Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'm glad I didn't know the way it all would end...


I remember January 16, 1985 vividly. It was my first day working with Championship Wrestling From Florida, and my first encounter with Dewey Robertson, "The Missing Link." To say that Dewey is one of the most unique individuals that I have experienced in my 30-plus years in sports entertainment is definitely an understatement. The lessons I learned as his manager while traveling countless miles around the country in one of his old classic green Cadillacs will never be forgotten.

I was honored when Dewey asked me to write the forward to his autobiography. He sent me an advance manuscript to read, and asked for my suggestions. I made several notes as I read, and realized that it wasn't my place to make any changes to my friend's life story. This is a Byron Robertson chronicle. I tossed my notes into the trash, and returned the book exactly as it was sent to me. However, I must say that I secretly kept something from the package that I addressed to Hamilton, Ontario. I retained a renewed respect for the man known as The Missing Link.

BANG YOUR HEAD is as unique as Dewey himself. These chapters document his battles in and out of the professional wrestling ring, and the defeat of the many demons he befriended along the way. His determination and persistance to keep moving forward exemplifies his heart and soul.

Faith, family, and friends are what this personal story is all about. I am so proud to have crossed life's pathways with the author. I am no doubt a better man, and I believe you will walk away from this reading with the exact same sentiments.

Now...turn the page and experience Dewey - The Missing Link.

Taken from the forward that I wrote for Dewey's autobiography BANG YOUR HEAD - The Real Story Of The Missing Link. Myself and the world of pro wrestling have lost three friends during the past 6 days. Bronko Lubich, Bryan "Crush" Adams, and Dewey. In a world where wrestling deaths have been making the news headlines, and the hallowed halls of our nation's capital as well; it wasn't the demons of Dewey's past that took him from us. It was the beast - CANCER. "Dew" pinned his other demons to the mat, but from that dreaded disease he couldn't kick out.
I have so many fond memories of my years of friendship with The Link.

There was the time while working Florida we were driving up Highway A1A, along the Atlantic coast. We were headed from Miami to Daytona Beach, and had plenty of time. Dewey's ex-wife Gail, who served as his valet under her ringname "Sheena", was our chauffer as we tooled around in his big classic green caddy; smoke pouring out of the windows (shades of Cheech and Chong). Gail suggested that we pull alongside the beach so she could stretch her legs and get a bit of sun. As we rested alongside the seawall, we got the usual looks that a trio like us would get (see the photo below). I didn't pay too much attention to it, as I was used to the every day thing. After about 30 or 40 minutes, it dawned upon me that there were no bikinis running around. I asked Gail if she thought something was funny here. After a few seconds checking out our surroundings she said... (now bless her heart, she stuttered a bit sometimes)... "PPPPPPercy... I tthink tthis isisis a gggga ga ga gay beach!"

Well, she was right on the money! There we were surrounded by well... I think you get the picture. Ahhhh... I guess you had to be there.

Then there was the visits to the nudist camp. Yes, Dewey was a nudist, and naturally they lived in a nudist park. Lord, where do I begin. What an experience for this Alabama country boy! The first time that Rick Rude and myself were invited to a Bar-B-Q there will never be forgotten. Nope... I'm not going to tell that one. LOL Forget it, sorry, use your imaginations. I will tell you I didn't take my drawers off, and "Simply Ravishing" Rick Rude didn't either.
Dewey was a good man, and a good friend. He loved his family, his Lord, and sports entertainment. He was sick for longer than most of us knew, and if there is any comfort in any of this, he isn't in pain anymore. I probably can't say that for the rest of the boys standing around the pearly gates when he walked in this morning. Poor 'ol Bronko Lubich has only been there for 4 days, and here comes Dewey asking him for a loan, just like he used to back in the World Class days. LOL

And now, I'm glad I didn't know the way it all would end, the way it all would go. Our lives are better left to chance, I could have missed the pain. But I'd would have had to miss the dance.
