Monday, June 06, 2011

UPDATE: My new granddaughter - Hope Abigail

You regular supporters here know that my 3rd granddaughter Hope Abigail was born on May 19, 2011, at 12:49pm.  She weighed 6 lbs., 12 oz., and was 20" tall.  The photo above is me holding her for the first time.
 Hope all dressed up, ready to go home.
 Looking up at her big sister Grace, giving her a kiss.
What a smile!  Hope is doing very well, and we are so proud to have her as a vital part of our family especially at a time when loss and sickness has been rampant the past few years.  Thank you all for the kind thoughts and prayers.  As with my other two granddaughters, you will be getting regular updates here as she steadily grows into Paw-paw's third Princess.

Be Blessed.