Friday, October 08, 2010


Anybody that knows me, or visits my Website, my Facebook Fan Page or my Twitter Account, knows that I am without a doubt one of the biggest (in more ways than one) George Jones fans around.  Tonight "The Possum" returns to the IP Casio Biloxi for another one of his legendary concerts.
I've loved George's music since I was a kid, and always dreamed of meeting him.  That wish finally came true in the early 1990s, as the photo above shows one of my favorite memories.  Through the years my late wife Dianna, and sometimes my sister and my niece, would be at any Possum event within reasonable driving distance.  The first time he returned to the coast after Dianna died, I just couldn't bring myself going without her.  Then the second time came, and I knew that she would want me to be there. I have no doubt she was there with me that night, and she'll be there tonight.

I've lost count of the times I've been to his concerts, and treasure my friendship with his dear wife Nancy, his band "The Jones Boys", and crew.  They are first class folks that I love to death, always making me welcome anywhere that I might pop in.

So... tonight I leave my problems and enjoy some Possum time. I'm taking my parents, and sister with me as well.  It's gonna be a good 'un!

Be Blessed.