Monday, August 08, 2005

Monday Morning News...

I'm just kidding... Mondays aren't always so bad. In fact I have some exciting news for you today.

Mark your calendars. I will be guest on WRESTLING EPICENTER tomorrow night at 10pm (ET), 9pm (CT). The interview was taped last Tuesday. We had a blast doing it, and I hope you enjoy. I'll have more details in tomorrow's BLOG. In the meantime, you can find them at:

I am extremely excited to tell you that along with Dave Scherer and the fine staff of we are bringing back the ASK PERCY question and answer segment. PWInsider made the annoucement today, which you can read at: "ASK PERCY" COMING TO I answered over 5,000 questions from fans on the old PRINGLE DYNASTY message board during 2002. However, due to circumstances beyond my control, we had to close the board. I think it will be fun to try it again. CLICK HERE TO ASK PERCY

I have a busy week ahead, especially on the local independent scene. I am involved with two independent events on Friday and Saturday nights. A major deal with the Gulf Coast media is in the works. Notwithstanding, the two interesting interviews with WRESTLING EPICENTER and WRESTLENIGHT U.S.A. on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

One thing for sure, visitors here will be the first to know what's happening with 'ol PP3. I hope you know how much I appreciate you all!

Have a great week.
