Sunday, April 01, 2007

WWE HOF and WRESTLEMANIA comments...


For those of us that follow our industry, we all look forward to this weekend from year to year. Having been blessed to be a part of this business for over 30-years, I throughly enjoyed watching The WWE Hall of Fame broadcast last evening. I worked with all of the inductees, and know them all on both a professional and personal basis. They were all certainly worthy of the distinguished honor.

To see Curt Hennig's family again, brought back so many pleasant memories of my dear departed friend. The last time I saw him, we were sitting up in the stands in the afternoon before a TNA event in Nashville, and he was showing me pictures of his kids. He was so proud of them, and last night I could see that same pride that they all shared for their loving father.

Dusty was great as usual, sharing the spotlight with those that helped shape his career. Lawler was Lawler as his usual royal self, I wouldn't expect any thing different. Jim Ross was indeed the class act that he is 24/7, what you see is what you get with "good ol J.R." Ahhhh... Mr. Fuji... bless his heart... we we together so many times, in so many arenas around the world, night after night. Seeing him after several years, brought up my sincere feelings for him., I love the man.

Notwithstanding Nick Bockwinkle, I first met him back in 1978 when one of the men I was managing met him for The AWA World Heavyweight Title. Afa and Sika, they have always claimed Pensacola as home, and that's just down the street. I've watched them since I first got hooked on this unique addictive sport of ours. It was all good.

My best to all of my brothers in the Class of 2007! I am certainly not bragging, then again maybe I might be, it is comforting to know that I will have a place right alongside of them when the time comes.

That brings us to the grand-daddy of them all... WRESTLEMAINIA 23 in just a few hours. Normally, I truthfully don't make a special effort to watch the product these days like I used to do. But I have all intentions of joining some of my GULF SOUTH WRESTLING family tonight for the live PPV.

I wish I had the vocabulary to tell you all what it is like to walk that WRESTLEMANIA aisle. I started at WRESTLEMANIA - 7 in 1991, and my last was WRESTLEMANIA - 20 in 2004. I just thank the Good Lord for allowing this country boy from South Alabama the opportunities I have experienced. It's a wonderful life.

I have been contacted numerous times over the past few weeks, to do print and internet interviews regarding this annual spectacular event. Most always ask the question what do I think about The Undertaker's winning streak... will tonight be the night it will end?

'Taker and I speak often, although not as much as we both would like due to his schedule, but you know that subject never comes up. That is the last thing we would talk about, and if we did, I wouldn't break confidence for anything.

I think that his streak continuing would be good for the business, and that is exactly what it has all been about with me for over 30 years. What is good for our business.

Have a great WRESTLEMANIA folks!
Be Blessed.