Wednesday, September 21, 2005

"Hump Day" news and such....

It's Wednesday, and our thoughts are with those in the path of Hurricane Rita. Please listen to what your local officials recommend. If they ask you to leave... LEAVE! Texas is very dear to my heart, and I am lucky to have many friends and supporters there. You are all in our prayers.

The latest edition of ASK PERCY is online at: Ask Percy. Remember that you may send your questions to me at:

I've been asked numerous times if I will be a part of WWE's 10/3 Homecoming event on The USA NETWORK. It has been discussed. However, I have prior bookings in the northeast September 30th through October 4th, so unfortunately it's an impossibility. The USA NETWORK is dear to my heart, as I was blessed to work with them for many years during my WWF tenure.

Sorry, we're kind of short today. But it can be true that "no news is good news" sometimes.

God Bless!