Tuesday, December 22, 2009


On this day at 4:30 pm, 31-years ago, Dianna and I were married. Aside from the births of my sons and grand-daughters, it was without a doubt the happiest day of my life. After the service we piled into our car, hit Interstate 10, with a bottle of Jack Daniels, and headed for New Orleans where we spent our honeymoon on Bourbon Street. Notwithstanding the fact that she was only 17, and going into the clubs was a no-no. We didn't need the clubs anyway, we were kickstarting our dreams.

There's so many stories, so many precious memories. I've thought that if I knew what I know now 31-years ago, would I have done the same thing. You're damn right I would; and she would too.

A year ago tonight, she was beginning to get really sick, and in so much pain. I think maybe she knew, but dummy me didn't have a clue that in just 5 short weeks she would be gone. Despite the pain, she wanted to go out anyway, and we did. Just to a local steakhouse. She gave me a brand new wedding band that night, as I had lost mine (the 3rd in 30-years by the way) at Mardi Gras the year before. That ring is still on my finger as I type this. Recently, I have been so troubled about what to do with it. I know there are no rules for this situation; they say when the time is right you will know it. I'll let you know tomorrow what my decision was.

The future of her rings was simple as she told me so many times they were to go to our grand-daughters and are tucked away in a safe until that time comes.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MY LOVE... I will never forget, and will always remember when...

Be Blessed my friends. My heart aches today but there's a happy song in there too, knowing that The Good Lord allowed me to share Dianna's life; and I continue to share it everyday though the bright eyes and smiles of my two sons, and two grand-daughters.
