Thursday, January 08, 2009

That just about does it... Don't It ?

February 12, 2009 -
In the world of professional wrestling we would call this post a false finish. With Dianna gone, my BLOG goes on... just please bear with me on this emotional roller coaster I am riding.

Hello my friends,

For those of you that visit my BLOG regularly, you probably aren't too surprised that this day has arrived. Effective today, I will no longer keep this BLOG, which has always been my personal letter to my cherished family of fans and friends.

I don't think that it is necessary to go on and on about my reasoning. I will just want to celebrate the 4-years and 526 posts that I shared with you here.

On January 8, 2005, I opened and made my very first post; which by the way is still available in the archives, if you are interested. My primary reason for jumping into blogging was to escape the infernal message board scene, which I loathe. My first BLOG spoke of the Cauliflower Alley Club, the Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion, the 13th anniversary of the death of one of my best friends Ralph Pulley, and the 18th birthday of my youngest son Daniel, who turns 22 today (photo below).

I said a long time ago, that after I have lived every dream that I ever imagined (and more) in the world of professional wrestling, if it is not fun, I don't care to do it any more. I just can't turn something I love, wrestling, into a chore for me. Wrestling certainly isn't my primary source of income any longer, although I do keep my finger on the pulse of the industry.

I will keep this BLOG on my website for a bit, then eventually it will be removed. However, my website will go on. Over 720,000 folks visited in 2008. I appreciate each and every one of you!

My email will remain, and like always, I will continue to read and answer every message I receive. That address is:

My final picture here is that of myself and my son Daniel a.k.a. "D.J. Pringle". Daniel turns 22 today and he is one of the brightest lights in Dianna and myself's life. He is a husband and father now, and seems to be growing into a fine man. Although I am not happy with some of his choices, they are his to make. He has strayed away from what I would like him to do in wrestling, but... the entire industry certainly isn't the business I grew up in and fell in love with so many years ago. Nothing I can do or say can change things, believe me I tried.

I wish you all the very best, and look forward to your emails.

Be Blessed.