Sunday, January 09, 2005


To say that it's was a quiet day around the Moody household is an understatement. I guess it must be the calm after the storm of our baby's 18th birthday yesterday. I was so bored that Dianna actually talked me into going to BINGO with her this afternoon. She goes frequently, and brings back some decent bucks now and then.
I was amazed with the new fancy computers that they have now. You can play 200 cards, using a computer. All you have to do is punch the number in when it is called and the machine does all the work for you. Now, that was fun! You still can do it the old fashion way too, so I had a little of both worlds. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to holler BINGO, but I came close a time or two. Believe it or not, I really enjoyed myself. Notwithstanding a few stares that I got from some folks that had "wrestling fan" written all over them.

After my BINGO experience, I was all ready to get home to my favorite chair, so I could catch WWE's first PPV from Puerto Rico. Well... COMCAST had other plans for me, as my Video On Demand refused to cooperate. So... it was NBC's AMERICAN DREAMS for me tonight.

I've already received some positive comments about this new Blog thing we are trying out here. I think it's going to work. Most of our regular visitors here already know how much I enjoy keeping in touch with my PP3 friends. I've always been proud of the fact that I personally read and answer all of my email. If you can take your time to correspond with me, I surely can give you the same respect in return.

By the way, sometimes I get frequent requests for autographs. The only way I can fill those requests, is for you to send me the item you wished autograped, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope, to:

Percy Pringle III
P.O. Box 190873
Mobile, AL 36619-0873

I will be more than happy to sign, and return the photo, etc., as quickly as possible. I do not sell autographs, and I never will.

Take care, my friends.