Monday, August 29, 2005

It's Time... Katrina Time!

I must make this short for obvious reasons. I woke up about 45-minutes ago (5:00 am), fortunately I was able to get 5-hours of much needed sleep. The sun is set to rise in about 15-20 minutes, but we won't get to see too much of it today. As I type, it is really beginning to get nasty outside as Katrina is making landfall in Southern Louisiana, about 120-miles west of us.

It is now a category-4 storm, with 160-mph winds. Our power is blinking on and off, and I don't think we will be having that pleasure for very much longer. With all of our windows covered with plywood, you can hear the winds blowing outside, and believe me I've been though this many times in my life, but there's always a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. We are under tornado warnings, the rain is pouring down, and it looks like this will go on until very late tonight.

We're safe for now. Thanks for the prayers, but please don't stop now... there's a bunch of folks out there that will need them as the day progresses. There are links to two local television stations on yesterday's BLOG entry, that are having streaming coverage of the storm from our area 24/7. You can check them out if you care to do so. Take care my friends.

God BlessOur Gulf Coast!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Katrina knocking on our door...

Hello my friends. For obvious reasons this will be a short BLOG entry today. You can feel the tension in the air as Hurricane Katrina packing 175-mph winds prepares to hit our Gulf Coast. I've been working all day making the necessary preparations around the house. We are almost finished as the first bands of rain are darkening our skies. I don't have any idea what the future may hold in store for us. All I can say is that I appreciate the many kind emails from many of you concerning my family and the storm. I ask that you continue to remember all of us in Katrina's path in your prayers. I think we definitely are going to need them. This one really scares me.

Needless to say, the Mobile Airport to closing and I will not be able to make it to Philadelphia tomorrow to tape my "shoot" interviews with Ring Of Honor. I'm certain that we will have a make-up date not too far in the future, we will keep you updated.

For those of you that would really like to see what we are going through down here, two of our local television stations are providing streaming coverage of the hurricane on their websites at: and

Thanks my friends, we will be back here as soon as I am able to do so.
God Bless,

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Katrina... and more.

We may have been blessed again with Katrina, as she continues to move westward in The Gulf Of Mexico. That is certainly not good news for our friends in The New Orleans area. We continue to ask that you join us in uplifting our prayers asking for the safety of all of those in the path of this dangerous storm.

If the weather allows me to get out on Monday morning, I am still scheduled to do my first "shoot" interviews in Philadelphia. I will do my first with Jim Cornette, and the second will be solo. The picture of Jim and I above was taken in the old Smokey Mountain Wrestling days, when The Undertaker faced "Unabomb" who eventually became Kane, for the first time. Jim signed it for me saying... "To Paul Bearer - From Your Next Client, Jim Cornette." I am really excited about doing this interview with my long time friend, and fellow manager.

The event tonight in the Florida panhandle town of Chipley will go on as scheduled. Belltime is at 8:00 pm, and we will see all of my friends and supporters in the area there!

Have a great Saturday morning, and weekend as well.
God Bless.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Days Of My Lives...

"Like Sands Through The Hour Glass..."

The true star of our lives, Grace Elizabeth. It's just so amazing to watch her grow with every passing day. We raised two boys of our own, but it's kind of different with a Grandchild. I know all of you Grandparents out there know exactly what I am talking about.

Hello my friends. It's Friday again, and we have a lot of catching up to do. We'll start on the Moody homefront, since many of you have expressed an interest in what's been happening in our lives. It was 1-year and 9-months ago yesterday that I had my gastric bypass surgery. I've spoken on this subject so many times in the past. I just want to add that if any of you readers have battled weight problems all of your life, and can't seem to find an answer, weightloss surgery may be right for you. Speak with your primary care physician, and check the link that I have on; you can find anything you want to know and more. As difficult as it was, if I had to do it again, I would. It's a matter of living or dying.

What do you think about our Gracie in the photo above? Oh yes... don't she look just like Grandpa. LOL Her Dad, which is our oldest son Michael of course, has started traveling with his job. He was gone all last week. So Dianna and I offered to keep Gracie Saturday night and took her to Church with us. I know I'm prejudiced, but that child had to be the best kid ever in Mass. The icing on the cake was when Michael and Beth came to pick her up on Sunday. She was playing on our living room floor. You should have seen her face when she saw her Daddy coming up the hill. Thank God For Kids!

Dianna is doing well. She had her annual mammogram two-weeks ago. Everything is fine and dandy. I just want to remind you ladies out there to keep you annual mammogram appointments. You just never know. If it can happen to us, it can happen to anybody. This too is a matter of life an death. You guys out there, make sure the women in your lives do the right thing. What would we do without them?

I hope all of our South Florida friends made it safely through Hurricane Katrina. She is moving into the warm waters of the Gulf now, and starting to worry us. I am scheduled to be in Philadelphia Monday and Tuesday to do my first "shoot interviews" with Ring Of Honor. I am afraid Katrina may interfere with my flight plans. I may have to go in a day early to get ahead of the storm. I really don't want to miss out on this opportunity, as you never know when we will be able to get me and Jim Cornette in the right place at the right time again. Let's keep all of the folks in the costal areas in our prayers this hurricane season.

I will be in Chipley, Florida tomorrow night (Saturday - August 27th) for The American Wrestling Federation. Belltime is at 8:00 pm. We had a fantastic time last time in, and I expect this will be another homerun for Gulf South Wrestling's new Alliance.

I always appreciate all of your kind emails. Notwithstanding, the email that I published in yesterday's BLOG entry, many of you also enjoy my so called "walking advertisements" too. I will do my best to keep a bit of both here, without having too much of either. When I start to ramble, just give me a shout and put me back on track.

I wih you all a safe enjoyable weekend!
God Bless.

Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Thursday, August 25, 2005


I received the following email from one of my supporters this morning. It certainly was a wake up call. I will let you read it, then we'll make some more comments below.

Dear Bill (or Percy...whichever is the most appropriate),

I am writing you this morning, to voice an opinion on your blogs, or what have become of your blogs. Before I begin, please in absolutely no way take what my comment will say as being derogatory, it is not meant to be taken that. Everyday when I get to work, the first web-site I click on is your blog. I enjoy reading about your life and the going ons... yours is the only one I do read.

I have been a fan of Percy Pringle since the days of when WCCW was shown at 4:00PM on ESPN. I unfortunately these days (probably started back around 2000) do not watch wrestling, to me nowadays wrestling is a male soap opera, in the fact of how heavily story oriented the WWE has become, and of how ludicrous some of the these story lines are as well. If you ask me, the best wrestling clearly is that of Mid-South, Florida, WCCW, NWA from around 1975-1985. I could sit down a watch that "kind" of wrestling show for hours on end, whereas I can barely watch the WWE product today. But this e-mail was not supposed to be one that bashed the WWE product, so sorry for going off on a tangent.

Hopefully, you are still reading this, since the real reason why I am e-mailing you is to let you know that I miss the way your blogs used to be. I have been reading your blogs for probably the last 8-10 months, and when I first started reading them, you would talk about your family, about your life, about personal (not necessarily business) items. Unfortunately, these days your blog has become at times nothing more than a walking advertisement.

I understand why you are doing this, and I even understand this is all part of your life which is what the blog should be about, but I guess I'm also saying that the blogs about your personal life (outside of say your next appearance or what have you) is in my opinion what attracted me (and I'm sure I'm not alone in this opinion) to your blog and what kept bringing me back. Now I will probably always start my day with reading your daily blog, and I am happy for you that you are now able to partake in the independent wrestling scene, you seem to be very happy and well that's what life is all about, but I also would like to read more stories of Bill Moody and his family, so please don't totally disband that part of your blogs.

Well, I have taken up enough of your time. I wish you and your family, both Bill Moody's and Percy Pringle's, all the continued success and happiness that you are experiencing. Can't wait to see you (in the figurative, not literal, of course) at the show you will be at in Methuen as that is only about 20 minutes from my home in MA.

Take care.

This email was certainly a wake-up call for me. I can't wait to meet the writer of this message in Methuen, MA ( a suburb of Boston) when I am there on September 9th. Yes, this hit home for me. I totally agree with everything the author was trying to say. I have allowed my heavy involvement with indy wrestling to take over my life. I am spending too much damn time back on this computer keyboard again too.

I apologize to my faithful readers and supporters for this. I didn't intend for my BLOG to become a "walking advertisement." However, I am certain that those that visit my website often understand that my life has changed since I was released as a regular WWE talent on July 10th. I have to keep my name out there, to get work for myself, thus paying The Moody Family's bills.

I promise I will do my best from this point on to try to find a fine line between the personal stories that many of you enjoy, and the "walking advertisements." I receive a bunch of email everyday, and I am proud to say that I read them all, and reply personally. From my heart of hearts, I want you all to know that if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have enjoyed 30+ years in pro wrestling.

I appreciate you all!
God Bless.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

PWInsider and

I will be the guest of the popular Internet Wrestling Show FIGURE FOUR WEEKLY, on Friday, September 2nd. We will have more details as the date draws nearer. You can visit their website at:

The second edition of 'ASK PERCY -VERSION 2005' is available today by clicking here: SECOND EDITION OF 'ASK PERCY 2005'

I appreciate the many questions that I have recieved. In fact I have so many Q & A's this week that PWInsider is spliting them over several days. I am trying do my best to answer each of you in timely personal email. The best, or the most asked questions will be posted on a regular basis at

You may ask your questions for the next ASK PERCY by sending them to me in care of:

God Bless and have a good Wednesday!


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Just A Few Reminders...

I am now swimming with the sharks on the local independent scene, as I am seriously involved in a new promotion along The Gulf Coast. You may find more information at:

Yes, I know... we've already covered most of this information in past BLOG entries. However, I think you would rather read this recap, just in case you missed something. Or, would you really like for me to climb back on my soapbox and go to preaching again. Hehee... OK... I'll leave the preaching to Benny Hinn for now.

Today's voting day for Mayor of Mobile, Alabama. I ask my "homies" to get out and vote, and take a friend or two with you!

The WWE DVD HISTORY OF THE UNDERTAKER is available in stores today. I know I may be a bit prejudiced here, but this is a good one. It's a 3-disc set, and it starts at the very beginning, namely SURVIVOR SERIES 1990. My Lord... it really has been 15-years. If you are a serious UT fan, you must have this one for your collection.

I am returning to The Florida Panhandle this weekend. I will be appearing with The AWF - American Wrestling Federation in Chipley, FL on Saturday night, August 27th. Belltime will be promptly at 8:00 pm.

Another note for Gulf Coast Fans, tickets will go on sale this Saturday (8/27) for The WWE events in Mobile, Alabama on 9/25, and Biloxi, Mississippi on 9/26. The live television event in Biloxi will be the last RAW on SPIKE TV, as I am sure you all know WWE returns to The USA Network on 9/5.

TNA will join SPIKE TV on September 10th, if I am not mistaken. Check your local listings!

Chaotic Wrestling in the Boston area, has invited me to be a part of their event on September 9th, in Mathuen, MA; and I will speak at their Training Center Seminar on 9/10. I am really excited about returning to "Bean Town."

I was told today that The Associated Press (AP) picked up on the 3-page story The Mobile Register did on me this past Friday. It has appeared in cities all over the country. The feedback has been amazing. I thank you all.

Take care, and God Bless!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Let's Get ready To Ramble...

GROUND ZERO PRO Wrestling hit a home run out of the park last night in Houma, LA. It was one of most exciting indy crowds I have ever witnessed. I thank those that busted their butts to make it such a success. We will see you there next time!

I will be in Chipley, FL this Saturday night at 8:00 pm, for The AWF - American Wrestling Federation. We had a standing room only crowd packed in last time, on August 13th. I hear they are adding extra chairs already for this one. If you live in The Florida Panhandle, make it a point to come out and join us. You will be glad you did, I promise.

The HISTORY OF THE UNDERTAKER will be in stores tomorrow. It's a 3-disc set, that covers UT's WWE career from the very beginning to today. Although I have all of the footage in my collection on VHS, it will be nice to get this fine legacy all in one place on DVD. I keep saying that one day I am going to transfer all of my stuff onto DVD. You wouldn't believe how many VHS tapes I have stored away.

Tomorrow is an important voting day here in my hometown, as we will elect a new Mayor after 16-years. I ask all of my fellow Mobilians to get out an make your vote count. I don't care who you vote for, just vote. My youngest son will vote for the first time tomorrow. Ain't it great to be an American!

If you haven't visited our GENERAL STORE as of yet, we have a bunch of new and unique stuff! Just click here and GO SHOPPING WITH PP3!

Enjoy your Monday!


Friday, August 19, 2005

Local Media... and much more.

The Mobile Register ran an anticipated article on 'ol PP3 in today's edition. It was spread over 3-pages. I am truly humbled. It's something to get media attention in other parts of the country, and the world as well. However, there's no place like home. You can read the article, courtesy of, by clicking on this hyperlink: MOBILE REGISTER PP3 STORY

If you have the time, check out my GENERAL STORE. We have a bunch of new and unique stuff! Just click here: GO SHOPPING WITH PP3!

Once again, I would like to remind you that I will be in Philadelphia, PA on August 29th and 30th, to tape my first "shoot interview." I will do two with The RING OF HONOR "Straight Shootin' Series." One will be with my friend and fellow manager James E. Cornette, and the second will be all by my lonesome. We will keep you updated!

I came to an agreement with CHAOTIC WRESTLING last evening to appear at their event in the Boston, MA area on Friday, September 9th. I will also be a part of their Training Center Seminar on Saturday, September 10th.

Remember that I will also be in Houma, LA this Sunday, August 21st, for GROUND ZERO PRO. Belltime is at 7:00 pm.

Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Today I am excited to tell you that the first edition of 'ASK PERCY -VERSION 2005' is now available by clicking here: FIRST EDITION OF 'ASK PERCY 2005'

I appreciate the many questions that I have recieved. I am trying do my best to answer each of you in timely personal email. The best, or the most asked questions will be posted on a regular basis at

You may ask your questions for the next ASK PERCY by sending them to me in care of:

Have a good Wednesday!


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Tracking A Possum... Remembering EP...

This photo of The Greatest Country Singer of all time and myself was taken on December 9, 1999 at The Pensacola Florida Municipal Auditorium. If you visit us here often, it's no secret that I am one of biggest "Possum Fans" on this earth.

George's Official Website tells us that...

"American icon GEORGE JONES widely considered the greatest living country singer, celebrates his 51st year as a recording artist with the release of, "Hits I missed…and one I didn't." Scheduled for release Tuesday, September 13 on Bandit Records. The CD features twelve new recordings of songs Jones humorously refers to as "hits I missed" and "one I didn’t." Produced by Keith Stegall (Alan Jackson, Randy Travis), HITS I MISSED... was originally conceived as "songs George wished he had recorded," but passed on.

The project then morphed into almost a tribute from Jones and his "tip of the hat" to the original versions and the artist that did record them. The And One I Didn’t refers to Jones’ first new recording of, "He Stopped Loving Her Today" in more than 25 years. The new rendition features a more mature soulful approach and, in Jones’ own words, "I sing it better today than I did originally."

One of the many highlights featured on HITS I MISSED...And One I Didn’t is a rendition of Hank Williams, JR’s penned, "The Blues Man" performed as a duet with Dolly Parton.Classics that Jones sings on this album include: Funny How Time Slips Away - Here In The Real World - Today I Started Loving You Again - The Blues Man - Busted - Too Cold At Home - On the Other Hand - Detroit City - Skip a Rope - Pass Me By - If You’re Gonna Do Me Wrong - He Stopped Loving Her Today."

Personally I can't wait for this album's release! I feel that it will be one of The Possum's best in many years. "The Blues Man" has always been one of my favorite Hank Jr. songs, hearing George do it will certainly bring a tear to a glass eye. I'm told that George and Dolly filmed the video for it just last week.

One would think that at The Possum's age he would be thinking about slowing down a bit. Obviously that is far from his mind as he continues to tour. In fact, he is doing 21 concert dates in Canada beginning October 1st. I will be in the audience as he makes his return to The Gulf Coast on November 25th & 26th, at The Casino Magic, in Bay St. Louis, MS. By the way, November 25th will be the second anniversary of my gastric bypass surgery. What a way to celebrate!!

Elvis Presley died on this date in 1977. It is one of those, "I remember where I was moments." I was in my second year of my Mortuary Science Apprenticeship. I was alone in the funeral home, listening to the radio when the news broke. The first thing I did was call my Mom who was working in a local department store at the time. She was, and still is as much an Elvis fan as I am of George Jones.

I am excited about a unique interview I have scheduled for later today, for Vince Russo's new RING OF GLORY. Instead of the run of the mill wrestling stuff, I will speak about my Christianity, and how Our Lord has worked in my life. I will let you know when it's available. You may visit The RING OF GLORY at:

Have a great Tuesday!


Monday, August 15, 2005

Looking ahead...

THE COUNTDOWN IS ON! Only two more Saturdays before Alabama football begins!
Here's this year's schedule:
9/3 - Middle Tennessee
9/10 - Southern Mississippi
9/17 - at South Carolina
9/24 - Arkansas
10/1 - Florida
10/15 - at Ole Miss
10/22 - Tennessee
10/29 - Utah State
11/5 - at Mississippi State
11/12 - LSU
11/19 - Auburn

My hometown paper, The Mobile Register, gave a preview in yesterday's (Sunday) edition regarding this Friday's article about yours truly. To say I am tickled to death about it is an understatement. I will have a link to the article, or a copy of it for you right here in Friday's BLOG.

I am hoping for a quiet week, as school began in our area this morning. There aren't any shows on my calendar until this Sunday, August 21st. I will be in Houma, Louisiana for GROUND ZERO PRO wrestling. Belltime is set for 7:00 pm (central).

I hope your weekend went as well as mine did. Both events were well attended, and entertaining for all involved. My first 2005 version of "ASK PERCY" will debut on in the next couple of days. We will keep you updated. Until then...

Take care and God Bless!

Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Great AWF Event... another tonight...

I appreciate The AWF - Alabama Wrestling Federation for allowing me to be a part of their fine show last evening in Semmes, Alabama a suburb of Mobile. A packed house saw me handcuffed to my cousin "Marvelous" Marcel Pringle's valet as he squared off against Steve Armstrong. The AWF returns to Semmes on September 17th.

As I said in yesterday's BLOG, I will be in Chipley, FL tonight for another AWF. This time it's The American Wrestling Federation. Belltime is at 8:00 PM for anyone in the Florida panhandle that may be interested.

My hometown newspaper The Mobile Register is in the final stages of preparing a story about me that will be in print this coming Friday. A reporter spent the morning with me earlier this week and picked what's left of my brain. Then a photographer made a visit, taking pics in my home office, and also of me playing with my three Dachshunds. They were also at the indy event last night snaping some shots. Seriously, I've been blessed to have been featured in newspapers around the world. But there's nothing like making it to your hometown press. I'm really excited about this, as you can probably tell.

It's a short BLOG today as I have a lot to do this morning before heading for Florida this afternoon. I hope you all have a pleasant weekend!

God Bless!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Pringle Family Fued Continues and more...

TGIF ! You all know what that means!

It's Friday, August 12th, and "The Pringle Family Fued" continues tonight in the suburbs of Mobile, Alabama with The AWF - Alabama Wrestling Federation. My cousin "Marvelous" Marcel Pringle will take on Steve Armstrong, and I will be handcuffed to cuz's valet "Queen" Melissa at ringside! This will all go down at 8:00 pm, at The Semmes Community Center, in Semmes, Alabama. Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell and Glenn "Disco Inferno" Gilbertti headline the fine indy card that also includes ring Legend Don Fargo in his Grandson Ron's corner; plus much more.

Tomorrow night, Saturday August 13th, I will be in Chipley, FL for another AWF; but this time it's The American Wrestling Federation. You folks along The Florida panhandle come and check it out!

Remember that "PERCY'S GENERAL STORE" is open for business. You can visit the main page by clicking here: COME ON IN - THE STORE IS OPEN!

Some brand new and unique items have been added to our inventory. You can access the page with all the new stuff by clicking on this link:

Finally, I would like to personally thank all of you that have submitted questions for the 2005 version of "ASK PERCY." I am proud to say that I personally read and answer all of my email. The best Questions & Answers will be featured in my first column on next week. You can send your questions directly to me at:

Have a good weekend and God Bless!
Click for Mobile, Alabama Forecast

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

WRESTLENIGHT U.S.A. tonight and more stuff...

Don't forget my friends, I will be on KoKo Sports' respected WRESTLENIGHT U.S.A., tonight at 10pm (ET) - 9pm (CT). You can find it at:

I told you all last week I was negotiating with RING OF HONOR to do my first ever "Shoot Interview." Things are set, and I will be in Philadelphia on August 29th and 30th for two tapings. I am excited to do one with my friend and fellow manager James E. Cornette, and the second will be done alone. You can find The ROH at:

My mailbox has been packed full of new and interesting questions for the 2005 version of "ASK PERCY." Feel free to ask anything that you care, just remember if it's not respectful or too personal you will get an answer directly from me. The best questions and answers will be posted on on a regular basis. You can send your questions to me at:

Until next time, take care my friends and God Bless!


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Discovery Home - Interview Tonight - other news...

I join my fellow Americans in welcoming home The Space Shuttle Discovery. I had goosebumps as I watched the remarkable landing about 30-minutes ago. I've written before about my lifetime fascination with space travel, and have visited The Houston Space Center, and Cape Kennedy as well, many times. The photo above shows WWE Superstar John Bradshaw Layfield and myself touring The Houston Space Center the day before WRESTLEMANIA-17 in The Astrodome, in 2001.

The legendary "Nightmare" himself Ted Allen was in town last night. We don't get to see my friend very often, with the exception of our Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion every March. Ted was bringing down some wrestling ring parts from his home in North Georgia. We had a great time visiting. It just didn't last long enough. As well as being a fantastic talent in his own right, Ted has trained many ring stars through the years, including Arn Anderson.

As we announced yesterday, my once popular Question/Answer column ASK PERCY has returned. It is being hosted by the Internet Elite News Website You may submit your questions to

The following is a press release from

Paul Bearer Speaks Out at the Wrestling Epicenter!

"This week on WrestlingEpicenter's "The Interactive Interview," we welcome none other than the incomparable Percy Pringle perhaps better known as Paul Bearer from the WWE.

Pringle has had an amazing career spanning the territories of yesteryear including World Class run by the tragic Von Erich family to the WWE through the years and even Total Nonstop Action. This legendary wrestling personality has seen it all in this business and we leave no stone unturned in this hour long interview.

Perhaps the best part of this interview was Pringle discussing his health problems and how the WWE took care of him during them. It gives a personal and honorable side to a company that doesn't always get the benefit of the doubt from past employees.

You can catch this interview on Tuesday night, August 9th, at 10 p.m. EST on "The Blaze" 1260 AM or listen to the live audio stream on
Just click the "Listen to Us Live" link during as the 10 o'clock hour approaches!"

I would like to thank to folks at Wrestling EpiCenter for being such professionals. I had a great time, and I hope you all will enjoy listening to the program this evening. Remembering it's 10pm (Eastern) and 9pm (Central).

One more reminder, please don't forget that I will also be on WRESTLENIGHT U.S.A. tomorrow night, August 10, at 10pm (ET) - 9pm (CT). You can check that one out at:

Take care!


Monday, August 08, 2005

Monday Morning News...

I'm just kidding... Mondays aren't always so bad. In fact I have some exciting news for you today.

Mark your calendars. I will be guest on WRESTLING EPICENTER tomorrow night at 10pm (ET), 9pm (CT). The interview was taped last Tuesday. We had a blast doing it, and I hope you enjoy. I'll have more details in tomorrow's BLOG. In the meantime, you can find them at:

I am extremely excited to tell you that along with Dave Scherer and the fine staff of we are bringing back the ASK PERCY question and answer segment. PWInsider made the annoucement today, which you can read at: "ASK PERCY" COMING TO I answered over 5,000 questions from fans on the old PRINGLE DYNASTY message board during 2002. However, due to circumstances beyond my control, we had to close the board. I think it will be fun to try it again. CLICK HERE TO ASK PERCY

I have a busy week ahead, especially on the local independent scene. I am involved with two independent events on Friday and Saturday nights. A major deal with the Gulf Coast media is in the works. Notwithstanding, the two interesting interviews with WRESTLING EPICENTER and WRESTLENIGHT U.S.A. on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

One thing for sure, visitors here will be the first to know what's happening with 'ol PP3. I hope you know how much I appreciate you all!

Have a great week.


Saturday, August 06, 2005

Bunch Of News Today...

I am pleased to annouce that I came to terms with Gabe Sapolsky and The Ring Of Honor yesterday. I will be filming my first "Shoot Interview" with them later this month. I will be doing one alone, and a second one with my dear friend and fellow manager, James E. Cornette; as a part of ROH's STRAIGHT SHOOTIN' SERIES. I promise that my friends who visit here will be first to get all of the details on their release dates. This is going to be a lot of fun for me. Something that I am really looking forward to doing. You can visit The Ring Of Honor at:

I am also excited to tell you that I will be the guest of KoKo Sports highly rated show WRESTLENIGHT U.S.A. this Wednesday night, August 10th, at 9pm (CT). Tune in if you can. The URL is:

I have also agreed to be a part of The K & S WRESTLEFEST in New York, on Saturday September 24th.

I announced last week that I will be in Edison, NJ on October 1st, with The LEGENDS OF THE RING 3 Convention.

I have three consecutive weekends booked in October for MWF Pro Wrestling in the Boston, MA area. Fortunately my fall calendar is beginning fill up quickly. Notwithstanding my relationship with the independents in my home area along The Gulf Coast. I will be visiting an indy event tonight in The Florida panhandle that features "Loverboy" Dennis Condrey, The Armstrong Family, and many local indy stars. Of course, this Friday night, August 12th, I will return with The AWF - Alabama Wrestling Federation in Semmes, Alabama. Then one week from tonight, Saturday August 13th, I will be in Chipley, FL with another AWF - American Wrestling Federation. August 21st has 'ol PP3 in Houma, LA with Ground Zero Pro Wrestling.

A bit of a headache this morning. It's my own fault of course. Dianna and I went out with some friends last night for some Karaoke and Tennessee sippin' whiskey, a.k.a. my buddy Jack Daniels. Needless to say, I think I remember crooning with the likes of Sammy Kershaw, Verne Gosdin, and The Possum himself, George Jones. Hell... guess I'll never learn. Hehee....

Before I sign out, I want those of you in and around my hometown of Mobile to know that I've got some BIG news happening with the local media this week. I have to keep the details a secret for now, but I'll fill you in in a couple of days.

Hey... you know... there just maybe some life outside of the mainstream WWE after all.
Have a fine Saturday!

Friday, August 05, 2005

It's Friday - AGAIN !

It's finally Friday again. That sounds funny coming from somebody that doesn't even have a REAL job, doesn't it? It doesn't matter, as I've always enjoyed Fridays, mainly because my friends and family have those so called REAL jobs, and they are usually off on the weekends. Then again traditionally the weekends have always meant one thing, 'rasslin.

Nothing big to ramble about today, back to that "no news is good news" thing. I do have a couple of meetings set, primarily to discuss the local independent scene. Boy... that's a mess these days. For the life of me I just can't understand why some folks take something that is so easy and fun, and make it into the most miserable thing to want to be around. The backstage, gossip, backstabbing, lying, cheating, stealing, hell... I could go on and on. It's the side of the business I don't like to expose to the true hardcore fans that pay to see it. Just buy your ticket, suspend your disbelief, and enjoy the show. Don't worry about what goes on behind the curtain... believe me... you DON'T want to know. Enough of that.

I did enjoy a pleasant evening last night. I went out to a friend's place who has a ring setup, and watched some young talent practice their dreams. I even taught them something that they had never seen before. It's called a "short arm sissors." I actually got into the ring, and showed them how to do it. I walked away with a good feeling about our business for a change. I taught somebody something.

Well... I'll stop for now.
Have a fine weekend!

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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Championship Belts

Many folks in and out of our business as well, have different ideas when it comes to Championship Titles. Some view them as just a prop. They have the idea that since the industry is predetermined, or "worked" using the so called "smart" lingo, that the belts are just a thing. I'm climbing back on my proverbial soapbox today, to tell you that the assemblage of leather and metal, are far from being just a thing.

The photo above depicts four prominent titles, that have special places in my heart. They have all been worn at one time or another, by a member of The PRINGLE DYNASTY. From left to right are The World Class Texas Heavyweight Championship, The World Class Tag Team Championship, The Southern Heavyweight Title, and The Florida Heavyweight Championship. These are the original belts, not replicas. I am proud to say that both World Class belts are a part of my personal collection. How these four belts came together for this photo, is a story unto itself.

You see, during the last years of the 1980s, when Texas wrestling underwent a tremendous change, World Class closed it's doors, and USWA replaced it for awhile. I was working in the office at The Sportatorium at the time, and the two belts ended up in my closet. They stayed there for almost 15-years, until I met Dave Millican several months ago. Dave and the legendary Reggie Parks, are the Kings when it comes to original title belts in our sport. Dave learned that I had the two belts in my possession, and offered to clean them up for me. To make a long story short, I sent them to him. The photo above, shows what they looked like when I put them into his hands. The photo below shows what his talent and respect for our business did for my collection. Needless to say, these pictures are worth a thousand words.

They look like they did the first time they were ever worn at The Sportatorium. I can tell you that they are not hiding in my home office anymore. I'm finally out of the closet! That you can see from the photo below.
When you pour your blood, sweat and tears into a business such as ours, the trophies that we gather mean so much to us. They represent the thousands of miles spent on the road away from your family. They stand for the many opponents that you have faced in those countless arenas around the world. The belts, simple to some, become a part of you. They are history. If those belts around my shoulders could only talk. Can you imagine what they would have to say?

The stories about The Von Erich Family, The Freebirds, Gino Hernandez, Chris Adams, Rick Rude... I could go on and on. If we are on the same page, you understand, and no further words are necessary. If you don't get it, there's not enough words for me to write for you.

I would like to thank Dave Millican and Reggie Parks for restoring my belts. Dave has such a tremendous respect for our business and it's history, that he refused to take any money from me for his work. He said, that his pay was just being allowed to work on such artifacts.

If you have any interest at all in championship belts in our industry, please take the time to visit Dave's website at:

Take care, my friends. Relax... tomorrow is Friday!


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups Of Coffee...

Just like many of you, I get jokes, photos, stories, chain letters, etc., from well meaning Internet friends. Although I read most of them, very few truly touch my heart. Now and then one will, and I would like to share one of those with you today. First off, I received this one several times during the past week or so from various aquaintances. I really didn't pay too much attention to it, or even read it all the way through until this morning. I'm happy I did.
It is titled: "The Mayonnaise Jar & 2 cups of coffee..."

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee...

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “yes.”

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things--your God, family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions - things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car. The sand is everything else -- the small stuff. "If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal...

Take care of the golf balls first -- the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand." One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

Please have a couple of cups on 'ol PP3 today.

Take care, my friends.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Breast Cancer... Grace's Birthday... and more

On this date in 2001, my wife Dianna had her breast cancer surgery. Those days were without a doubt some very trying times for us. The diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation... some days we couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, it was there. We Praise The Good Lord today that she remains cancer free. The pink ribbon means so much to us. We ask that you ladies reading this be sure to do what you should to keep this horrible monster at bay. You men out there, please make sure that the women in you lives take care of themselves. Where would we be without them?

On a brighter note, you regular visitors here know that we celebrated our Granddaughter Gracie's first bithday this past week. We had her party on Saturday at our house. Here's a couple of photos of that fun afternoon.

A few of you have wondered what I've been up to the past few days. As you could tell from the lack of posts, I've tried to stay away from the computer. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here, but you all must know how much time this wonderful media can drain from your life if you allow it too. I have to take a break now and then. Anyway... I've been busy working on some local indy projects, and in contact with various promoters concerning this and that. Hehee... "this and that," you actually thought I was going to give you a scoop? Kayfabe. I do have a couple of interesting interviews that I am entertaining, and I hope they will entertain you all as well. We will keep you posted.

In the meantime, take care and have a good week. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your support and concern. You folks that visit here, are the very reason I am here too. God Bless you all!
