Monday, April 09, 2007


Well it's that time of year again...
Tomorrow, April 10th, I will turn 53 years old.
I have been getting birthday emails for the past couple of weeks, and I appreciate each and every one of them! The Moody Family gathered at my parents late yesterday for a "surprise birthday" party for me under the disguise of an "Easter Dinner." The photo above shows me and granddaughter Grace blowing out my birthday candles. Thank God they didn't put 53 candles on it, we would have had a forest fire.
Damn... the older I get the better looking I get if I do say so myself. heheehee.... I guess Gracie takes after her Grandpaw Moody! By the way you are looking at my natural hair color for the first time in probably 30 years. I haven't put anything on my hair in at least a year.
Looking over some of my birthday wishes with Gracie.
Be Blessed.