Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Today is not only Elvis Presley's Birthday. On this day in 1987, in Dallas, Texas, we welcomed our youngest son Daniel Joseph "D.J." into the world. Please join Dianna and myself, as we celebrate the fact that we got him to that magic number of 21! Daniel and his lady Jami, will become parents of a daughter, Danielle Marie, in just a few weeks.

Watch over our child, dear Lord. As he stumbles, hold him. In his times of anger, love him. In his times of fear, touch him. In his times of foolishness, teach him. When he strays from your path, retrieve your lost sheep. Watch over our child, dear Lord. Do not grant all the desires of his heart, But grant all the needs of his soul. Let him know sacrifice and discipline So that he may know strength and faith. Watch over our child, dear Lord. Give him love for the beauty of the world you have made. Give him love for his family and friends. Give him love for the stranger in his midst. And above all, give him love for you,That he may know you, Serve you, And glorify you. Watch over our child, dear Lord, quiet our worries and fears. May we, trust in your love for our man child, and find rest and peace in the knowledge that you are with him. Amen.

Be Blessed.