Sunday, September 04, 2005

Katrina Day 7 - "Tap Out" Interview and more...

ROLL TIDE! For those that may have missed it, it was ALABAMA 27 and Middle Tennessee 6 last night. But... we have a long way to go to THE IRON BOWL in November.

If I had known Grandchildren were this great, I would have had them first.

Much of The City of Mobile has it's power back on now. I still find myself fixed to the television screen watching the continued coverage of the terrible disaster scenes in Mississippi and Louisiana. I've thought about writing some my personal memories and stories of the storm, but everytime I sit down to do so, I get a case of "survivors guilt." My words are nothing compared to those who have lost their homes, and families. For now, I just Praise The Lord everyday that all of my family survived with only minor damage. It's going to take many years for the Gulf Coast to heal, and the scars will remain with us for eternity.
A dear friend sent me this link, I hope it touches your heart as it touched mine:
Please give what you can to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Remember that all donations are tax deductable, and every penny counts. You may contribute by clicking here: HELP KATRINA VICTIMS

I have been asked to be guest again on tonight's TAP OUT SHOW, Sunday - September 4th, at 10:00 pm (central). I was on the show on July 17th, and we had such a great time and have so much more to talk about. I ask that you check it out if you can. Just click on: PP3 ON THE TAP OUT SHOW

God Bless!

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