Saturday, February 28, 2009

Four Weeks Ago Tonight

It doesn't hardly seem possible. It is more like a dream... or maybe a nightmare. Four weeks ago tonight, Our Good Lord saw fit to take Dianna home to be with him; free from all pain, and at peace for eternity.

I can't lie to you and say it has been an easy four weeks. It's been rough, my friends. Just when I think I have everything under control... something happens to reinforce the fact that I am far from being under control.

A picture, a place, a smell, a song, almost anything brings back a memory... I still find myself reaching for the phone to call her... but she is not there. Damn - I miss her!

They say that everything I am experiencing is normal, and that it will take time. I've told so many families that have have served in my position as a funeral director, that the death of a loved one is like an open wound on your body. It will heal in time, but that scar will always be there as a reminder.

It is also said that talking or writing about it helps, and this BLOG may be exactly what I need. But my friends, I feel so guilty dumping this all on you. You folks have been so good to me during the most trying times of my life. I appreciate you more than you will ever know.

My Dad was admitted to the hospital yesterday (Friday) with a blood clot. Please keep him in your prayers too.

Be that as it may, I will leave you today with a song by Brad Paisley and Dolly Parton - When I Get Where I'm Going. This was going to be the final song at Dianna's service. However, the CD or player, or both wouldn't work, and it didn't get to play.

So... we will play it today, knowing fully that Dianna has already got where she was going. She has been there 4-weeks.

Be Blessed.