Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Today holds many memories...

December 22nd does indeed hold many memories for me.  My daughter-in-law Beth, was born on this date.  Also on this date in 1990, I met Vince McMahon for the very first time at the then WWF headquarters, the old Titan Towers, and walked out with my first signed contract.  It is almost impossble to believe that was 20-years ago.
What is really almost a dream is that also on this date in 1978, my late wife Dianna and I were married, 32-years ago.  The images are still burned in my mind, it was exactly 4:30 pm under the oak trees outside of The Irvington First Baptist Church, we would later have our marriage blessed by The Catholic Church.

Where did those years go?  Who would have known then the trials, tribulations, and blessings Dianna and I would share.  Who would have known about the valiant battles she faced with breast cancer, that would eventually take her from me on January 31, 2009.  Where did those years go?
Dianna always loved the holidays.  This is the second anniversary that she will be spending our anniversary and Jesus' birthday with him.  I know in my heart that she isn't hurting anymore, I know that I will see her again one day.  But it is difficult to make those thoughts take the hurt away.  It's the holidays, and it still hurts, and always will.  I try to smile for my granddaughters... but deep inside I will never forget and will always remember when...

Be Blessed.