Monday, October 15, 2012

Fantastic weekend.... Almost.

A busy but outstanding weekend, beginning on Friday, October 12th, with PRO WRESTLING SYNDICATE in Rahway, NJ. I managed Vader for the first time in over a decade.  He wrestled my good friend Rikishi.  I just had a blast seeing everybody.  It was a pleasure having good 'ol Dr. Tom Prichard riding with me, we got to spend some quality time together, and catch up on so much of our lives.  I thank EXTREME AUTOGRAPHS for making it all possible for me.
Yours truly "hamming it up" with Armando Estrada, Jimmy Hart, and Slick, at THE LEGENDS OF THE RING in Monroe, NJ on Saturday, Oct. 13th.
You just don't know how many yards I had to cut to buy these guy's magazines back in the day, Bill Apter, and George Napolitano.  I don't know if I've ever seen a photo of them together.  But here they are with me and "The Mouth Of The South" Jimmy Hart.
Jimmy and myself visiting with The Blue Meanie.  Been too long!  You just have to understand that I have just as much fun as the fans do at these events.  If I only had the energy Jimmy Hart has, I tell him that all the time.  What a true legend and dear friend.

With Scotty Too Hotty, and Grandmaster Sexxy.  I won't tell you how long I've known Scott, just been so long since I've seen both of them.  So happy that we still have Brian's Dad, "The King" Jerry Lawler with us, what a close call that was.  It's impossible for me to list everybody's names, I couldn't remember them all if I tried.  I'm just so blessed to still be doing what I do, and part of my boyhood dreams after almost 40-years.
What a trio.

The only disappointment was one of the most horrible travel days I have had in recent memories was yesterday, Sunday, October 14th.  I missed the 100th episode taping of CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING FROM HOLLYWOOD.  But, it's water under the bridge now.  No sense in whining about something I had absolutely no control over. I just apologize to all the fans, but I tried my best to get there.  It wasn't meant to be.

I hope you all had a great weekend, and a good week ahead.

Be Blessed.