Sunday, August 12, 2007


Today I mark the passing of another ring legend that I am proud to call my friend. Sandor Lupsity, a.k.a. Bronko Lubich died in Dallas, Texas yesterday. Many of you only remember Bronko from seeing him referee with The Von Erich's World Class Wrestling out of Dallas. However, Bronko was involved in our industry for many years also as a wrestler, manager, and member of the WCCW office staff.

I learned so much from Bronko during my six-years in Dallas, and he was so proud of me when I went to WWF/WWE. We have exchanged Christmas cards every year for the past 16-years.

He is now at peace with his dear wife Ella; and I wish his daughters my love and sympathy.

Go rest high on the mountain my friend, you work on earth is done!

Bronko with Chris Markoff and their manager George Harris.

"Bronk" with a young Bobby Duncum.

I have also learned that my longtime friend Dewey Robertson "The Missing Link" is now hospitalized in his hometown in Canada battling the final stages of cancer. Please keep him in your prayers.

Be Blessed.

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