Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Breast Cancer... Grace's Birthday... and more

On this date in 2001, my wife Dianna had her breast cancer surgery. Those days were without a doubt some very trying times for us. The diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation... some days we couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, it was there. We Praise The Good Lord today that she remains cancer free. The pink ribbon means so much to us. We ask that you ladies reading this be sure to do what you should to keep this horrible monster at bay. You men out there, please make sure that the women in you lives take care of themselves. Where would we be without them?

On a brighter note, you regular visitors here know that we celebrated our Granddaughter Gracie's first bithday this past week. We had her party on Saturday at our house. Here's a couple of photos of that fun afternoon.

A few of you have wondered what I've been up to the past few days. As you could tell from the lack of posts, I've tried to stay away from the computer. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here, but you all must know how much time this wonderful media can drain from your life if you allow it too. I have to take a break now and then. Anyway... I've been busy working on some local indy projects, and in contact with various promoters concerning this and that. Hehee... "this and that," you actually thought I was going to give you a scoop? Kayfabe. I do have a couple of interesting interviews that I am entertaining, and I hope they will entertain you all as well. We will keep you posted.

In the meantime, take care and have a good week. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your support and concern. You folks that visit here, are the very reason I am here too. God Bless you all!
