Friday, April 04, 2008

86,512 VISITORS IN 30-DAYS... Thanks!

Can you believe it? As of 7:15pm tonight 86,512 folks have visited during the past 30-days. That's mind boggling to me my friends, and very humbling to say the least. Thank you all so much for your support and friendship through the years.

There's been so many times that I have wanted to just shut my website down, but just when I get ready to do it there's always an email that changes my mind. So many of you have followed my career from the 'get go.' Your emails always remind me of things that I have forgotten or just haven't thought about in a very long time The regular visitors here can tell when I'm in a bad mood, busy at the funeral home, happy, down remembering friends that have passed, or when I just want to act like the wrestling fan that I am at heart.

Next week, on April 10th, I will turn 54. Damn.... I'm an old fart. As a special gift to you folks, I am going to do my level best to show you a photo, or tell you a story, that I have never shared here before. Believe me, I have boxes of photographs and tons of stories.

Hell... I almost forgot... if you are like me, your computer monitor is dirty as hell. So before you start looking at my pics for today, lets clean it up. All it takes is a click here: PERCY'S COMPUTER MONITOR CLEANER

So in thanksgiving for the 86,512 of you that have crossed these pages this month here is the first couple of photos that I want to share with you in this new series of mine. If you like them let me know, and I will keep them coming.

Oh yessssssssssss...............
Here's a favorite of mine, from left to right, Mick 'Mankind' Foley, Bruce 'Brother Love' Prichard, Kane, and myself horsing around backstage during a WWE TV taping several years ago.

Check back, for some more over the weekend.

Be Blessed.

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