Friday, May 16, 2008

One year ago today... GSW CLOSED

In August 2005, myself and three associates legally incorporated GULF SOUTH WRESTLING. We had our first series of events at Mobile's GREATER GULF STATE FAIR in October 2005. Immediately beginning a solid year running events in the Grand Bay Community Center in west Mobile County, only to leave that fine venue (seen below) because we outgrew it and needed a larger building.
We decided to join with Alabama's Largest Entertainment Complex THE WHISKEY in Mobile, running very successful late Sunday afternoon events, catered to familes with no alcohol being sold. We only left THE WHISKEY after almost a year of outstanding productions because the venue wanted to start selling alcohol, and that did not meet our business plan. In May of 2006, we were invited to become members of The NATIONAL WRETSLING ALLIANCE - NWA.
We had the top pro wrestling training center in the southeast (photos above and below), second only at the time to WWE's Deep South Wrestling's developmental center outside of Atlanta. Our graduates are main eventers in most Gulf Coast independent promotions this very day. We are proud of each and every one of them!

Our first of two mega-events in Citronelle, Alabama we packed the High School Gym to the brim with 700 screaming fans who lined up hours before the doors officially opened (photos above and below).
The photo above was 30-minutes after the doors opened, and below was our setup prior to the event.
I said from the beginning that as far as my career in pro wrestling is concerned post-WWE, if it is not fun and if I can't do it right, I won't do it. I went back into funeral service full time and my days dedicated to GSW became very limited. It slowly became not fun for me, and I was unable to continue to do it right anymore.

One year ago today, on May 16, 2007, GULF SOUTH WRESTLING INC. was dissolved. The question always pops up, will I ever do it again? NEVER say NEVER.

Be Blessed.