Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thanks... Chiseled In Stone...

A good Holy Saturday to you all! Thank you all so much for the thoughtful birthday wishes! I worked almost all day, directing the largest funeral I have ever had at my funeral home in the early afternoon. Then my friend "Rocket" who is a local independent wrestler and owns a tattoo shop, gave me a new tattoo. It was my 7th. Many of you probably don't know that I even had any, but hey you don't run with The Undertaker all those years and escape getting any ink. My sons had one designed in memory of Dianne for us when she died, they got theirs right away but I delayed getting mine until yesterday, so now we all match (tattoo-wise that is). Then we all went out to a local watering hole had a few and sang some Karaoke. I sang "Yardsale" by Sammy Kershaw, then cousin Marcel and myself did Possum's "He stopped loving her today". I think I made Dianna smile, and myself too for a change.

This afternoon we are having a small family gathering at my oldest sons house. By the way, today he and his wife Beth gave birth to our first grandchild in 2003, his name was Troy Mitchell. He passed away within 24 hours. But we all know that he is in the arms of his Grandma Dianna. I am going to put some flowers on his gravesite in a bit, something Dianne always made sure was taken care of several times a year.

Dianne's (Our) headstone was set on Thursday. Several of you have asked to see photos, so heres a few if you are interested. You can click on them to make them larger.

"You don't know about lonely,
Or how long nights can be,
Till you lived through the story
That's still livin' in me,
And you don't know about sadness
'til you faced life alone,
You don't know about lonely
'til it's chiseled in stone."
She loved Dolphins and playing BINGO, which explains the designs.

My place is already set, all they have to do is put the date when I make my departure. My emblems is a Morticians Logo and two wrestlers. Fitting... huh?

This photo shows the relationship between our gravesites and my brothers. That's "Bubba" to Dianna's left (our right when looking at the picture). I think most of you know "Bubba" died in 2006, also from cancer.

A larger photo of the section of the cemetery where our property is located. The yellow arrow in the left is our spaces, and on the right is brother "Bubba".

Well I think that will do it for today.

Be Blessed.
