Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Blessed 2012 My Friends

"Be always at war with your vices,
at peace with your neighbors,
and let each New Year find you a better man."

A New Year is upon us again, my friends.  We are between the past and the future; the perfect opportunity to take stock of where we've been and where we're going.  We all come from different situations.  We may have both parents, only one, or unfortunately maybe none.  We may have a wife/husband, life partner, fiance, girlfriend/boyfriend, or like me, your loved one may have already passed away. We may have little children, or adult children with families of their own.  We may have a job, or may be amongst the many unemployed of today's economy.  We may have to endure so many medical issues.  No matter what our situations may be as 2012 is ushered in, we all must take one more step and keep moving on.  Quitting isn't an option.

I've been blessed to have traveled the world for another year, still living my boyhood dreams.  My family was blessed with a new member in 2011; while at the same time we are forced each day to watch another slipping from our arms.  It's a fact of life that for every blessing we recieve, we each have our own crosses to bear too.

I appreciate all of you that stay in contact with me, wether it be through my website, other social medias, and those that make an effort to come out to visit me at the wrestling events in your area.  You folks are indeed the best, and a vital part of my life, and I appreciate you more than you may ever realize.

I sincerely wish that 2012 will be a fantastic year for us all and...

Be Blessed!

Friday, December 23, 2011


The light of The Christmas Star to you,
The warmth of home and hearth to you,
The cheer and good will of friends to you,
The hope of a childlike heart to you,
The joy of a thousand angels to you,
The love of The Son and God's peace to you.
My friends,
I pray that you realize what each and everyone of you mean to me.  I thank you for validating this kid from Alabama that has been allowed to live his dream for over 30-years.  I wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas week. Be Blessed...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy... yet sad.

On this day in 1978, I married the love of my life Dianna.  Today would have been our 33rd wedding anniversary.  However, The Lord and breast cancer took her from us on January 31, 2009.  What a wonderful blessing she was to my life, giving me two fantastic sons, and now I have three beautiful grandaughters, notwithstanding two dear daughter-in-laws.  I see her in their eyes.
I miss her as much today as I did the day she left me.  But I find comfort in the fact she is in the arms of our Saving Lord, painfree, and waiting for me to join her when my time comes.  Until then I will always carry her in my heart, and remember when...

Be Blessed.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

From My Home To Yours - MERRY CHRISTMAS!

The light of The Christmas Star to you,
The warmth of home and hearth to you,
The cheer and good will of friends to you,
The hope of a childlike heart to you,
The joy of a thousand angels to you,
The love of The Son and God's peace to you.

My friends,
I pray that you realize what each and everyone of you mean to me.  I thank you for validating this kid from Alabama that has been allowed to live his dream for over 30-years.  I wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas week. Be Blessed...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Returning to my roots....

Many of my regular BLOG readers are aware that my first real break came in 1978 with International Championship Wrestling in Mississippi.  The company not only was my first break, but my peers Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy, Kamala, Rip Rogers, and several others also began their ring careers there at the same time.  So you can understand that I am really excited about returning to my neighboring State of Mississippi this Saturday night for my 'ol buddy, former WWE Referee Wes Adams.  If you live in the area, I would love for you to come out and see us!

The following is the promotional information POWERSLAM PRODUCTIONS provided me:




 WWE Legend and manager of champions such as the Undertaker, Mankind, Vader, Kane, Rick Rude and more, as Percy Pringle III a.k.a. Paul Bearer makes his supernatural presence felt in McComb in many years, and in Powerslam Productions for the very first time ever!

Former WWE United States Champion and Impact Wrestling Superstar ORLANDO JORDAN will be appearing as well! 

Internationally featured talent, seen on WWE, MTV, and XPW LUKE HAWX returns to Powerslam Productions, and brings his students from WildKat Sports!

 Powerslam Champion Reggie Matthews defends his championship!

 The Voice of McComb-K106 radio host and Powerslam Commissioner Dave Hughes makes a statement!

 Also in Action:
Former WWE Smackdown/ECW Referee Wes Adams
Canadian Superstar Aeon Flex
Wrestling Royalty Nathan Crown
Sassy Vegas
Former Powerslam Champion "Prince of Pain" Joe Kane
 and many more!!!

 Contact us (601) 467-8182
or for more info
brought to you by Lott Furniture of McComb
and the Pike County Little Theatre

See you at ringside!
Be Blessed.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Booking information for 2012...

I am presently accepting wrestling bookings for the new year.

You can add me to your wrestling event, convention,
siginings, etc., by simply clicking on this link: 

Please email me with any questions,
suggestions, or concerns at:


Be Blessed.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


From my house to yours...
Be blessed.
~Percy and family

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Remembering President John F. Kennedy

Without a doubt, I lost my childhood innocence 48-years ago today, on November 22, 1963.  The date that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered our President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy.  I will take that tragic day, and the days that followed to my grave with me.  This horrible tragedy had a dramatic effect on this 8-year old kid at the time, and directly influenced my decision to become a Funeral Director as an adult.

I could go on and on about this terrible national tragedy, but I think that just recognizing the anniversary of the event and how it changed my life, and our country as well, is enough for today.

I've traveled to all 50 States, and over 27-countries, but the moment that I stood at the gravesite of President Kennedy in Arlington National Cemetery early on in my WWF/WWE career, was truly a humbling and emotional time for me.

Be Blessed.

Monday, November 14, 2011


That's right...  I will be appearing at The PRO WRESTLING HALL OF FAME in Amsterdam, NY, this Saturday, November 19th, from 2pm until 4pm.  You can get the detailed information by simply clicking on this link: PERCY AT PWHF

If you are not familiar with The PRO WRESTLING HALL OF FAME, you can find out all about it by visiting their website:  PWHF WEBSITE

If you live in or near the area, I would love for you to come out and meet me, and see The PWHF for yourselves.

Be Blessed

Sunday, November 06, 2011

In Toledo, Ohio this Saturday, November 12th

Back with Championship International Wrestling again this Saturday, November 12th, in the Toledo, Ohio area, namely Holland, at The Springfield High School.

You can get all the info by simply clicking on this link: CHAMPIONSHIP INTERNATIONAL WRESTLING.  If you live in the area, this is one you don't want to miss.  See 'ya at ringside!

Be Blessed.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Returning to The Detroit Area - November 5th

I will be returning to the Detroit area, and CHAMPIONSHIP INTERNATIONAL WRESTLING on Saturday, November 5, 2011.  Namely, Jackson, MI, at The Jackson High School, with a belltime of 7pm.

You can get all the info by simply clicking here: CHAMPIONSHIP INTERNATIONAL WRESTLING

If you live in the area come out and visit with us!

The following Saturday, November 12th, I will be back with Championship International Wrestling again, when they team up with the Crissey Elementary Parents Club at The Springfield High School, in Holland, Ohio; that's near Toledo.  Save that date too!

Be Blessed.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Appearing in Salem, OR - October 23rd

If you live in the area, come out visit, and enjoy this outstanding NWA pro wrestling event.

For more information click on: WEST COAST WRESTLING CONNECTION

Be Blessed,

Saturday, October 01, 2011

OCTOBER - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

On January 31, 2009, I lost my wife of 30-years, Dianna, to breast cancer. She battled this dreaded beast twice, then it came back a third time and took her from us.  Take it from me, this horrible disease can stike anyone, anytime, and any place. Please be aware of the dangers and make sure ladies, that you get your regular checkups... it is a matter of life and death. 

Spread the word, October is breast cancer awareness month... be aware... be very aware.

Be Blessed.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Currently accepting bookings...

As summer draws to a close, I am presently accepting
wrestling bookings for the fall and winter of this year.

Paul Bearer on your Halloween event?
Still have time, think about it.

You can add me to your wrestling event, convention,
siginings, etc., by simply clicking on this link: 

Please email me with any questions,
suggestions, or concerns at:


Be Blessed.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

One year ago today...

One year ago today, September 21, 2010, I made my re-debut into WORLD WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT, at The SMACKDOWN taping in Bloomington, IL.  Which ironically is the birthplace of my mother and the hometown of most of my family on my maternal side.
The event was broadcast on The SMACKDOWN programming that aired on Friday, September 24, 2010.
Many fans didn't understand the briefness of my return, however that was my agreement with the company from the beginning, as I didn't have any intentions of returning to a fulltime schedule of any type.  I only appeared on WWE television programming and Pay-Per-View events.  Needless to say, notwithstanding my hesitation to return, I had a blast during my six-months back with my extended WWE family.

You may read my original BLOG from September 25, 2010, where I explain in detail some questions you may have had during that time.  Just click on this link:  MY WWE RETURN BLOG - September 25, 2010

It was a wonderful ride indeed.  I keep getting questions - "Will I ever return again?"  My answer is fairly standard, I will NEVER say NEVER.

Be Blessed, and thanks for your support and friendship through the years.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Three Dogs...

For regular visitors here, and on my Twitter, you read about my three daschunds often.  I have had many requests for me to post some pics of my "babies".  Well... I found a few.  The one above is yours truly with (L to R) Vienna, Conecuh, and Oscar.  Oscar was born on 2/24/03, Conecuh on 9/7/03, and Vienna on 7/13/04.
This is Oscar and Conecuh (the mom and dad) enjoying the sunshine streaming through the front door.  This is about the time Conecuh got pregnant with her litter.
Oscar and Conecuh and their little family of four females.  The oldest baby is the red one, like her dad, we decided to keep her, and named her Vienna Marie.  However, our second granddaughter Danielle, couldn't say Vienna Marie, so she called her "Meanie".  Since then Vienna is known as Meanie, and that she is.
(L to R) Vienna, and her Dad Oscar, and Mom Conecuh in my late wife's chair, which by the way is the chair Dianna passed away in, January 31, 2009, with all three in her lap, no doubt.  Many won't believe this, but since Dianna died, Oscar WILL NOT let me fall asleep in my chair; I know in my heart it is because he was there when she died.  If I fall asleep, he will jump on my chest and bark in my face.  They looked for her for the longest time after her funeral.  In fact for months, Oscar would just sit in her chair, just staring at the back of it.  I could smell Dianna's hair on the back of that chair for over a year.  When I couldn't smell her anymore, I let Goodwill take it away.  But her memories remain all over this house.
(L to R) Oscar, Conecuh, and Vienna, at Vienna's 1st birthday party.

I don't know what I would do without my three sausage dogs.  They are indeed my "babies" and I talk to them just like I talk to all of my family and friends. If you love dogs like me you understand, if you're not, no words will suffice.  Since Dianna died, they give more comfort than you may ever be able to realize.

If you love dogs like me, I highly recommend you reading Dean Koontz's book, A BIG LITTLE LIFE: A memoir of a Joyful Dog.  Koontz rarely writes non-fiction, you will enjoy this as much as I did.  Unfortunately you will know the ending as soon as you begin it.  Check it out at this link: A BIG LITTLE LIFE

Have a blessed day.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Available for wrestling bookings...

As summer draws to a close, I am presently accepting
wrestling bookings for the fall and winter of this year.

You can add me to your wrestling event, convention,
siginings, etc., by simply clicking on this link: 

Please email me with any questions,
suggestions, or concerns at:


Be Blessed.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Returning to The Boston area on Saturday

I will be returning to The MWF this Saturday, September 17th.  You can get all the information by simply clicking on this link: MWF 10th ANNIVERSARY EVENT .  We will see you at ringside!

You can add me to your wrestling event, convention,
siginings, etc., by simply clicking on this link: 

Please email me with any questions,
suggestions, or concerns at:


Be Blesed.

Monday, September 12, 2011


You can add me to your wrestling event, convention,
siginings, etc., by simply clicking on this link: 

Please email me with any questions,
suggestions, or concerns at:


Be Blessed.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011


It is certainly my pleasure to be returning to NWA HOLLYWOOD this Sunday, September 11th, at 3:00pm.  You can get all the information by simply clicking on this link:
NWA HOLLYWOOD EVENT INFORMATION .  We will see you at ringside!
You can add me to your wrestling event, convention,
siginings, etc., by simply clicking on this link: 

Please email me with any questions,
suggestions, or concerns at:


Be Blesed.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Open dates available for fall wrestling bookings

As summer draws to a close, I am presently accepting
wrestling bookings for the fall and winter of this year.

You can add me to your wrestling event, convention,
siginings, etc., by simply clicking on this link: 

Please email me with any questions,
suggestions, or concerns at:


Be Blessed.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

RIP - Bobby Fields

Bobby Fields (right) and Cowboy Bob Kelly (left)
Gulf Coast ring legend Bobby Fields, passed away on Saturday, August 13th, after a long illness.  Bobby was on the board of directors of our Gulf Coast Wrestlers Reunion, and a cornerstone of the Fields (Hatfield), Fuller (Welch) wrestling family. You may read an outstanding chronicle of Bobby's ring career  by clicking on this link:  
You may also view Bobby's official funeral home obituary at this link:
Bobby (left) and Lee Fields (Right)
Bobby (left) and Don Fields (right)
The Fields Brothers - Don, Bobby, and Lee
Rest In peace, my friend.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Available for wrestling bookings...

You can add me to your wrestling event, convention,
siginings, etc., by simply clicking on this link: 

Please email me with any questions,
suggestions, or concerns at:


Be Blessed.

Friday, August 12, 2011


It is certainly my honor to be returning to NWA HOLLYWOOD this Sunday, August 14th, at a special start time of 12 noon.  You can get all the information my simply clicking on this link:
NWA HOLLYWOOD EVENT INFORMATION .  If you live in the area, you will have plenty of time to attend The NWA event, and SUMMERSLAM in Los Angeles as well.

We will see you at ringside!
You can add me to your wrestling event, convention,
siginings, etc., by simply clicking on this link: 

Please email me with any questions,
suggestions, or concerns at:


Be Blesed.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Short Notes From NWA FANFEST 2011

 Yours truly with my dear friend Jimmy Hart and Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart

If you followed me this weekend on TWITTER I don't have to tell you that I had a fantastic time in Atlanta for The 2011 NEW LEGENDS FANFEST.  This was the second year in a row that I attended, and it was just as great as my first one last year in Charlotte.  It will return to Charlotte next year in 2012.

There is no possible way that I can list everyone that I had an opportunity to visit with.  Without a doubt my short time with Bobby "The Brain" Heenan will never be forgotten.  If you know me well, it certainly isn't a secret that Bobby has always been my hero.  He is more now than ever, as his valiant battle with cancer during the past few years shows exactly what type of man he is.  He is indeed #1 in my book.  I think the world of him, and was blessed to have the opportunity to tell him again face to face.

The gathering is more like a family reunion for us wrestling talents than a paid appearance.  Unfortunately, most of us don't get to see each other except for events like this one.  They are too few and far between in my estimation.

If you want more information and photos from the event a simple YOUTUBE or GOOGLE seach will give you more than enough details about the weekend.  I thank Markus Balas and his family again for sponsoring me this year.
 Hacksaw Jim Duggan
 Debra McMichaels
Marty Jannetty

You can add me to your wrestling event, convention,
siginings, etc., by simply clicking on this link: 

Please email me with any questions,
suggestions, or concerns at:


Be Blesed.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I had a blast last year in Charlotte, and I already feel it's
going to be better at Atlanta's Airport Marriott Hotel. 
You can get all the info by clicking on this link: 

My appearance at The NWA LEGENDS FANFEST
is sponsored by:

You can add me to your wrestling event, convention,
siginings, etc., by simply clicking on this link: 

Please email me with any questions,
suggestions, or concerns at:


Be Blesed.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


After over a year, it pleases me to announce that I will be working with Eric Simms and his ESS PROMOTIONS again, the weekend of July 22nd.  Here's the schedule if you happen to live near, or be traveling through the area.
July 22  7 pm - 9 pm
Sports Heroes and legends autograph signing
10 Giffords Lane
Staten Island NY
July 23  11 am - 1 pm
George's Cards and Collectibles autograph signing
7755 New Falls Rd.
Levittown Pa
July 23  3pm - 5 pm
The Wrestling Universe autograph session
3429 Frances Lewis Blvd.
Queens NY
July 23   630 pm
FTW Wrestling Event
Sports Arena
620 Middle Country Rd.
St. James, NY
July 24  12 pm - 2 pm
Pro Wrestling World autograph session
Merchant Square Mall
Allentown, PA

You can add me to your wrestling event, convention,
siginings, etc., by simply clicking on this link: 

Please email me with any questions,
suggestions, or concerns at:


Be Blessed.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Many regulars here already realize that my TWITTER account was phished on Friday, July 8th.  Over the weekend I was able to regain one of the most popular and unique pro wrestling TWITTER names on the internet, but unfortunately lost 33,000+ followers.  If you do TWITTER or know someone that does, I would appreciate if you would help me spread the word that that my original account is valid once again, and we would welcome you following me at: wweURNiverse

Remember you can add me to your wrestling event,
convention, signing, etc., by simply clicking on this link: 

Please email me with any questions,
suggestions, or concerns at:


Be Blessed.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

My Booking Information

You can add me to your wrestling event, convention,
siginings, etc., by simply clicking on this link: 

Please email me with any questions,
suggestions, or concerns at:


Be Blessed.