Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I Voted Today... Gino Hernandez... and more

I was at the polls this morning as the doors opened to cast my ballot in the Alabama Presidential primary. As I told you folks a couple of weeks ago, the Alabama primary is set for "Super Tuesday" next week, however because it is also Mardi Gras day, registered voters along the Gulf Coast of Alabama voted today. The results will be sealed until "Super Tuesday."

After much deliberation and jumping around, I cast my vote for Hillary Clinton. Hillary was my initial choice, and I decided to go with my first impression. We shall see what we shall see...

"Gorgeous" Gino Hernandez died on this date in 1986. That was 22-years ago, which just blows my mind as it seems like yesterday. We'll never forget...

Be Blessed.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

BIRTHDAY WISHES - Hardcore Bob Holly

A special birthday shoutout today to my longtime friend "Hardcore" Bob Holly. You regular visitors here are familiar with my relationship with Bob, and how proud I am of his accomplishments within our industry. He's good people... and I wish him the very best today!
Be Blessed.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Remembering A Gentle Giant

My youngest son Daniel (who is now 21) sits on the lap of Andre The Giant when he was 4 years old. Andre passed away on this date in 1993. We will not forget...
Be Blessed.

Friday, January 25, 2008

FOUR ANGELS - The Senior Bowl and more...

Imagine just for a moment a "father," and I use that term loosely, driving to the middle of a 3-mile span, and tossing each of his four children one by one off the bridge more than 80-feet to their deaths.
That is exactly what happened in south Mobile County two weeks ago. The last of the babies were recovered this week, and tomorrow the community will gather together to remember the young lives. It is amazing how little national media attention this horrible incident received. Be that as it may... the funerals will be slightly overshadowed by the annual Senior Bowl game here in Mobile, and it is also the peak of Mardi Gras season.
I have another meeting of the GULF COAST WRESTLERS REUNION tomorrow afternoon, as our 17th annual gathering takes place on March 7 and 8th. I hope you all have a good weekend.
Be Blessed.

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Monday, January 21, 2008


Remembering Rev. Martin Luther King today.
THE BUSSEY BUNCH premiers on TLC, tomorrow (Tuesday night), January 22nd at 8pm (CT). Could be an intersting piece of bidness, if you wheeeel.........
Be Blessed.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008


It is with pleasure that I announce a new member of the Moody Family. My niece Donna Marie (my sister's daughter) and her husband Chris are the proud parents of Aidan Hawk. Aidan was born at 12:45 pm (ET) today in Jacksonville, FL. He weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz., and was 20 inches tall.

My parents and my sister left Mobile this morning as soon as they got the news that she was in labor. I take that back... my mom had to have her hair fixed first. LOL Unfortunately they were just past Tallahasse when Christian made his arrival.

Now I will have twice the reason to celebrate Mardi Gras on the streets of Mobile tonight. It's gonna' be kind of chilly, so I think Jack Daniels may just go with us. heheheeeeee.....

Be Blessed.


That's right it's still mid-January, but Mardi Gras officially begins in the City of Mobile tonight, Friday, January 18th! The Conde Cavaliers roll at 6:30 pm. Of course 'The Pringle Gang' will be in our usual spot at the southwest corner of St. Francis and Conception Streets, right across from Bienville Square. Come join the party! We're easy to find, you can't miss us! If the creeks don't rise and The Good Lord willing, we will be there for every parade, with the exception of Mardi Gras Day.
Be Blessed.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

WCCW-WWE DVD and more...

Wishing you all a fine weekend, my friends!

I finally had the opportunity to finish watching the WWE tribute to World Class Championship Wrestling this week. We've talked so much about WCCW through the years. It is still a very emotional subject for me, that is (and will always be) very close to my heart. Basically, WWE did an absolutely fantastic job with the production of the DVD, and I enjoyed it tremendously. I think it has a place in any of your pro wrestling libraries.

The WCCW days were so long ago. Many of us that were there and experienced it first hand have selective memories concerning some of the events. In some situations the 100% truth wasn't told, but I think that maybe it should never be told out of respect to those who have gone before us.

Be that as it may, I understand that we all have different opinions about everybody. Everybody doesn't like everybody in professional wrestling. What a dull existence it would be if we did. I think the world of Gary Hart, and have called him "Uncle Gary" for years. However, I totally disagree with what he said about Ken Mantell. But again, to each their own opinion.

In my personal opinion, Ken Mantell was one of the finest gentlemen, and one of the greatest creative minds in our business that I have ever met in my 30+ years in the sport. I have always thought that Ken would have been a perfect fit into the WWE at one time. Unfortunately, Ken divorced himself from our industry many years ago and we will never be allowed to draw from his ring experience again.

It was so uplifting to see myself manage Rick Rude and One Man Gang, against Bruiser Brody and Missing Link, with Bronco Lubich as the referee. I had almost forgotten that one. Then it hit home that between the six of us out there, four of them have passed on. I have hundreds of hours of footage from those days, but rarely, if ever do I watch it.

I have a special place in my heart for Fritz and Doris Von Erich, their sons, and their company. I would have never achieved the heights that I have enjoyed in pro wrestling if it wasn't for the six-years that I spent in Dallas, Texas. God Bless them all!

I will take my memories of World Class Championship Wrestling to the grave with me, and will in time share some more of them with you in the 'Storytime' section of my website.

Speaking of WWE. The company will be doing RAW live this Monday night, right here in my hometown of good 'ol Mobile, Alabama. I certainly look forward to seeing my extended family again!

Be Blessed.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Today is not only Elvis Presley's Birthday. On this day in 1987, in Dallas, Texas, we welcomed our youngest son Daniel Joseph "D.J." into the world. Please join Dianna and myself, as we celebrate the fact that we got him to that magic number of 21! Daniel and his lady Jami, will become parents of a daughter, Danielle Marie, in just a few weeks.

Watch over our child, dear Lord. As he stumbles, hold him. In his times of anger, love him. In his times of fear, touch him. In his times of foolishness, teach him. When he strays from your path, retrieve your lost sheep. Watch over our child, dear Lord. Do not grant all the desires of his heart, But grant all the needs of his soul. Let him know sacrifice and discipline So that he may know strength and faith. Watch over our child, dear Lord. Give him love for the beauty of the world you have made. Give him love for his family and friends. Give him love for the stranger in his midst. And above all, give him love for you,That he may know you, Serve you, And glorify you. Watch over our child, dear Lord, quiet our worries and fears. May we, trust in your love for our man child, and find rest and peace in the knowledge that you are with him. Amen.

Be Blessed.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Remembering a dear friend...

On this day in 1992, I lost one of the best friends
any man could ever be blessed to have.
Ralph Pulley.

Ralph was a "jack of all trades" for the Von Erich's
World Class Wrestling organization in Dallas.
He worked in the Sportatorium office, he
refereed, announced, and sang the National Anthem
at the major events for many years.
It doesn't seem possible that he has been gone for
16 years. I will never forget him!
Be Blessed.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Saturday Night At The Matches

I will be in my youngest son D.J.'s corner tomorrow night (Saturday) in Pensacola, Florida as he competes in a 6-man tag team event. It should be a good one! If you live in the area come out and say "howdy!"

Be Blessed.

Thursday, January 03, 2008


Hello my friends,
It was 22 degrees (11 degree windchill) when my feet hit the floor at 5:30 am, here in God's Country. Believe you me that is as cold as it gets around here!

The cold snap got me thinking that Mardi Gras this year falls earlier than ever. Ash Wednesday is on February 6th, so that translates into a February 5th Mardi Gras Day. In fact, February 5th is Alabama's primary election day. Mardi Gras is so important around here that the coastal Alabama counties will go to the polls early, on Friday, February 1st.
You regular visitors here know how much we love and enjoy Mardi Gras. Some may not understand that the festival was born right here in Mobile, not in New Orleans. I have a feeling that we are going to freeze on the streets this year! Guess I better talk to Mr. Jack Daniels about ordering some extra anti-freeze. The first official parade will roll on Friday, January 18th.
I hear tell that it will be 50+ years before Mardi Gras comes this early again. Mercy... my 3 year-old granddaughter will be in her fifties and my fatt butt will be six feet under. LOL
I will be appearing at an independent event in Pensacola this Saturday night. We'll get some information on that up for you shortly.
Be Blessed.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights.Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a fresh page. Take up one hole more in the buckle if necessary, or let down one, according to circumstances; but on the first of January let every man gird himself once more, with his face to the front, and take no interest in the things that were and are past.

Be Blessed.

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