Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Finally... My Memories Of The NWA LEGENDS FANFEST

As promised, here's a few photographs from my weekend in Charlotte at THE NWA LEGENDS FANFEST.  Without a doubt this was one of the most fullfilling experiences that I have ever experience in our industry.  The combination of so many of my heroes and friends, notwithstanding the scores of fans and supporters, made it so special to me.  These photos were taken with my own personal camera, obviously I had to get folks to take them for me, as I had to be in them with my friends.
With "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase and Virgil.
My longtime friend and wrestling media legend Bill Apter.
Tony Atlas
With Stacy "Kat" Carter and Tony Atlas.
The Original Hollywood Blonds - Jerry Brown, Buddy Roberts, and Oliver Humperdink.

From my arrival at the Charlotte Airport until I left "The Queen City" it was an experience to say the least.  I had the pleasure of riding from the airport with Skandar Akbar in the front seat with our driver Mike; as I sat in the back with Gerald Brisco squeezed in between myself and Sir Oliver Humperdink.  No doubt Highspots and RF Video would have paid for a recording of that trip.

I wish I had the time, room, and the words to tell of every handshake, meeting, and hug.  Without offending anybody, two stand out.  My partner from World Class Wrestling, "Flamboyant" Eric Embry had just finished his appearance as I arrived, and he was preparing to leave.  We shared about 20 private minutes in my hotel room.  It had been 20-years since we had seen each other, however we had remained in contact via the internet.  It seemed like yesterday.

Another meeting, went pretty much unobserved, although I am told that many would have loved to have witnessed and had a photograph of the moment.  That was between myself and Tammy "Sunny" Sytch.  You see... Tammy and myself have been on the "outs" since her WWF days with "The Body Donnas".  After all these years and bad words about each other, if you would ask me what happened, my memories are somewhat vague.  All I can say is that when I hugged her neck I told her... "You were young. I was old, and I am still old."  It was senseless to hold that grudge for so many years, and I am truly happy that it is over.  We are now Facebook friends.  Yes, I guess hell finally froze over.
My friend for at least 35-years, Porkchop Cash.
No words are really necessary here. With my brothers
Jim Cornette and Oliver Humperdink.
Jimmy, Hump, and Skandar Akbar.
All of us with Terry Funk.
With Jackie Moore, another dear friendship that
goes back to The Dallas Sportatorium when
she first began her ring career.
My dear Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Stacy "Kat" Carter
With another dear friend Terri Runnels.
Am I the lucky one or not?
The "Boogie Woogie Man" and his dear lady.

They were all there...  Sting, Tito Santana, Sid Vicious, Danny Spivey, Bob & Brad Armstrong, Mr. Wrestling II, Chief Jay Strongbow, Al Perez, Matt Borne, Bryan Danielson, Adam Pearce, Baby Doll, Paul London, Jimmy Snuka, Marty Janetty, Shane Douglas, Paul Elelring, Larry Hennig, Ted Allen, Jim Duggan,  The Stro, The Funks, Gerry Brisco, Reggie Parks, Sonny King, and I am sorry I am leaving so many out.  And special thanks to Duane Long Photography and his lovely wife and sister-in-law for making it possible for me to be there.  Lastly but certainly not least, kudos to Greg Price and his team, who made The NWA LEGENDS WEEKEND what it was.

I have so many stories and memories of this weekend in my mind, and I will take many of them to the grave with me.  I just wish I had the vocabulary to explain them all to you.  I will just have to reiterate that it was no less than outstanding, and highly suggest that if you have a true passion for this business that you make plans to attend next year.

Be Blessed.