Monday, July 20, 2009

The Eagle Landed

It does my heart good this morning to remember and write about something other than somebody in my life dying. Looking back 40-years ago, I was 15-years old and I remember this day so vividly. I had three sets of heroes in my life at that time, astronauts, pro wrestlers, and funeral directors. Amazing... huh?

Like many 15-year olds back in those days I was indeed a "space nut". It felt so good to have heroes who exceeded the bounds of our everyday life. Even today, I still feel that same unexplainable feeling in my gut, and the goosebumps as well, when I watch Apollo 11 blastoff from Cape Kennedy.

I saved all the newspaper and magazine clippings, which I still have today. I built and launced my own model rockets, while keeping my eyes focused on stars. I knew the words by heart... "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Maybe this is what we need in our lives today. More heroes...

Be Blessed.