Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Doctor Day

Well, I guess this was the day for the Doctors around here. First thing this morning I dropped our 7-month old female Dachshund off at the Vet. She is getting spayed as I type this. We have three Dachshunds. Our 2-year old, red father, Oscar; our 1 and a half year old, black and tan mother, Conecuh. Then our red baby, Vienna. Conecuh had a litter of 4 females, seven months ago. Three were black and tan like their mother, then one was red like the father. We decided to keep the red one, who was the first born anyway. I even delivered them all. If you can believe that. All three are named after sausages. Oscar, obviously for Oscar Mayer weiners; Conecuh for a local sausage only available in the south; and the name Vienna speaks for itself.

Before we fell in love with the Dachshund breed, we had a Chinese Pug for 13-years, named Pugsley. Pugsley started going blind, among numerous other health problems, so we had to have him put to sleep. I'm sure you dog lovers out there can identify with that horrible experience. So... I'm just waiting on a call from the Vet to let me know everything went well with Vienna's surgery.

I had a checkup myself this morning. Everything is fantastic with me. I had some bloodwork done too, but nothing out of the ordinary is expected. I can't say too much about my gastric bypass surgery. Without a doubt, I truly feel that I would be dead today if I hadn't took such drastic measures. The weight is coming off much slower now, which is normal for my post-op time. It's been 14-months since my operation. I have to be really careful now, because I can eat just about anything that I want. But just like any normal person's diet, my choices are extremely important. It's good starting to feel "normal" again, if there is such a thing as "normal." Unless you have been morbidly obese yourself, or love someone that is, it's impossible for you to understand what it's like. I just thank God, and WWE for their financial assistance, that I have a new lease on life.

My Webmaster Kurt "Plowboy" Nielsen, has just updated the splash page on our website. He always does a fantastic job for me, notwithstanding his hard work for The Cauliflower Alley Club website. He's a very talented and caring person, that I am proud to call a friend. I just learned that Kurt is coming to Mobile for our annual Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion the first weekend in March, and I will also get to see him at the April, Las Vegas CAC event as well.

I am continuing to get some positive emails regarding this new Blog here. I'll try not to bore you, and I will do my best to update here as often as I have something interesting to write. You folks have a good day, and I'll check back with you again tonight.


All is well with our little Vienna. The Vet says she's ready to come home, but we are going to let her stay the night. Because her mom & dad tend to get a bit rough with her sometimes. We'll pick her up tomorrow afternoon.

I just got in from a local independent show in the suburbs of Mobile. Just like in cities all across the country, we have several small indy groups in our area. They really bust their butts sometimes. I had the same dreams as these guys/gals do, and I know what it's like to reach for the stars. I support our local indy scene as much as possible. I don't get involved in the shows, as I am contracted to WWE. However, I am always ready to give advice when asked.

You folks have a pleasant evening, what's left of it. Once again, I appreciate all the emails.

Take care!