ONE I DIDN'T" will be in music stores tomorrow. I was fortunate enough to get an advance copy a couple of weeks ago, and I must tell you that this has to be his best work in many years. There is no doubt that the old saying, "The Older The Wine, The Sweeter The Taste" applies to "The Possum." If you are an old school country fan like me, this is one that you must have in your collection. You can visit George's website at: . Speaking of "The Possum," congratulations go out to Tom and Debbie Killen who are proud grandparents of Tate Alexander Thurman, who was born to their daughter Amanda and her husband last week. Tom has been George's Steel Guitar Player for almost 25-years. He's a fantastic musician and a dear friend.

If you read my BLOG entry on September 6th, you can't help but compare this photo with the one posted there. The picture above was taken around 1972 or 1973. I believe (but don't hold me to it) that I was in my first year with The United States Air Force. That would make Sister Joan Marie a senior in high school, and brother Harry "Bubba" a junior. I'm happy to tell you that "Bubba" has been released from the hospital. However, he is not out of the woods as of yet. He still has some other issues to deal with. On behalf of our Family, I would like to thank you all from our heart of hearts, for all of the kind emails, thoughts and prayers. We can't stop now, so we ask that you keep Harry III on your prayer lists.

I had a fantastic time in the Boston area on Friday and Saturday, courtesy of CHAOTIC WRESTLING. They hit a homerun with their SUMMER CHAOS event, and our seminar at the CHAOTIC TRAINING CENTER was so much fun I sincerely hated to leave. It was great to visit with Jamie Jamitkowski, Mike Hollow, the entire office staff, talent roster, and students in training. Not forgetting The Legendary "Killer" Kowalski and Delaware's ECWA Jim Kettner. It's refreshing to know that the future of our business is in great hands in the northeast. Check them out at:

I appreciate Vince Russo and his RING OF GLORY for the kind interview with me on their website:
You find that this is a unique interview in that I speak frankly about my walk with Our Dear Lord Jesus Christ. Vince has some great plans for the future, and I am excited about becoming a part of them.

Two weeks ago today Hurricane Katrina hit our Gulf Coast. Once again I ask that if you haven't had a chance to do the right thing for the victims of this horrible storm, that you do it today. There are several links on my previous BLOG entries over the past week that might help you decide how you may want to help. Just follow your heart and help!

I appreciate you folks more than you will ever realize. I hope you all have a great week, and God Bless!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Update on "Bubba" and more...

My brother Harry III, whom we've called "Bubba" since the day he came home from the hospital, had surgery for a brain tumor on Tuesday. The Good Lord heard our prayers and he came through the operation with flying colors. However, there are some other health issues involved, and there will be more tests during the next few days to see exactly where he stands. I ask for your continued prayers and support, and we will keep you updated.

Keeping my brother in mind, if you have the time, click on this link and allow this message to touch your hearts as it has touched mine during these troubled times: THINK IT OVER

Tomorrow night, Friday September 9th at 8:00 pm, I will be in Methuen, Ma (a suburb of Boston) with CHAOTIC WRESTLING. Then on Saturday morning the 10th, I will be conducting a seminar at The CHAOTIC TRAINING CENTER. It's been awhile since I have been in the northeast, and I am really looking forward to meeting all of my friends and supporters there. You may visit their website at:

The relief efforts for our neighbors along The Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana coasts are ongoing. If you haven't had a chance to do your part to help them, please find it in your hearts to donate to one of the following organizations, or another of your choosing. Just please... help them!




Take care, my friends!

Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

We ask for your prayers again...

(from Left to Right) My brother Harry "Bubba", my sister Joan Marie and I hamming-it-up this past June at a Moody Family gathering.

Since I began this BLOG, I have always sincerely said that it is my personal letter to my friends and supporters. During the years I have shared many private moments with you folks. Such as my wife's battle with breast cancer, my Dad's heart surgeries, the death of my Grandson, and my fight with obesity. Prayer has always worked for us. This morning, I am bringing another petition to Our Dear Lord, and laying it at the foot of the cross. My brother "Bubba" has been diagnosed with a brain tumor, and is scheduled for surgery today. I ask that you all, as my extended family, join us in asking Our Savior to guide his surgeons' hands during this delicate operation. I thank you, and we will keep you updated on his progress.

Please continue to support the victims of Hurricane Katrina by making your donations to: THE AMERICAN RED CROSS or to: THE SALVATION ARMY

Take care, my friends.


Monday, September 05, 2005

ONE WEEK: Time Heals Wounds... but the scars will remain.

"Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels."
Hebrews 13:1-2

We all are following our own hearts in what we are doing to assist those who have suffered the wrath of Hurricane Katrina. However, please remember that every penny counts. One of the best things you can do is to reach down deep in your pockets, or clean out that mason jar full of loose change on top of your dresser, and send it to: THE AMERICAN RED CROSS

One week ago this morning, one of our three Dachschunds, Oscar, sits on the arm of the sofa keeping a watchful eye over his front yard. Shortly thereafter, we had to shut the door and hide behind the boarded windows as Hurricane Katrina battered our hometown for almost 12-hours.

Yes, it was almost at this very hour last week that the storm began it's fury on Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. We had no idea what the future held in store for us. It's been a very long week, my friends. However, with the grace of Our Dear Lord things are beginning to return to "normal." This morning, much of the city has power again, the gas lines are getting shorter, the curfew has been reduced to 11pm until dawn, grocery stores are restocking shelves... it's the simple things that are meaning so much to us right now.

However, our neighbors just a few miles to the west of us are still fighting to protect their property and lives. It's a horrible thing. Without a doubt, the worst disaster ever to hit the continental United States.

On a lighter note, I would like to thank all of those involved with THE TAP OUT SHOW last evening. They were all so professional, respectful, and well prepared. I had a great time, as they had a special surprise for me. My long time friend, and fellow manager "Uncle" Gary Hart called in to give his best wishes regarding the storm. I am looking forward to doing the show again in a couple of months.

For my friends in the Boston area, I will be in Methuen, MA this Friday evening, September 9th, at 8:00 pm for CHAOTIC WRESTLING. Then on Saturday, the 10th, I will be doing a seminar for their Training Center. If you visit us here, please don't hesitate to step up and introduce yoursleves to me, as I would love to meet you. You can visit their website at: CHAOTIC WRESTLING

God Has Blessed Our Beautiful Gulf Coast!
Let's continue to lift up our prayers together...


Sunday, September 04, 2005

Katrina Day 7 - "Tap Out" Interview and more...

ROLL TIDE! For those that may have missed it, it was ALABAMA 27 and Middle Tennessee 6 last night. But... we have a long way to go to THE IRON BOWL in November.

If I had known Grandchildren were this great, I would have had them first.

Much of The City of Mobile has it's power back on now. I still find myself fixed to the television screen watching the continued coverage of the terrible disaster scenes in Mississippi and Louisiana. I've thought about writing some my personal memories and stories of the storm, but everytime I sit down to do so, I get a case of "survivors guilt." My words are nothing compared to those who have lost their homes, and families. For now, I just Praise The Lord everyday that all of my family survived with only minor damage. It's going to take many years for the Gulf Coast to heal, and the scars will remain with us for eternity.
A dear friend sent me this link, I hope it touches your heart as it touched mine:
Please give what you can to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Remember that all donations are tax deductable, and every penny counts. You may contribute by clicking here: HELP KATRINA VICTIMS

I have been asked to be guest again on tonight's TAP OUT SHOW, Sunday - September 4th, at 10:00 pm (central). I was on the show on July 17th, and we had such a great time and have so much more to talk about. I ask that you check it out if you can. Just click on: PP3 ON THE TAP OUT SHOW

God Bless!

Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Friday, September 02, 2005

Help Katrina Victims - F4Wonline Interview...

You can help the victims of Hurricane Katrina by clicking here: HELP KATRINA VICTIMS There is also a link on the splash page of I have some very personal comments and stories relating to Katrina, however I am going to save them for a day or two. But for the grace of Our Dear Lord, it could have been my hometown that received the worst part of the storm. Let's continue to keep the entire Gulf Coast in our prayers, this disaster is far from being over. President Bush arrived in Mobile this afternoon to tour the damaged areas in Alabama, Mississippi, and Lousiana.

I am pleased to be a guest on the popular Internet Wrestling Show FIGURE FOUR WEEKLY this afternoon. You can access the program at: FIGURE FOUR WEEKLY ONLINE

Have a good Friday, my friends.


Thursday, September 01, 2005

Gulf Coast Update...

Hello my friends,

Today when you enjoy one of life's simple pleasures such as turning on a light, opening your refrigerator, sipping an ice cold drink, watching your favorite television program, or hugging a loved one... think of the hundreds of thousands of people along The Gulf Coast that have lost everything they owned. There's no way I can find the words to describe some of the happenings in our area. However, I'm certain that most of you have seen the terrible images on the news.

I will NEVER complain about my family's situation. Our minor inconviences are nothing compared to others. We are very blessed. I am currently using my son's computer, as I am still without electricity at my home.

I just want to personally thank all of you that have sent such kind messages. Especially for your prayers! I will do my best to answer each email, as soon as I am able. Until then, just remember how special each and everyone of you are to me. I've said it so many times, but it comes from my heart of hearts... if it wasn't for you folks, I would have never enjoyed the life that I have. Today I am really loving life. It can be lost in a nanosecond.

I will be back with a longer update and more news and stories as soon as my power and internet access has been restored. That could me in 5-minutes, or 5-days.

Take care and God Bless!
~Percy and Family