Thursday, January 27, 2005

THE SENIOR BOWL and more ramblings...

The 56th Annual Senior Bowl returns to Mobile this weekend.
Many of you sports fans know that Mobile's Senior Bowl is football’s premier pre-draft event. This long-standing event is the only NFL sanctioned, post-season game and is nationally televised on ESPN. The Senior Bowl is an annual event featuring the country’s best senior collegiate football stars and top NFL draft prospects on teams representing the North and South which are coached by the entire coaching staffs from two National Football League teams. Senior Bowl practices are also attended by over 700 general managers, head coaches, assistant coaches, scouts and other front office personnel from the 32 National Football League teams, making Mobile and the Senior Bowl the week-long host to a one-of-a-kind NFL Coaches Convention. Some additional activities associated with the Senior Bowl are the Food World Sailing Regatta, Fan Frenzy, Tailgate Party, Tailgate Challenge and other exciting events. Considering that The Bowl is during Mardi Gras season this year, things are really rockin' n' rollin' around town this week. This year's game is on Saturday afternoon, March 29th, at 3pm (Central). I will not be attending this year, but I understand that the game is sold out again. For more information visit their website or call (251) 438-2276. THE SENIOR BOWL WEBSITE

I'm gearing up for another big Mardi Gras parade this evening. The weather is looking great, and I think I hear Jack Daniels knocking at my door again.

Since I announced that our 14th Annual Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion is extending invitations to more of today's young ring stars, I have been bogged down with questions. I visited a local indy show on Tuesday evening, and passed out several membership applications. Almost all of the guys/gals thought that they were not welcome, and that it is exclusively for old-timers like me. That's the misconception that we are trying to change this year. I am going to do my best to attend another indy event in the Florida panhandle Saturday evening, and continue to spread the word.

What I need to stress is that we are inviting today's ring talents, who are out there busting their butts reaching for the stars. There are so many running around calling themselves "wrestlers," just because they were in a ring in somebody's backyard, "wrestled" for free in some country bar, or were trained by The Rock's cousin's wife's next door neighbor. Our Reunion IS NOT a fan festival. It is open ONLY to those active or retired from our business. I feel that I have my finger on the pulse of today's young stars, and that's why I have been named as the Board Member to oversee new memberships. Unfortunately, fans, internet writers, or "wrestling historians," are not welcome at our gathering.

Have a great day!


Monday, January 24, 2005

The Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion

Many of you are aware that I was recently named to The Board of Directors of The Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion (GCWR). Our 2005 Reunion will be the 14th annual gathering of ring veterans. The GCWR is unlike The Cauliflower Alley Club banquet, as it is open ONLY to those currently active, or retired from professional wrestling. As much as we respect our fans, they are not allowed membership. Nothing personal, but self proclaimed "wrestling historians," and Internet writers are excluded as well.

Just because it is called The Gulf Coast Wrestlers Reunion, it is not limited to those who just wrestled along The Gulf Coast. We have members from all around the world with us each and every year. It is a unique experience, and if you meet the qualifications and haven't attended before, I ask that you give it serious consideration.

The get together is really special to me, primarily because I grew up on Gulf Coast Wrestling. It is such a thrill to rub shoulders with the legends that I bought tickets to see for so many years. What's even more of a thrill is to hear my heroes tell me that they have enjoyed watching my career. The icing on the cake is the fact that it is held right here in my hometown. It seems that this year will be our largest event ever.

I attended my first Board meeting over the weekend, and I am all fired up, ready to do all that I can to insure that our Reunion continues for many years to come. It seems that my primary duty on the Board will be to oversee new memberships.

We are anxious to get some of the new blood, namely those that are busting their butts out there today, involved in our organization. In fact, we decided that beginning next year, at our 15th Anniversary Reunion, we will be presenting our first Horizon Award. The Horizon Honoree will be an up and coming ring star selected from our membership. I am really excited about this new addition to our exclusive program. Notwithstanding that I am continuing to plan on attending the Cauliflower Alley Banquet later this year in Las Vegas.

For those of you that are active or retired from our industry, please feel free to contact me for more information regarding The Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion.

Take care!

Sunday, January 23, 2005

RIP Johnny Carson

May His Soul, And The Souls Of All The
Faithfully Departed Rest In Peace.

Friday, January 21, 2005


A photo that I took from one of last year's Mardi Gras Parades.

Tonight, Mobile's 2005 Mardi Gras season begins in earnest, as the first big parade rolls through the streets of downtown. Without a doubt, Mardi Gras has to be one of the top five reasons why I cherish my hometown. Many don't realize that Mardi Gras actually began here in Mobile in 1703. New Orleans is only about 120 miles west of here, but the city is much larger, so naturally their parades are more famous. However, there's nothing like the safe, entertaining, Mardi Gras events right here at home in the Port City of Mobile.

You can read more about Mobile's Mardi Gras; including it's history, timeline, and parade schedules, by simply clicking on this link:

Most Mobile natives have their favorite spots along the parade routes to stand. Many families have occupied the same spot for generations. Our favorite place was taken over last year by the construction of the new downtown RSA tower, which will become the tallest building in The State of Alabama. So, I had to scout a couple of new locations, and finally found one that our family and friends can find easily, and safely enjoy the Mardi Gras events.

I am religious about getting to our spot no later than an hour before the parades begin. We put our folding chairs along the barricade, and settle in with my old buddy Jack Daniels. Since my gastric bypass surgery, Jack and I don't get to visit too often. However, Mardi Gras is certainly an exception. The weatherman says it will be in the 50's at parade time tonight, with clear skies. It's not even noon, and I'm like a kid on Christmas eve!

So... for the next two weeks I will probably bore you with a bunch of Mardi Gras talk, mixed in with my usual ramblings. Mardi Gras day is the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. This year it comes quite early, on February 8th.

Another photo that I took at last year's Mardi Gras.

Until Next Time!
Happy Mardi Gras, my friends!


Sunday, January 16, 2005

To Do What I Do...

It's no secret about how much I enjoy music, especially the country genre. I hear songs all the time that remind me of the wrestling business. Thoughts about being on the road away from your family and friends, and the feelings of just what you go through for the reward of standing in the spotlight for a few minutes each evening. One tune that has always stood head and shoulders among them all in our industry has always been Bob Seger's 1972 classic "TURN THE PAGE." If you've never listened to that one and want to hear what it really feels like, I suggest you take the time to check it out.

I recently discovered an Alan Jackson song on his latest CD, "WHAT I DO," called TO DO WHAT I DO. If you haven't heard it, it's also worth giving a listen. It certainly sums up the feelings about what it's like to be able to do what you do for a living. He's singing about being in the music business, but it's no different than what we do on our canvas stage.

On this cold January day, I would like to share the lyrics with you, and make it a personal thank you, for allowing this Alabama Boy to do what he's been able to do for 30-years.

I've been a waiter, a roofer, a clerk
I've shoveled manure till my pride hurt.
When you're starting out, it's all part of the work
To do what I do.

I've been evicted for not making rent
Made my Daddy wonder where my good sense went.
For the price of a dream, my years have been spent
To do what I do.

So I stand here tonight with this six string guitar
To be something I've always been in my heart.
Just for the chance to play you my song
The thrill when I hear you singing along.
It's been worth everything I've been through
To do what I do.

I've played for empty tables and chairs
The drunks that don't listen, the crowds that dont care.
Been told countless times Boy you ain't goin' nowhere
To do what I do.

So I hope the critics and skeptics alike
All bought a ticket to this show tonight.
And they'll see firsthand that I have survived
And what doesn't kill you makes you more alive.
And I'm one of the fortunate few
To do what I do.

There's so much joy this music can bring
So I count my blessings when I step up to sing.
Cause they're so many people who would give anything
To do what I do.

And I Thank You......
I can do what I do!

Have a warm day!

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Saturday Morning Coming Down

The weekend got off to a great start first thing this morning as I had to take Vienna to the Vet to get her sutures checked out. I was worried that they may be a problem, as she keeps licking at them, and her canine parents get kind of rough with her at times. Thank goodness, everything was fine. A couple were a bit loose, but nothing to worry about. Their advice was for us just to keep a good eye on them. It's been 5-days since her surgery.

I'm running late for my morning ritual on the treadmill. As soon as I sign off here, I'll grab my IPOD and hit the rubber for a bit. Sounds funny, doesn't it? The "fatman" on a treadmill every day. I told you I felt like a new man. Hell... I've lost over 200 pounds. I've lost a person in weight. I am a new man!

The local independent event last night that I attended was typical for this area. They did hit a homerun attendance wise, as almost all of the seats (250), had butts in them. However some false advertising in the local press, had the crowd whispering. Be that as it may, it was a decent event and the fans went home happy. It's always good to see a local independent keeping wrestling alive along our beautiful Gulf Coast. I congratulate The Alabama Wrestling Federation for their hard work.


Friday, January 14, 2005

It's Finally Friday !

Hello my friends!

This has been one of the slowest weeks for me in a very long time. Other than our pup Vienna getting spayed, I guess no news is good news. By the way, Vienna is doing very well. All our reproduction problems have been solved around The Moody household now, notwithstanding my 18-year old son's raging hormones.

I said at the beginning that I wouldn't post unless I had something to write about. Other than doing the normal everyday things that everybody does, I actually can't think of anything that any of you would be interested in hearing from me.

I am planning on attending a independent event tonight in a small community outside of Mobile, called Semmes. It's dubbed as The Alabama Wrestling Federation. I see that they are advertising Buff Bagwell in their Main Event. I've been to their events many times in the past, so I must stop in tonight just to say "howdy."

If things pick up around here today, I'll update later this evening. If not, we'll catch 'ya next time.

Take care, my friends.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Doctor Day

Well, I guess this was the day for the Doctors around here. First thing this morning I dropped our 7-month old female Dachshund off at the Vet. She is getting spayed as I type this. We have three Dachshunds. Our 2-year old, red father, Oscar; our 1 and a half year old, black and tan mother, Conecuh. Then our red baby, Vienna. Conecuh had a litter of 4 females, seven months ago. Three were black and tan like their mother, then one was red like the father. We decided to keep the red one, who was the first born anyway. I even delivered them all. If you can believe that. All three are named after sausages. Oscar, obviously for Oscar Mayer weiners; Conecuh for a local sausage only available in the south; and the name Vienna speaks for itself.

Before we fell in love with the Dachshund breed, we had a Chinese Pug for 13-years, named Pugsley. Pugsley started going blind, among numerous other health problems, so we had to have him put to sleep. I'm sure you dog lovers out there can identify with that horrible experience. So... I'm just waiting on a call from the Vet to let me know everything went well with Vienna's surgery.

I had a checkup myself this morning. Everything is fantastic with me. I had some bloodwork done too, but nothing out of the ordinary is expected. I can't say too much about my gastric bypass surgery. Without a doubt, I truly feel that I would be dead today if I hadn't took such drastic measures. The weight is coming off much slower now, which is normal for my post-op time. It's been 14-months since my operation. I have to be really careful now, because I can eat just about anything that I want. But just like any normal person's diet, my choices are extremely important. It's good starting to feel "normal" again, if there is such a thing as "normal." Unless you have been morbidly obese yourself, or love someone that is, it's impossible for you to understand what it's like. I just thank God, and WWE for their financial assistance, that I have a new lease on life.

My Webmaster Kurt "Plowboy" Nielsen, has just updated the splash page on our website. He always does a fantastic job for me, notwithstanding his hard work for The Cauliflower Alley Club website. He's a very talented and caring person, that I am proud to call a friend. I just learned that Kurt is coming to Mobile for our annual Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion the first weekend in March, and I will also get to see him at the April, Las Vegas CAC event as well.

I am continuing to get some positive emails regarding this new Blog here. I'll try not to bore you, and I will do my best to update here as often as I have something interesting to write. You folks have a good day, and I'll check back with you again tonight.


All is well with our little Vienna. The Vet says she's ready to come home, but we are going to let her stay the night. Because her mom & dad tend to get a bit rough with her sometimes. We'll pick her up tomorrow afternoon.

I just got in from a local independent show in the suburbs of Mobile. Just like in cities all across the country, we have several small indy groups in our area. They really bust their butts sometimes. I had the same dreams as these guys/gals do, and I know what it's like to reach for the stars. I support our local indy scene as much as possible. I don't get involved in the shows, as I am contracted to WWE. However, I am always ready to give advice when asked.

You folks have a pleasant evening, what's left of it. Once again, I appreciate all the emails.

Take care!

Sunday, January 09, 2005


To say that it's was a quiet day around the Moody household is an understatement. I guess it must be the calm after the storm of our baby's 18th birthday yesterday. I was so bored that Dianna actually talked me into going to BINGO with her this afternoon. She goes frequently, and brings back some decent bucks now and then.
I was amazed with the new fancy computers that they have now. You can play 200 cards, using a computer. All you have to do is punch the number in when it is called and the machine does all the work for you. Now, that was fun! You still can do it the old fashion way too, so I had a little of both worlds. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to holler BINGO, but I came close a time or two. Believe it or not, I really enjoyed myself. Notwithstanding a few stares that I got from some folks that had "wrestling fan" written all over them.

After my BINGO experience, I was all ready to get home to my favorite chair, so I could catch WWE's first PPV from Puerto Rico. Well... COMCAST had other plans for me, as my Video On Demand refused to cooperate. So... it was NBC's AMERICAN DREAMS for me tonight.

I've already received some positive comments about this new Blog thing we are trying out here. I think it's going to work. Most of our regular visitors here already know how much I enjoy keeping in touch with my PP3 friends. I've always been proud of the fact that I personally read and answer all of my email. If you can take your time to correspond with me, I surely can give you the same respect in return.

By the way, sometimes I get frequent requests for autographs. The only way I can fill those requests, is for you to send me the item you wished autograped, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope, to:

Percy Pringle III
P.O. Box 190873
Mobile, AL 36619-0873

I will be more than happy to sign, and return the photo, etc., as quickly as possible. I do not sell autographs, and I never will.

Take care, my friends.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

My first blog

This blogging thing is all new to me. But I think that visitors to PercyPringle.Com may find it an interesting addition to my website. It may take me a little while to figure things out here, but this could be a fun thing for us all. We will see how it works out, if it doesn't well... we can always plant it next to THE PRINGLE DYNASTY message board.

For those that have been asking if I will attend this years Cauliflower Alley Club Banquet in Las Vegas, as of this writing it certainly looks like I will be there. The 40th Annual CAC event will be April 14-16, at The Riviera Hotel/Casino.

Of course we can't forget the Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion, right here in my hometown. I was recently nominated to The Board Of Directors of The GCWR, which is held on the first weekend in March. This event is by membership only, for those retired or still active in the wrestling industry.

There is another event coming up on January 22nd, in Dallas. It's called the "TEXAS SHOOTOUT." This will be the second get together for those in the business who have worked in the Great State Of Texas. I am trying my best to make this one too. However, things don't look too good right now. I really miss Texas, and have some precious memories of my 6-years there.

By the way, today is my youngest son Daniel's 18th Birthday! It just seems like yesterday that the little red headed punk was born. That little punk is now 6'3" and weighs 275 pounds. This is also Elvis' Birthday too!

On a sad note, it was 13 years ago today that my dear friend Ralph Pulley was buried. Ralph died on January 5, 1992. Many long time World Class fans will remember Ralph as a referee and announcer during the 1980's. He was without a doubt one of the best friends I ever had, and I miss him dearly.

Ralph and myself at a World Class event in The Mesquite Rodeo Arena.

That about does it for my first post to my new BLOG. As you can see, it will make it much easier for me now to stay in touch with the folks that visit us here at, without all the headaches that our old message board used to give me.

Have a good evening!