Monday, August 30, 2010


09/04/10 vs. San Jose State Tuscaloosa, Ala. 6:00 p.m. CT

09/11/10 vs. Penn State Tuscaloosa, Ala. 6:00 p.m. CT

09/18/10 at Duke Durham, N.C. 2:30 p.m. CT

09/25/10 at Arkansas * Fayetteville, Ark. TBA

10/02/10 vs. Florida * Tuscaloosa, Ala. TBA

10/09/10 at South Carolina * Columbia, S.C. TBA

10/16/10 vs. Mississippi (HC) * Tuscaloosa, Ala. TBA

10/23/10 at Tennessee * Knoxville, Tenn. TBA

11/06/10 at LSU * Baton Rouge, La. TBA

11/13/10 vs. Mississippi State * Tuscaloosa, Ala. TBA

11/18/10 vs. Georgia State Tuscaloosa, Ala. 6:30 p.m. CT

11/26/10 vs. Auburn * Tuscaloosa, Ala. 1:30 p.m. CT


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Remembering Katrina... Looking forward to The Tide rolling again...

Traveling Interstate-10 west from my home in Mobile, AL, to New Orleans and you still find visible signs of the wreckage of Hurricane Katrina. For visitors the relatively new, gleaming span over Biloxi Bay, to the  pine trees along the road, to the shops with customers, the events of five years ago seem like long-ago history. But if you talk to the residents of our area, you discover that Katrina lingers, both in memory and impact. For many, five years is enough time to heal the hurt and rebuild a structure. The lessons of the storm, though, live on.

Living on the Gulf Coast for practically all of my life, we've endured many storms.  Most of us have that tupperware storage container in a home closet full of flashlights, batteries, candles, and other things we need when the time comes.  And it will come again...

We will never forget this day 5-years ago when so many lives were washed away.  Today we remember those who lost their lives, and those that lost everything that they owned.  Not even the multi-million gallons of BP oil can wash away those horrible memories.

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony was a classic, but who remembers his sixth?  "Mona Lisa" was a masterpiece, but who talks about da Vinci's subsequent paintings?  So appreciate the predicament of the 2010 Alabama football team as it is called on for an encore to a blockbuster 2009 season. How can the Crimson Tide improve on perfection? As this very talented but very different team tries to repeat, there's nowhere to go (unless you talk to Auburn fans) but . . . sideways.

A national championship is a tough enough act to follow. Success doesn't get better than 14-0. A second consecutive undefeated season might be unrealistic.  Since 1956, only Nebraska has been a perfect champ for two consecutive seasons (1994-95).  Will tour Crimson Tide match that feat this season?

I would dare not make any predictions considering my many friends supporting their own teams all around the country.

In just 6-days our Tide will roll again.  We will just have to wait and see.

Be Blessed.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Remembering "Tough" Tony Borne

I was saddened to find out that "Tough" Tony Borne, father of my long time friend "Maniac" Matt Borne (the original WWF/WWE Doink The Clown), passed away this morning at his home in Portland, OR.  I had the opportunity to work with "Tough" several times in World Class Championship Wrestling in Dallas, when he would come to town to visit Matt.  Tony had been sick for quite sometime.
"Tough" Tony Borne and Matt while we
were working together in Dallas.
Tony and Leo "The Lion" Newman
Of course, all of these photos are
of Tony and Matt
"Tough" speaking with Marc Lowrance (above and
below) on the WCCW television program.
Greg Oliver of Canada's SLAM WRESTLING wrote an excellent obituary about Tony that can be reached by clicking on this link:  Slam Wrestling - Tony Borne Obituary

My sincere sympathies go out to Matthew and his entire family.

Be Blessed.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Obituaries and Memory Books available for Ted Allen and Skandar Akbar

Obituary and Memory Guest Book For

Obituary and Memory Guest Book For

May their souls and the souls of all our
departed brothers and sisters rest in peace.

Friday, August 20, 2010

God only takes the best...

They say The Good Lord only takes the best... this was certainly true yesterday as two members of the "cream of the crop" in our industry passed away.

Ted Allen was a star in the Mid-Atlantic area both under his real name (Ted Libscomb) and under a mask as The Nightmare.  He was very well known in the southern territories, especially Continental and Southeastern Championship Wrestling.  Up until the day of his death, Ted was a mainstay in many southern independent organizations.  He was a member of The Gulf Coast Wrestlers Reunion, and was recently in Charlotte for The NWA LEGENDS FANFEST WEEKEND.  Ted trained Arn Anderson, Scotty Riggs, Ranger Ross and the late Big Bossman, just to name a few.  He was 54-years old, and passed away in the bedroom of his home. Ted was a a very dear friend, and will be greatly missed.  My sympathies to his family.

Later the same evening "General" Skandar Akbar (Jim Wheba) passed away following a long battle with prostate cancer.  The photo above was just taken at The NWA LEGENDS FANFEST WEEKEND in Charlotte.  Where he reunited with Kimala one more time to manage him at ringside.
I had such a long history with Akbar, as the photo above testifies.  We had many manager versus manager matches all across the States of Texas and Oklahoma in World Class and USWA.  Skandar also managed The Punisher (below) who later became The Undertaker.  Many don't realize that Akbar is the legit cousin of The Great Memphisto (Frankie Cain) who is dealing with his own health issues at this time.  Skandar was also a member of our Gulf Coast Wrestlers Reunion.  We will miss "AK" dearly.  My deepest sympathies to his family.
Be Blessed.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

THE BOILER ROOM BRAWL - 14 Years Ago Today

It is almost impossible to belive that 14-years ago today, The Undertaker battled Mankind in the boiler room of The Gund Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. The classic photo above is the moment when I turned on The Undertaker and smashed him with The Urn. 

There are two YouTube clips below from that event.  I am not revealing any secrets here in saying that most hardcore fans have know for years that the actual brawl in the bolier room was pre-taped the night before in the bowels of The Gund Area, and edited in with the live action during the pay per view.

What a great night... I hope you enjoy the memories.

Be Blessed.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Four years ago today...

On this day in 2006, my late wife Dianna was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time.  Little did we know that in a short three years time it would eventually take her life.  As a tribute to her today. I want to plead with you ladies to please get your annual check-ups, and gentlemen make sure that they do.  This horrible disease can strike anyone, any time, any where.
Be Blessed.

Monday, August 16, 2010


On this date on 2007 my friend Dewey Robertson better known to many within wrestling circles as The Missing Link, passed away.  Dewey was a very much misunderstood individual.  Highly intelligent, a tremendous athlete, dependable friend, loving father, and yes the rumors are true he was a nudist.  In fact some of my favorite Dewey memories are of my visits to his home in the nudist parks in Florida and Texas.

Dewey was a proud Canadian. A year before his death his autobiography - the real story of The Missing Link "Bang Your Head" was released, I was honored to be be asked to write the forward for it.

I first met and managed Dewey as "The Link" In the Championship Wrestling From Florida territory in 1985.  The photo above shows me with The Link and his valet Sheena (Gail, his wife).  What wonderful times we shared through the years.
This is a video capture from our Florida days, we were
being interviewed by the great Gordon Solie.
Legendary ring Photographer Bill Otten captured the black and
white photos above and below, as myself and The Link were
on the streets of Orlando, Florida.
Dewey enjoying a restaurant meal.
Backstage in the locker room in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,
Dewey's hometown; with his youngest son Jason.

I have truly been blessed to live my childhood dreams in the wrestling business, which truly humbles me.  But I will never forget my friends.  I know Dewey is resting high on that mountain and I am sure he has already bumped into my Dianna, I just hope he had his clothes on.

Be Blessed my friends.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


For the first time since my wife Dianna passed away, I will be ordering SUMMERSLAM 2010 tonight.  Like many of you, I will be having some good friends over to my house to enjoy the event.  I have a feeling it's going to be a good one!  Have a great Sunday my friends.

Be Blessed.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Last night... more old friends and special memories

Like I briefly mentioned late last evening on Facebook and Twitter, my visit in my home town of Mobile at the TNA event was no less than icing on the cake coming fresh this past weekend from The NWA LEGENDS FANFEST.  The feelings were quite the similar.

Seeing so many old friends, that I haven't been around in many years again and feeling with many of them that it was just like yesterday when we last talked.  Jeff Jarrett, Mick Foley, Kevin Nash, The Dudleys, D'lo Brown, Jeff Hardy, Brian Hebner... I worked with these guys for years all around the world.

Notwithstanding that I go back to my World Class days with Mick Foley and Jeff.  Then on a sad note both Jeff and myself lost our wives to breast cancer, and what a special emotional bond that is.

To top it off we were in The Mobile Civic Center, which used be called The Mobile Municipal Auditorium.  What a special building that is to me with many emotional memories.

Yes... I know the camera was a bit upside down and sideways on the on with Mick. I won't tell who filmed it.

Have a wonderful Friday the 13th.

Be Blessed.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Finally... My Memories Of The NWA LEGENDS FANFEST

As promised, here's a few photographs from my weekend in Charlotte at THE NWA LEGENDS FANFEST.  Without a doubt this was one of the most fullfilling experiences that I have ever experience in our industry.  The combination of so many of my heroes and friends, notwithstanding the scores of fans and supporters, made it so special to me.  These photos were taken with my own personal camera, obviously I had to get folks to take them for me, as I had to be in them with my friends.
With "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase and Virgil.
My longtime friend and wrestling media legend Bill Apter.
Tony Atlas
With Stacy "Kat" Carter and Tony Atlas.
The Original Hollywood Blonds - Jerry Brown, Buddy Roberts, and Oliver Humperdink.

From my arrival at the Charlotte Airport until I left "The Queen City" it was an experience to say the least.  I had the pleasure of riding from the airport with Skandar Akbar in the front seat with our driver Mike; as I sat in the back with Gerald Brisco squeezed in between myself and Sir Oliver Humperdink.  No doubt Highspots and RF Video would have paid for a recording of that trip.

I wish I had the time, room, and the words to tell of every handshake, meeting, and hug.  Without offending anybody, two stand out.  My partner from World Class Wrestling, "Flamboyant" Eric Embry had just finished his appearance as I arrived, and he was preparing to leave.  We shared about 20 private minutes in my hotel room.  It had been 20-years since we had seen each other, however we had remained in contact via the internet.  It seemed like yesterday.

Another meeting, went pretty much unobserved, although I am told that many would have loved to have witnessed and had a photograph of the moment.  That was between myself and Tammy "Sunny" Sytch.  You see... Tammy and myself have been on the "outs" since her WWF days with "The Body Donnas".  After all these years and bad words about each other, if you would ask me what happened, my memories are somewhat vague.  All I can say is that when I hugged her neck I told her... "You were young. I was old, and I am still old."  It was senseless to hold that grudge for so many years, and I am truly happy that it is over.  We are now Facebook friends.  Yes, I guess hell finally froze over.
My friend for at least 35-years, Porkchop Cash.
No words are really necessary here. With my brothers
Jim Cornette and Oliver Humperdink.
Jimmy, Hump, and Skandar Akbar.
All of us with Terry Funk.
With Jackie Moore, another dear friendship that
goes back to The Dallas Sportatorium when
she first began her ring career.
My dear Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Stacy "Kat" Carter
With another dear friend Terri Runnels.
Am I the lucky one or not?
The "Boogie Woogie Man" and his dear lady.

They were all there...  Sting, Tito Santana, Sid Vicious, Danny Spivey, Bob & Brad Armstrong, Mr. Wrestling II, Chief Jay Strongbow, Al Perez, Matt Borne, Bryan Danielson, Adam Pearce, Baby Doll, Paul London, Jimmy Snuka, Marty Janetty, Shane Douglas, Paul Elelring, Larry Hennig, Ted Allen, Jim Duggan,  The Stro, The Funks, Gerry Brisco, Reggie Parks, Sonny King, and I am sorry I am leaving so many out.  And special thanks to Duane Long Photography and his lovely wife and sister-in-law for making it possible for me to be there.  Lastly but certainly not least, kudos to Greg Price and his team, who made The NWA LEGENDS WEEKEND what it was.

I have so many stories and memories of this weekend in my mind, and I will take many of them to the grave with me.  I just wish I had the vocabulary to explain them all to you.  I will just have to reiterate that it was no less than outstanding, and highly suggest that if you have a true passion for this business that you make plans to attend next year.

Be Blessed.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My pictures and report on The NWA Legends Fanfest are coming...

As promised, I will have pictures from my personal camera, and my thoughts on this past weekend's NWA LEGENDS FANFEST right here very soon.  I have been hopping around since I returned from Charlotte taking care of personal business and hopefully things will be finished today.  If The Good Lord willing we will have things posted here tonight or tomorrow.
Be Blessed.