Saturday, February 28, 2009

Four Weeks Ago Tonight

It doesn't hardly seem possible. It is more like a dream... or maybe a nightmare. Four weeks ago tonight, Our Good Lord saw fit to take Dianna home to be with him; free from all pain, and at peace for eternity.

I can't lie to you and say it has been an easy four weeks. It's been rough, my friends. Just when I think I have everything under control... something happens to reinforce the fact that I am far from being under control.

A picture, a place, a smell, a song, almost anything brings back a memory... I still find myself reaching for the phone to call her... but she is not there. Damn - I miss her!

They say that everything I am experiencing is normal, and that it will take time. I've told so many families that have have served in my position as a funeral director, that the death of a loved one is like an open wound on your body. It will heal in time, but that scar will always be there as a reminder.

It is also said that talking or writing about it helps, and this BLOG may be exactly what I need. But my friends, I feel so guilty dumping this all on you. You folks have been so good to me during the most trying times of my life. I appreciate you more than you will ever know.

My Dad was admitted to the hospital yesterday (Friday) with a blood clot. Please keep him in your prayers too.

Be that as it may, I will leave you today with a song by Brad Paisley and Dolly Parton - When I Get Where I'm Going. This was going to be the final song at Dianna's service. However, the CD or player, or both wouldn't work, and it didn't get to play.

So... we will play it today, knowing fully that Dianna has already got where she was going. She has been there 4-weeks.

Be Blessed.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday... Whooooooo Birthdays...

Today is Ash Wednesday, celebrated in my Catholic Faith as the first day of Lent. It occurs forty-six days (forty days not counting Sundays) before Easter. Ash Wednesday gets its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a sign of repentance. The ashes used are gathered after the Palm Crosses from the previous year's Palm Sunday are burned. The priest who presides at the service makes the sign of the cross with the ashes upon each of those present. As he does so, he recites the words: "Remember man that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

Today is also Ric Flair's 60th birthday. I wish my friend the very best, because in the world of professional wrestling he is the very best.

Forgive me, but with all of the Mardi Gras madness going on yesterday, I forgot to mention that it was my daughter-in-law Jami's 22nd birthday. Jami is my youngest son Daniel's lady, the mother of my second grand-daughter, Danielle. I didn't forget, as I called her and sent her a little gift, but I just failed to list in it here on my BLOG.

Yesterday was also my oldest pet dachshund "Oscar" 6th birthday. Believe me, my three dogs were spoiled before Dianna left us; they are absolutely rotten now, thanks to me. LOL

Have a great day, and as always...
Be Blessed.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

HAPPY MARDI GRAS - Watch Streaming Coverage LIVE from Mobile


You can watch streaming live coverage from downtown Mobile, AL by clicking on this link: LIVE STREAMING ALL DAY MARDI GRAS COVERAGE

You can also watch one of the live traffic cams focused all day on one of the main downtown streets by clicking here: LIVE DOWNTOWN MOBILE TRAFFIC CAM

You can get a larger picture by right clicking on either live stream and highlight 'zoom' and 'full screen'; then hit the 'Esc' key and it will return to the normal size screen.

I am working today, and will not be downtown in the midst of a predicted 200,000+ Mardi Gras celebrants. So I will be checking these live feeds out most of the day, just like you.

Enjoy and Be Blessed!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mardi Gras in full force...

If you are not from our part of the country you may have a problem understanding Mardi Gras. Many think it is only in New Orleans, but as we have discussed here every year it started right here in my hometown of Mobile, AL. Believe it or not many businesses are closed today and tomorrow, and schools are out as the good times roll.

Dianna and I always loved Mardi Gras, and I went to a number of parades this year with family and friends, and had a great time. However, as I grow older, today and tomorrow's festivities can be a bit too much. Anyway... I have to work. Thank God. LOL

Friday was kind of a tough day for me, as I received Dianna's certified death certificates and had to begin taking care of some of her final buisness. Taking her name off of our checking account, and closing her cell phone number was certainly a strain.

You folks have a fantastic Mardi Gras!

Be Blessed.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kerry... and opening my heart to my friends.

On this date in 1993, my dear friend Kerry Von Erich passed away. I will never forget him.

You know as crazy as it may sound, I knew I wanted to be in funeral service from the time I was 8-years old. I think it was a result of a combination of the death of my paternal grandfather, and witnessing the pomp and circumstance of our nation burying John F. Kennedy. An amazing thing, isn't it. Now here I am at 54, fortunate to have lived all of my dreams and more in the world of professional wrestling, back working in death care.

Be that as it may, I can honestly tell you I am a much better funeral director today after losing Dianna. I have sat on the other side of that desk in a funeral home making arrangements. Now I can tell the families that I serve that I do know how they feel, and I know exactly what I need to do to assist them in the very best way that I can.

I now believe that facing mortality is life's most complex lesson. I believe it is second only to accepting and understanding the physical loss of a loved one. Human mortality is really physical mortality. The true and everlasting existence is our spiritual life, which is what we Christians believe will never end but endure forever.

In college I remember studying the writings of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in her 1969 book "On Death and Dying". There she described, in five discrete stages, a process by which people deal with grief and tragedy. The stages are known as the Five Stages of Grief. They are: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Since Dianna's passing, I think I go through all five of these stages everyday, at least once an hour.

I will NEVER forget the last time she told me she loved me. It was the morning of the day she died. I had made her as comfortable as possible when I was leaving for work. As I opened the door to leave, she said... "remember that I love you." Thinking back, something was so different with those words that morning. When I got into the car, I felt so all alone, and tears came to my eyes for seemingly no reason. But that wasn't the last time I saw her alive.

I got home about 3pm that Saturday afternoon, January 31st. We watched TV, I went out and got us something to eat, she was hurting so bad and depended on the recently prescribed morphine to ease the pain. At 8:30 pm, I got a call from my funeral home notifying me of a death, and I had to leave to take care of business. I made her comfortable again, and told her I would be back about 11pm.

I returned home at 11:30, the moment I opened the door and gazed at her peacefully in her big lazy-boy recliner in the living room, I knew she was gone. For over 30 years, whenever I would catch her napping, as mean as I am, I would scream her name and she would get startled and jump. I screamed her name, she didn't jump this time. Our three dachshunds were all gathered at her feet. Nobody can tell me they didn't know what was happening. Her physical pain was no longer.

Gosh... I'm gonna miss that girl. I met her when she was 16, married her at 17, and she had our oldest son at 18. Seven years later our second son Daniel was born, while we were in Dallas working for the Von Erichs. When I was home, no matter what, she cooked me breakfast and dinner everyday. She washed my clothes, she clean up my messes, mended relationships with our friends that I screwed up, she was always there. No matter if I was down the street or halfway around the world in the wrestling business.

Dianna never complained. She didn't care about having a fancy house, expensive clothes, jewelery, or money in her purse. She was all about 100% unconditional love for me, our two sons, two grand-daughters, and all of our family and friends. She was truly an angel, who earned her wings and halo staying with the devil (me) for over 30-years.

We will make it. There isn't another option. We must carry on as a tribute to her life and legacy. That is exactly what she would expect from us.

Be Blessed My Friends.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I said... God said...

I said... God, I hurt.
and God said... I know.

I said... God, I cry a lot.
and God said... that is why I gave you tears.

I said...God, I am so depressed.
and God said... that is why I gave you sunshine.

I said... God, life is hard.
and God said... that is why I gave you loved ones.

I said, God, my loved one died.
and God said... so did mine.

I said God, it is such a loss.
and God said... I saw mine nailed to a cross.

I said, God your loved one lives.
and God said... so does yours.

I said... where are they now?
and God said, mine is on my right and yours is in the light.

I said... God, it hurts.
and God said... I know.

I could have missed the pain... but I would have had to miss the dance.

Be Blessed.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines... Mardi Gras... and a first birthday...

Happy Valentines Day to all of my extended family and first time visitors here!
Today is also my grand-daughter Danielle Marie's (left) first birthday. Here she is swinging with cousin Grace in Grandpa Moody's backyard this past week.

Regular visitors here know our affection for Mobile's Mardi Gras. The celebration is in full force right now. Dianna and myself loved the parades each and every year. I know she would want me to continue the tradition, so we have already been to a couple of parades and plan on another tonight with friends.

Once again, I thank you all for your continued prayers and support. Dianna passed away two weeks ago tonight.

Be Blessed.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

One week ago today...

One week ago today we buried Dianna beneath the red clay earth of Alabama. To say that the past 13-days have been overwhelming would be an understatement. It is impossible for me to answer each and every email from all of you wonderful folks. I would like to... but there are 400 of them unanswered right now. I will just have to reach out to you with a virtual hug, as you all reached out to me, and thank you from all of my family, and Dianna's as well.

Everything was so beautiful.

God Bless.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Thank you from the bottom of my heart...

Dianna Lynn Moody, my bride of 30-years, passed away peacefully in her sleep Saturday night, January 31st. She had two valiant battles with breast cancer, followed by numerous health issues primarily as a result of the radiation and chemotherapy used to destroy the deadly cells that were destroying her. She has been fairly well until the last 3 or 4 months. However the last three weeks have been hell on earth for her, with a quality of life of zero, hooked to oxygen 24/7, and countless pain medications. In a couple of days we will honor her in the manner she deserves, as we know she is at peace with Our Lord with so many of our family and friends that have gone before us. There is no doubt that she is rocking our grandson Troy as I type this.

There were over 30,000 visits to my website today and countless emails that unfortunately I cannot answer them all. So I must reopen my BLOG this evening, and thank you all for the thoughts, prayers, and messages. My family is truly humbled.

Be Blessed My Friends.