Saturday, November 22, 2008

Looking Back - 45 years and 18 years ago today

I was 9-years old, yet it seems like yesterday. President John F. Kennedy was murdered on the streets of Dallas, Texas on this date in 1963. My life changed that day in so many ways. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that my future in funeral service was set that day. There hasn't been a Novemebr 22nd that has passed for the last 45 years that I have not remembered.
I will never forget.

18-years ago today, The Undertaker persona was born. I didn't see it live, as I couldn't afford the PPV. Unlike the death of JFK, this event changed my life also. I salute my friend and business associate Mark Calaway today. Thanks for the memories.
One week until ALABAMA /AUBURN !
Be Blessed.

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